[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] O.fallax macronuclear

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/15/91)

LOCUS       OFA81MAA     1671 bp ds-DNA             INV       15-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  O.fallax macronuclear (81-MAC family, version A) DNA, region
            SRRHGKH-a (partial).
ACCESSION   M15835 M12073 M13033
KEYWORDS    81-MAC chromosome family; alternative DNA processing;
            homolog of mitochondrial solute carriers.
SOURCE      O.fallax (subkaryonide 3.5) macrocuclear DNA, region SRRHGKH-a,
            clones pMA[83s,81].
  ORGANISM  Oxytricha fallax
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Ciliophora; Polyhymenophora;
            Spirotricha; Hypotrichida; Sporadotrichina; Oxytrichidae.
REFERENCE   1  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Herrick,G., Cartinhour,S., Dawson,D., Ang,D., Sheets,R., Lee,A. and
  TITLE     Mobile elements bounded by C-4-A-4 telomeric repeats in Oxytricha
  JOURNAL   Cell 43, 759-768 (1985)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1617 to 1671)
  AUTHORS   Herrick,G.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1987) Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 1570)
  AUTHORS   Herrick,G., Hunter,D., Williams,K. and Kotter,K.
  TITLE     Alternative processing during development of a macronuclear
            chromosomal family in Oxytricha fallax
  JOURNAL   Genes Dev. 1, 1047-1058 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 1616)
  AUTHORS   Herrick,G., Cartinhour,S.W., Williams,K.R. and Kotter,K.P.
  TITLE     Multiple sequence versions of the Oxytricha fallax 81-MAC alternate
            processing family
  JOURNAL   J. Protozool. 34, 429-434 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   5  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Williams,K.R. and Herrick,G.
  TITLE     Transcription analysis of a gene occupying the Oxytricha fallax
            81-MAC chromosome common region and homologous to mitochondrial
            solute carriers
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
            [Cell 43, 759-768 (1985)]  sites; telomere-bearing element
            Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Protozool. 34,
            429-434 (1987)] kindly provided
            by G.Herrick, 12-DEC-1986.
            This sequence is the final 1671 bp of that referred to as pRRHGKH-a
            in [J. Protozool. 34, 429-434 (1987)].
            The 81-MAC chromosome family is created by alternative processing
            of the micronuclear DNA.  The 81-MAC family consists of three sizes
            of macronuclear chromosomes: 4.9 kb (MACI), 2.9 kb (MACII), and 1.6
            kb (MACIII).  Alternative processing results from alternative
            choice of chromosome break/telomere-addition sites.  The 1.6 kb
            region in common between the three chromosomes bears a transcribed
            open reading frame, the conceptual translation product of which is
            homologous to solute carrier proteins from plants and metazoans.
            There are three distinct micronuclear loci (sequence versions),vA,
            vB, and vC.  Alternative processing of each micronuclear version
            independently gives rise to a I+II+III family of macronuclear
            chromosomes.  The open reading frame is conserved in all three
            versions.  Little is known about the structure of vB micronuclear
            DNA (no clones), but vA and vC micronuclear DNAs bear
            micronucleus-limited sequences called internal eliminated sequences
            (IESs).  vA and vC have small IESs in common, but in addition, vC
            bears two large transposons, TBE1-1 and -2, which also are IESs.
            IESs are precisely excised, leaving one short flanking direct
            repeat in macronuclear DNA.
