LOCUS ECOPYRBIC 472 bp ds-DNA BCT 16-MAR-1991 DEFINITION E.coli aspartate transcarbamylase (pyrBI) operon promoter region, 5' end. ACCESSION M60508 KEYWORDS aspartate transcarbamylase. SOURCE E.coli (strain K12) DNA. ORGANISM Escherichia coli Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria; Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 472) AUTHORS Donahue,J.P. and Turnbough,C.L.Jr.. TITLE Characterization of transcriptional initiation from promoters P-1 and P-2 of the pyrBI operon of Escherichia coli K12 JOURNAL J. Biol. Chem. 265, 19091-19099 (1990) STANDARD simple staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers mRNA 69..>472 /note="P-1 promoter regulation" /note="minor mRNA" /product="aspartate transcarbamoylase" /gene="pyrBI" mRNA 70..>472 /note="P-1 promoter regulation" /note="minor mRNA" /product="aspartate transcarbamoylase" /gene="pyrBI" mRNA 71..>472 /note="P-1 promoter regulation" /note="minor mRNA" /product="aspartate transcarbamoylase" /gene="pyrBI" mRNA 263..>472 /note="P-2 promoter regulation" /note="major mRNA" /product="aspartate transcarbamoylase" /gene="pyrBI" CDS 281..415 /note="leader polypeptide" /product="leader polypeptide" /codon_start=281 CDS 419..>472 /product="aspartate transcarbamylase catalytic subunit" /gene="pyrB" /codon_start=419 BASE COUNT 137 a 106 c 99 g 130 t ORIGIN 1 gcaatagtgt tagccgttcg ctttcacact ccgccctata agtcggatga atggaataaa 61 atgcatatct gattgcgtga aagtgaaaaa ggaaaaagca gggaatgtct gcaattattg 121 ataccgaagg acagttcccc tgcagaatca catcaaataa aaatgcatat accttgactt 181 ttaattcaaa taaaccgttt gcgctgacaa aatattgcat caaatgcttg cgccgcttct 241 gacgatgagt ataatgccgg acaatttgcc gggaggatgt atggttcagt gtgttcgaca 301 ttttgtctta ccgcgtctga aaaaagacgc tggcctgccg tttttcttcc cgttgatcac 361 ccattcccag cccctcaatc gaggggcttt tttttgccca ggcgtcagga gataaaagat 421 ggctaatccg ctatatcaga aacatatcat ttccataaac gaccttagtc gc //