LOCUS HUMIGHRFA 426 bp ss-mRNA PRI 27-MAR-1991 DEFINITION Human IgH chain (monospecific rheumatoid factor) mRNA VDJ-region. ACCESSION M62723 KEYWORDS V-region; diversity exon; immunoglobulin heavy chain; joining exon; monspecific rheumatoid factor. SOURCE Human synovial tissue Epstein-Barr transformed B cell, cDNA to mRNA, clone RF-TS1. ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 426) AUTHORS Pascual,V., Randen,I., Thompson,K., Sioud,M., Forre,O., Natvig,J. and Capra,J.D. TITLE The complete nucleotide sequences of the heavy chain variable regions of six monospecific rheumatoid factors derived from Epstein-Barr virus -transformed B cells isolated from the synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis JOURNAL J. Clin. Invest. 86, 1320-1328 (1990) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..426 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 /partial sig_peptide 1..57 /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 mat_peptide 58..426 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=58 /partial BASE COUNT 93 a 109 c 134 g 90 t ORIGIN Chromosome 14. 1 atggactgga cctggaggat cctctttgtg gtggcagcag ctacaggtgt ccagtcccag 61 gtgcagctgg tgcagtctgg ggctgaggtg aagaagcctg ggtcctcggt gaaggtctcc 121 tgcaaggctt ctggaggcac cttcagcacc tatgctatca gctgggtgcg acaggcccct 181 ggacaagggc ctgagtccat gggagggatc acccctatgt ttggtagagc aaactacgca 241 cagaagttcc agggcagagt cacgattact gcggacgaat ccacgagcac agcctacatg 301 gagctgagca gcctgagatc tgaggactcg gccgtatatt tctgtgcgag agaggaccca 361 tacggtgact acgtcgcgaa tccttttgat atctggggcc aagggacaat ggtcaccgtc 421 tcttca // (03/27/91)
LOCUS HUMIGHRFB 375 bp ss-mRNA PRI 27-MAR-1991 DEFINITION Human IgH chain (monospecific rheumatoid factor) mRNA VDJ-region. ACCESSION M62724 KEYWORDS V-region; diversity exon; immunoglobulin heavy chain; joining exon; monspecific rheumatoid factor. SOURCE Human synovial tissue Epstein-Barr transformed B cell, cDNA to mRNA, clone RF-TS3. ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 375) AUTHORS Pascual,V., Randen,I., Thompson,K., Sioud,M., Forre,O., Natvig,J. and Capra,J.D. TITLE The complete nucleotide sequences of the heavy chain variable regions of six monospecific rheumatoid factors derived from Epstein-Barr virus -transformed B cells isolated from the synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis JOURNAL J. Clin. Invest. 86, 1320-1328 (1990) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..375 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 /partial sig_peptide 1..15 /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 /partial mat_peptide 16..375 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=16 /partial BASE COUNT 91 a 96 c 103 g 85 t ORIGIN Chromosome 14. 1 ataagtgccc actcccaggt gcagctggtg caatctgggt ctgagttgaa gaagcctggg 61 gcctcagtga aggtttcctg caaggcttct ggatacacct tcactagcta tgctatgaat 121 tgggtgcgac aggcccctgg acaagggctt gagtggatgg gatggatcaa caccaacact 181 gggaacccaa cgtatgccca gggcttcaca ggacggtttg tcttctcctt ggacacctct 241 gtcagcacgg catatctgca gatcagcagc ctaaaggctg acgacactgc cgtgtattac 301 tgtgcgagag aagatagcaa tggctacaaa atatttgact actgggacca gggaaccctg 361 gtcatcgtct cctca // (03/27/91)
LOCUS HUMIGHRFC 447 bp ss-mRNA PRI 27-MAR-1991 DEFINITION Human IgH chain (monospecific rheumatoid factor) mRNA VDJ-region. ACCESSION M62726 KEYWORDS V-region; diversity exon; immunoglobulin heavy chain; joining exon; monspecific rheumatoid factor. SOURCE Human synovial tissue Epstein-Barr transformed B cell, cDNA to mRNA, clone RF-SJ2. ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 447) AUTHORS Pascual,V., Randen,I., Thompson,K., Sioud,M., Forre,O., Natvig,J. and Capra,J.D. TITLE The complete nucleotide sequences of the heavy chain variable regions of six monospecific rheumatoid factors derived from Epstein-Barr virus -transformed B cells isolated from the synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis JOURNAL J. Clin. Invest. 86, 1320-1328 (1990) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..447 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 /partial sig_peptide 1..60 /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 mat_peptide 61..447 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=61 /partial BASE COUNT 93 a 107 c 136 g 111 t ORIGIN Chromosome 14. 