            The micronuclear IES sequences (excision points annotated below)
            can be found in separate entries: accession numbers M13041 and
            The telomeric sequence 'a [c(4)a(4)]4 c(4)' is added before
            positions 1 and 34, and '[g(4)t(4)]4 g(4)' is added after position
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(complement(1464..1482),complement(1326..1411),
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     mRNA            join(complement(1464..1511),complement(1326..1411),
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     mRNA            join(complement(1464..1513),complement(1326..1411),
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     misc_feature    1..1570
                     /note="macronuclear DNA (MACIII); clone pMA83s (telomere
                     addition site)"
     misc_feature    34..>1671
                     /note="macronuclear DNA (MACI); clone pMA81 (telomere
                     addition site)"
     exon            complement(61..1008)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     misc_feature    262..266
                     /note="IES duplication sequence (excision site after 266)"
     misc_feature    415..417
                     /note="TBE1-1 insertion target sequence (version C)"
     intron          complement(1009..1103)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     exon            complement(1104..1255)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     intron          complement(1256..1325)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     exon            complement(1326..1411)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     misc_feature    1347..1349
                     /note="TBE1-2 insertion target sequence (version C)"
     intron          complement(1412..1463)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     exon            complement(1464..1511)
                     /note="major transcription start site"
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     exon            complement(1464..1513)
                     /note="minor transcription start site"
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     misc_feature    1525..1528
                     /note="IES imperfect duplication sequence (excision site
                     after 1528)"
BASE COUNT      542 a    302 c    272 g    555 t
ORIGIN      144 bp upstream of EcoRI site.
        1 aagtaactta ggactgtgat attaatatca actaagagta tatataaatt taatatttta
       61 aaataggttt aaataacaaa taaatctcta ctttaacaaa aaagcatgtg ataatgctcg
      121 atgttagaga caatttattt tttgaattct cagataattg cgagattttc ttttcctgaa
      181 gggtgagcag ctcccatacc tccagtagct gtagtataag tagcaactaa ttttttattg
      241 aaggcatctg tgtatggatc atgaatatcg taatcgatac cactttgata gtggaatctc
      301 tatggttgcc agaattcttg atcatagtag ttttcgttat agtaatcgac caagaattga
      361 gaaagataac aaatcaagaa caatctgagg aagtaggctt cacctcctgc atagaatgat
      421 ccaaagttag acatccattt tgagttgcac tcgtacttta tgatcttgtt gaagcaatca
      481 atcatgccgt tatatggcat ttgaccgttt ggtagtggtc tcatggtgtg tagtcttgtt
      541 ctgatcatat caaaaggcat gcttacaaca gttccaatag caacagctac ggcagtaccc
      601 cacaatctat taatccaatg aggaccaaag aagaagtagg agttctcctt gcaccaatcg
      661 tagatgtttg tcattgatga acaaatagct gcaagcttaa aaccgttggc accagcacct
      721 ctgaagagag caccttcttc agcaactttc gcaagtcctt aaattgtatt tgagtagttt
      781 cttctggcag cttgtggata aagctcatca acctgcattc tattatagac gatatcgatg
      841 ggatttgtca ctacaccagc aataaatcct ccgagtactc ctgctgctac caagaagtct
      901 ggacgagcaa ctcttctggg atctttattt accttatcgt agaaataacc gaaggctgtt
      961 actctagcag tagtgtaaca aactgttctg aagaagaatg tgtcgaaact ataccaatat
     1021 aaattagcta aatttattgc aattcctcaa ttataaaatt gagagatgtt tttggataac
     1081 ccaaattttg tttatacact tacgcagaat agaattttct gagtccaccg cctgctgcat
     1141 aaatctcttc cataatttag aatggatacc aacctttttg ataaccaagg cctgagaagg
     1201 tcttgccctc ttacagcatt tgagatctga ttctaaccat atcgagtggt taagtctata
     1261 ttacattaag aatatgatta aatatcacaa agcatagtat attgtgcttt agggtattaa
     1321 cttacagcgg catgagttat gagagcaata acattagcag cagcaaatct ttcatagttc
     1381 atgcgttggt accttcttct ccagtactca actaaaaata aattttataa atcgatgatt
     1441 cgatatttta ttgataaatt taccttccat ttaagtaggc atctttcttg attgcttatt
     1501 ttaaaataat tttaataact ttatattaat tatgtttatt acaaattatt tcaattaagt
     1561 tcattcaaaa ataaatctct gccaccttta aaatctatat ttaggttaac tcaagtcttc
     1621 aaacaacact tctctgtgaa gaatcacttc ttaaaacacc agttttctac t

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/15/91)

LOCUS       OFA81MBAB    1959 bp ds-DNA             INV       15-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  O.fallax macronuclear (81-MAC family, version B) DNA, regions Kp-b
            and pSRRHG-b.
