LOCUS AKOMTCYTBZ 401 bp ds-DNA ORG 31-JAN-1991 DEFINITION A.andinus mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, 5' end. ACCESSION M35713 KEYWORDS cytochrome b; mitochondrial DNA. SOURCE A.andinus (MVZ catalog # 174062 and 174063) liver mitochondrial DNA. ORGANISM Mitochondrion Akodon andinus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Cricetidae; Cricetinae; Hesperomyini. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 401) AUTHORS Smith,M.F. and Patton,J.L. TITLE Variation in mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence in natural populations of South American akodontine rodents (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) JOURNAL Mol. Biol. Evol. (1990) In press STANDARD simple staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Smith,M.F. and Patton,J.L. TITLE Variation in mitochondrial cytochrome beta sequence in natural populations of south american Akodontine Rodents (Muridae: Sigmodontinae)-1 JOURNAL Mol. Cell. Biol. 8, 85-103 (1991) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [Mol. Biol. Evol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by M.F.Smith, 28-JUN-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..>401 /note="cytochrome b" BASE COUNT 112 a 115 c 55 g 119 t ORIGIN 1 atgacaatca tacgaaaaac ccacccttta cttaaaatca ttaatcactc atttattgac 61 ctacccgccc cctccaacat ctcatcctga tggaacttcg gctcactcct tggcatttgc 121 ttgataattc aaattttaac gggccttttc ctagccatac attatacgtc cgacacagct 181 acagcattct cctccgtcac ccatatctgc cgagatgtaa attacggatg actaatccgc 241 tacttacacg ccaatggagc atctatattc tttatctgca tatttattca tgtgggacga 301 ggaatttact acggctccta catactctca gaaacctgaa acatcggaat tattctactc 361 ctgaccacaa tagccacagc atttgtaggc tatgtccttc c // (03/19/91)
LOCUS AKOMTCYTBZ 401 bp ds-DNA ORG 19-MAR-1991 DEFINITION A.andinus mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, 5' end. ACCESSION M35713 KEYWORDS cytochrome b; mitochondrial DNA. SOURCE A.andinus (MVZ catalog # 174062 and 174063) liver mitochondrial DNA. ORGANISM Mitochondrion Akodon andinus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Cricetidae; Cricetinae; Hesperomyini. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 401) AUTHORS Smith,M.F. and Patton,J.L. TITLE Variation in mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence in natural populations of South American akodontine rodents (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) JOURNAL Mol. Biol. Evol. (1990) In press STANDARD simple staff_entry REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Smith,M.F. and Patton,J.L. TITLE Variation in mitochondrial cytochrome beta sequence in natural populations of south american Akodontine Rodents (Muridae: Sigmodontinae)-1 JOURNAL Mol. Biol. Evol. 8, 85-103 (1991) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [Mol. Biol. Evol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by M.F.Smith, 28-JUN-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..>401 /note="cytochrome b" /codon_start=1 BASE COUNT 112 a 115 c 55 g 119 t ORIGIN 1 atgacaatca tacgaaaaac ccacccttta cttaaaatca ttaatcactc atttattgac 61 ctacccgccc cctccaacat ctcatcctga tggaacttcg gctcactcct tggcatttgc 121 ttgataattc aaattttaac gggccttttc ctagccatac attatacgtc cgacacagct 181 acagcattct cctccgtcac ccatatctgc cgagatgtaa attacggatg actaatccgc 241 tacttacacg ccaatggagc atctatattc tttatctgca tatttattca tgtgggacga 301 ggaatttact acggctccta catactctca gaaacctgaa acatcggaat tattctactc 361 ctgaccacaa tagccacagc atttgtaggc tatgtccttc c // (03/20/91)
LOCUS AKOMTCYTBZ 401 bp ds-DNA ORG 20-MAR-1991 DEFINITION A.andinus mitochondrial cytochrome b gene, 5' end. ACCESSION M35713 KEYWORDS cytochrome b; mitochondrial DNA. SOURCE A.andinus (MVZ catalog # 174062 and 174063) liver mitochondrial DNA. ORGANISM Mitochondrion Akodon andinus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Cricetidae; Cricetinae; Hesperomyini. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 401) AUTHORS Smith,M.F. and Patton,J.L. TITLE Variation in mitochondrial cytochrome beta sequence in natural populations of south american Akodontine Rodents (Muridae: Sigmodontinae)-1 JOURNAL Mol. Biol. Evol. 8, 85-103 (1991) STANDARD simple staff_entry COMMENT Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [Mol. Biol. Evol. (1990) In press] kindly submitted by M.F.Smith, 28-JUN-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..>401 /note="cytochrome b" /codon_start=1 BASE COUNT 112 a 115 c 55 g 119 t ORIGIN 1 atgacaatca tacgaaaaac ccacccttta cttaaaatca ttaatcactc atttattgac 61 ctacccgccc cctccaacat ctcatcctga tggaacttcg gctcactcct tggcatttgc 121 ttgataattc aaattttaac gggccttttc ctagccatac attatacgtc cgacacagct 181 acagcattct cctccgtcac ccatatctgc cgagatgtaa attacggatg actaatccgc 241 tacttacacg ccaatggagc atctatattc tttatctgca tatttattca tgtgggacga 301 ggaatttact acggctccta catactctca gaaacctgaa acatcggaat tattctactc 361 ctgaccacaa tagccacagc atttgtaggc tatgtccttc c //