ACCESSION   M13031 M13032
KEYWORDS    81-MAC chromosome family; alternative DNA processing;
            homolog of mitochondrial solute carriers.
SOURCE      O.fallax (subkaryonide 3.5) macronuclear DNA, region Kp-b and
            pSRRHG-b, clones pMA[82d,83,mu-1A1,XX-7,83].
  ORGANISM  Oxytricha fallax
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Ciliophora; Polyhymenophora;
            Spirotricha; Hypotrichida; Sporadotrichina; Oxytrichidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1521 to 1959)
  AUTHORS   Herrick,G.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1987) Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1902 to 1941)
  AUTHORS   Herrick,G., Hunter,D., Williams,K. and Kotter,K.
  TITLE     Alternative processing during development of a macronuclear
            chromosomal family in Oxytricha fallax
  JOURNAL   Genes Dev. 1, 1047-1058 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 1520)
  AUTHORS   Herrick,G., Cartinhour,S.W., Williams,K.R. and Kotter,K.P.
  TITLE     Multiple sequence versions of the Oxytricha fallax 81-MAC alternate
            processing family
  JOURNAL   J. Protozool. 34, 429-434 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1521 to 1782)
  AUTHORS   Hunter,D.J., Williams,K., Cartinhour,S. and Herrick,G.
  TITLE     Precise excision of telomere-bearing transposons during Oxytricha
            fallax macronuclear development
  JOURNAL   Genes Dev. 3, 2101-2112 (1989)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
REFERENCE   5  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Williams,K.R. and Herrick,G.
  TITLE     Transcription analysis of a gene occupying the Oxytricha fallax
            81-MAC chromosome common region and homologous to mitochondrial
            solute carriers
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Protozool. 34,
            429-434 (1987)] kindly provided
            by G.Herrick, 12-DEC-1986.
            This sequence would be named 'pBSRRHGKp-B' by the convention in
            [J. Protozool. 34, 429-434 (1987)].
            The 81-MAC chromosome family is created by alternative processing
            of the micronuclear DNA.  The 81-MAC family consists of three sizes
            of macronuclear chromosomes: 4.9 kb (MACI), 2.9 kb (MACII), and 1.6
            kb (MACIII).  Alternative processing results from alternative
            choice of chromosome break/telomere-addition sites.  The 1.6 kb
            region in common between the three chromosomes bears a transcribed
            open reading frame, the conceptual translation product of which is
            homologous to solute carrier proteins from plants and metazoans.
            There are three distinct micronuclear loci (sequence versions),vA,
            vB, and vC.  Alternative processing of each micronuclear version
            independently gives rise to a I+II+III family of macronuclear
            chromosomes.  The open reading frame is conserved in all three
            versions.  Little is known about the structure of vB micronuclear
            DNA (no clones), but vA and vC micronuclear DNAs bear
            micronucleus-limited sequences called internal eliminated sequences
            (IESs).  vA and vC have small IESs in common, but in addition, vC
            bears two large transposons, TBE1-1 and -2, which also are IESs.
            IESs are precisely excised, leaving one short flanking direct
            repeat in macronuclear DNA.
            The telomeric sequence '[g(4)t(4)]4 g(4)' is added after position
            1942 in the macronuclear DNA (MACIII) clone pMA83, and '[g(4)t(4)]4
            g(4)t(2)' is the telomeric sequence added after position 1960 in
            the macronuclear DNA (MACII or MACIII) clone pMA-mu-1A1.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    <1..1941
                     /note="macronuclear DNA (MACIII) clone pMA83 (telomere
                     addition site)"
     misc_feature    <1..1959
                     /note="macronuclear DNA, clone pMA-mu-1A1 (telomere
                     addition site)"
     CDS             join(complement(1858..1876),complement(1720..1805),
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     mRNA            join(complement(1858..1905),complement(1720..1805),
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     mRNA            join(complement(1858..1907),complement(1720..1805),
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     exon            complement((449.454)..1401)
                     /note="major transcription start site"
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     intron          complement(1402..1496)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     exon            complement(1497..1648)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     intron          complement(1649..1719)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     exon            complement(1720..1805)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     intron          complement(1806..1857)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     exon            complement(1858..1905)
                     /note="major transcription start site"
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
     exon            complement(1858..1907)
                     /note="minor transcription start site"
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrial solute
BASE COUNT      636 a    325 c    356 g    641 t      1 others
ORIGIN      249 bp upstream of SphI site.
        1 ggctctaaaa gaaaagatgt tcatgatctt gtcatggatc cttattcata gcaggggagt
       61 ggnaggcttc acttgctggt tggtctcata tccctaagat ataattaaaa ctagacttca
      121 ggttgctagg agccaagaat ttgcaaatta tagtcgatat ataagagatg gaggaatgat
      181 tgaatgtgca aaatatatct ttaagaatga acatgggttt atgggatttt ggagagggtt
      241 ctcagcatgc agtgcaagag cagtatttgc taattctttc atgtttgtgg cttatgaata
      301 tgcttagaaa aaagcgagag gaattattga atgaataata gtggatttat caaagttttg
      361 gaatgatata atgctttata atgtacttta tcaaagtaac ttaagactgt gatattaata
      421 tcaactaaga ttatatataa atttaatatt tttaaatagg tttaaataac aaataaatct
      481 ctactttaac aaaaaagcat gtgataatgc tctatgttag aagataattt atttctgaat
      541 tctcagataa ttgcgagatt ttcttttcct gaagggtgag cagctcccat acctccagta
      601 gctgtagtat aagtagcaac taatttttta ttgaaggcat ctgtgtatgg atcatgaata
      661 tcgtaatcga taccactttg atagtggaat ctctatggtt gccagaattc ttgatcatag
      721 tagttttcgt tatagtagtc taccaagaat tgagaaagat aacaaatcaa gaacaatctg
      781 aggaagtagg cttcacctcc tgcatagaat gatccaaagt tagacatcca ctttgagtta
      841 cactcgtact ttatgatctt gttgaagcaa tcaatcatgc cgttatatgg catttgaccg
      901 tttggaaggg gtctcatggt gtgtagtctt gttctgatca tatcaaaagg catacttaca
      961 acagttccaa tagcaacagc tacggcagtt ccccacaatc tattaatcca atgaggacca
     1021 aagaagaagt aggagttctc cttgcaccaa tcgtagatgt tggtcattga tgaacaaata
     1081 gctgcaagct taaaaccgtt ggcaccagca cctctgaaga gagcaccttc ttcagcaact
     1141 ttggcaagtc cttaaattgt atttgagtag tttcttctgg cagcttgtgg ataaagctca
     1201 tcaacctgca ttctattgta gacgatatcg atgggatttg tcactactcc agcaataaat
     1261 cctccgagta ctcctgctgc taccaagaag tctggacgag caactcttct aggatcttta
     1321 tttaccttat cgtagaaata accgaaggct gttactctag cagtagtgta acaaacagtt
     1381 ctgaagaaga atgtgtcgaa actataccaa tataaattag ctaaatttat tgcaattcct
     1441 caattataag gttgagagag ctttttggat aacccaaatt ttgtttataa acttacgcag
     1501 aatagaattt tctgagtcca ccgcctgctg cataaatctc ttccataatt tagaatggat
     1561 accaaccctt ttgataacca agaccagaga aggtcttgcc ctcttacagc atttaagatc
     1621 tgattctaac catatcgagt ggttaagtct atattacatt aggaatatga ttaatcattg
     1681 ctaataagat agaaactgtg ctaaaggata ttaacttaca gcagcatgag ttatgagagc
     1741 aatgacattg gcagcagcaa atctttcata gttcatgcgt tggtaccttc ttctccagta
     1801 ctcaactaaa aagcaatttt ataaatcgat gattcgatat tttattgata aatttacctt
     1861 ccatttaagt aggcatcttt cttgattgct tattttaaaa taattataat aactttatat
     1921 taattatgtt tattacaaat tatttcaatt aagctcatt

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/15/91)

LOCUS       OFA81MCAC     467 bp ds-DNA             INV       15-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  O.fallax macronuclear (81-MAC family) TBE1-2-less vC DNA region.
KEYWORDS    81-MAC chromosome family; alternative DNA processing;
            homolog of mitochondrial solute carriers.
SOURCE      O.fallax (subkaryonide 3.5) macronuclear DNA, region HGHK-c.
  ORGANISM  Oxytricha fallax
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Ciliophora; Polyhymenophora;
            Spirotricha; Hypotrichida; Sporadotrichina; Oxytrichidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 467)
  AUTHORS   Herrick,G.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1989) Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 467)
  AUTHORS   Hunter,D.J., Williams,K., Cartinhour,S. and Herrick,G.
  TITLE     Precise excision of telomere-bearing transposons during Oxytricha
            fallax macronuclear development
  JOURNAL   Genes Dev. 3, 2101-2112 (1989)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
REFERENCE   3  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Williams,K.R. and Herrick,G.
  TITLE     Transcription analysis of a gene occupying the Oxytricha fallax
            81-MAC chromosome common region and homologous to mitochondrial
            solute carriers
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     Draft entry and computer-readable sequence [Genes Dev. 3, 2101-2112
            (1989)] kindly provided by
            G.Herrick, 31-OCT-1989.
            This sequence would be named 'HGKH-c' by the conventions used in
            the Herrick laboratory.
            The 81-MAC chromosome family is created by alternative processing
            of the micronuclear DNA.  The 81-MAC family consists of three sizes
            of macronuclear chromosomes: 4.9 kb (MACI), 2.9 kb (MACII), and 1.6
            kb (MACIII).  Alternative processing results from alternative
            choice of chromosome break/telomere-addition sites.  The 1.6 kb
            region in common between the three chromosomes bears a transcribed
            open reading frame, the conceptual translation product of which is
            homologous to solute carrier proteins from plants and metazoans.
            There are three distinct micronuclear loci (sequence versions),vA,
            vB, and vC.  Alternative processing of each micronuclear version
            independently gives rise to a I+II+III family of macronuclear
            chromosomes.  The open reading frame is conserved in all three
            versions.  Little is known about the structure of vB micronuclear
            DNA (no clones), but vA and vC micronuclear DNAs bear
            micronucleus-limited sequences called internal eliminated sequences
            (IESs).  vA and vC have small IESs in common, but in addition, vC
            bears two large transposons, TBE1-1 and -2, which also are IESs.
            IESs are precisely excised, leaving one short flanking direct
            repeat in macronuclear DNA.
            The micronuclear IES sequence and the ends of TBE1-2 (excision
            points annotated below) can be found in separate entries under
            accession numbers M13039 and M13037.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(complement(390..408),complement(252..337),
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrion solute
     mRNA            join(complement(390..437),complement(252..337),
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrion solute
     mRNA            join(complement(390..439),complement(252..337),
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrion solute
     intron          complement(1..28)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrion solute
     exon            complement(29..180)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrion solute
     intron          complement(181..251)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrion solute
     exon            complement(252..337)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrion solute
     misc_feature    273..275
                     /note="TBE1-2 insertion target sequence (excision site
                     after 275)"
     intron          complement(338..389)
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrion solute
     exon            complement(390..437)
                     /note="major transcription start site"
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrion solute
     exon            complement(390..439)
                     /note="minor transcription start site"
                     /note="protein homologous to mitochondrion solute
     misc_feature    451..454
                     /note="IES imperfect duplication sequence (excission site
                     after 454)"
BASE COUNT      155 a     79 c     65 g    168 t
        1 ataagccaaa ttttgtttat acacttacgc agaatagaat tttttgagtc cacctcctgc
       61 tgcataaatc tcttccataa tttagaatgg ataccaaccc ttttgataac caaggcctga
      121 gaaggtcttg ccctcttaca gcatttgaga tctgattcta accatatcga gtggttaagt
      181 ctatattaca tttagaatat gattaatcat tgctaataag atagaaaatg tgctatagaa
      241 tactaactta cagcagcatg agttatgaga gcaatgacat tagcagcagc aaatctttca
      301 tagttcatgc gttggtacct tcttctccag tactcaacta aaacgaaatt ttagaaatca
      361 atgattcgat attttattga taaatttacc ttccatttaa gtaggcatct ttcttgattg
      421 cttattttaa aataattata ataactttat attaattatg tttatta

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/16/91)

LOCUS       OFA81MAB      397 bp ds-DNA             INV       16-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  O.fallax macronuclear (81-MAC family, version A) DNA, region Gp-a.
KEYWORDS    81-MAC chromosome family; alternative DNA processing;
            homolog of mitochondrial solute carriers.
SOURCE      O.fallax (subkaryonide 3.5) macronuclear DNA, region Gp-a, clone
  ORGANISM  Oxytricha fallax
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Ciliophora; Polyhymenophora;
            Spirotricha; Hypotrichida; Sporadotrichina; Oxytrichidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 397)
  AUTHORS   Herrick,G.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1987) Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 397)
  AUTHORS   Herrick,G., Hunter,D., Williams,K. and Kotter,K.
  TITLE     Alternative processing during development of a macronuclear
            chromosomal family in Oxytricha fallax
  JOURNAL   Genes Dev. 1, 1047-1058 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   3  (bases 1 to 397)
  AUTHORS   Herrick,G., Cartinhour,S.W., Williams,K.R. and Kotter,K.P.
  TITLE     Multiple sequence versions of the Oxytricha fallax 81-MAC alternate
            processing family
  JOURNAL   J. Protozool. 34, 429-434 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [J. Protozool. 34,
            429-434 (1987)] kindly provided
            by G.Herrick, 12-DEC-1986.
            This sequence is referred to as Gp-a in [J. Protozool. 34, 429-434
            The 81-MAC chromosome family is created by alternative processing
            of the micronuclear DNA.  The 81-MAC family consists of three sizes
            of macronuclear chromosomes: 4.9 kb (MACI), 2.9 kb (MACII), and 1.6
            kb (MACIII).  Alternative processing results from alternative
            choice of chromosome break/telomere-addition sites.  The 1.6 kb
            region in common between the three chromosomes bears a transcribed
            open reading frame, the conceptual translation product of which is
            homologous to solute carrier proteins from plants and metazoans.
            There are three distinct micronuclear loci (sequence versions),vA,
            vB, and vC.  Alternative processing of each micronuclear version
            independently gives rise to a I+II+III family of macronuclear
            chromosomes.  The open reading frame is conserved in all three
            versions.  Little is known about the structure of vB micronuclear
            DNA (no clones), but vA and vC micronuclear DNAs bear
            micronucleus-limited sequences called internal eliminated sequences
            (IESs).  vA and vC have small IESs in common, but in addition, vC
            bears two large transposons, TBE1-1 and -2, which also are IESs.
            IESs are precisely excised, leaving one short flanking direct
            repeat in macronuclear DNA.
            The telomeric sequence ('g4t4)4 g4t' is added to position 397.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
BASE COUNT      125 a     40 c     72 g    158 t      2 others
ORIGIN      Unreported.
        1 ttattctatt catatttgct ccaaggcctg agttagtgtg ttmcatagtt tgattgtaaa
       61 ttaatagatg cactactctt gtttgaagat tcttttatag gtggagagta cgaargatta
      121 gaattgttct aagctgatga ttgagaagaa gttattgtta tgataggcca ttttcatatt
      181 ttaaatgaaa gaattgcctg tagattggta ggaattattg tttgaaagac cttaagacac
      241 tttaagtggt taggtctatg gaataagata tttatttgtt tgcatttaac ttcctaactg
      301 agaaagtttc taggtctaag attgttaaga ttatggataa ttcatttttg tttagaaata
      361 ttttaaattc aaatttataa ctactataac tacacat