1 atggagtttg ggctgagctg ggttttcctc gttgctcttt taagaggtgg tgtccagtgt 61 caggtgcagc tggtggagtc tgggggaggc gtggtccagc ctgggaggtc cctgagactc 121 tcctgtgcag cctctggatt caccttcagt agctatgcta tgcactgggt ccgccaggct 181 ccaggcaagg ggctggagtg ggtggcagtt atatcatatg atggaagcaa taaatactac 241 gcagactccg tgaagggccg attcaccatc tccagagaca attccaagaa cacgctgtct 301 ctgcaaatga acagcctgag agctgaggac accgctgtgt attactgtgc gagaggccgg 361 ttttgtagtg gtggtagctg ctactcttac tactactact actacatgga cgtctggggc 421 aaagggacca cggtcaccgt ctcctca // (03/27/91)
LOCUS HUMIGHRFD 447 bp ss-mRNA PRI 27-MAR-1991 DEFINITION Human IgH chain (monospecific rheumatoid factor) mRNA VDJ-region. ACCESSION M62728 KEYWORDS V-region; diversity exon; immunoglobulin heavy chain; joining exon; monspecific rheumatoid factor. SOURCE Human synovial tissue Epstein-Barr transformed B cell, cDNA to mRNA, clone RF-SJ1. ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 447) AUTHORS Pascual,V., Randen,I., Thompson,K., Sioud,M., Forre,O., Natvig,J. and Capra,J.D. TITLE The complete nucleotide sequences of the heavy chain variable regions of six monospecific rheumatoid factors derived from Epstein-Barr virus -transformed B cells isolated from the synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis JOURNAL J. Clin. Invest. 86, 1320-1328 (1990) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..447 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 /partial sig_peptide 1..60 /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 mat_peptide 61..447 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=61 /partial BASE COUNT 99 a 95 c 137 g 116 t ORIGIN Chromosome 14. 1 atggagtttg ggctgagctg ggttttcctc gttgctcttt taagaggtgg tgtccagtgt 61 caggtgcagc tggtggagtc tgggggaggc gtggtccagc ctgggaggtc cctgagactc 121 tcctgtgcag cctctggatt cagtttcagt agttatggca tgcactgggt ccgccagtgt 181 ccaggcaagg ggctggagtg ggtggcagtt atatcagatg acggaagtaa taaatattat 241 gcagactccg tgaagggccg attcaccatc tccagagaca attccaagaa aacgctgtat 301 ctgcaaatgg acagcctgag aactgaggac acggctgtgt attactgtgc gaaaggggtt 361 tattgtagta gtagtagttg ctattcttac tactactacc actacatgga cgtctggggc 421 aaagggacca cggtcaccgt ctcctca // (03/27/91)
LOCUS HUMIGHRFE 440 bp ss-mRNA PRI 27-MAR-1991 DEFINITION Human IgH chain (monospecific rheumatoid factor) mRNA VDJ-region. ACCESSION M62729 KEYWORDS V-region; diversity exon; immunoglobulin heavy chain; joining exon; monspecific rheumatoid factor. SOURCE Human synovial tissue Epstein-Barr transformed B cell, cDNA to mRNA, clone RF-TS2. ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 440) AUTHORS Pascual,V., Randen,I., Thompson,K., Sioud,M., Forre,O., Natvig,J. and Capra,J.D. TITLE The complete nucleotide sequences of the heavy chain variable regions of six monospecific rheumatoid factors derived from Epstein-Barr virus -transformed B cells isolated from the synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis JOURNAL J. Clin. Invest. 86, 1320-1328 (1990) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..440 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 /partial sig_peptide 1..60 /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 mat_peptide 61..440 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=61 /partial BASE COUNT 89 a 98 c 136 g 117 t ORIGIN Chromosome 14. 1 atggagtttg ggctgagctg ggttttcctc gttgctcttt taagaggtgg tgtccagtgt 61 caggtgcagc tggtggagtc tgggggaggc gtggtccagc cggggaggtc cctgagactc 121 tcctgtgcag cctctggatt caccttcagt agctatggca tgcactgggt ccgccaggct 181 ccaggcaagg ggctggagtg ggtggcagtt atatcatatg atggaagtaa tgaatacttt 241 gctgactccg tgaagggccg attcaccatc tccagagaca attccaacaa cacgctgtat 301 atgcaaatga acagcctgag agctgaggac acggctgtct attactgtgc gagagatcgt 361 gtggccgtat atatgccagt gtttttttca ttgactcttt tgatatctgg ggccaaggga 421 caggggtcac cgtctcctca // (03/27/91)
LOCUS HUMIGHRFF 426 bp ss-mRNA PRI 27-MAR-1991 DEFINITION Human IgH chain (monospecific rheumatoid factor) mRNA VDJ-region. ACCESSION M62731 KEYWORDS V-region; diversity exon; immunoglobulin heavy chain; joining exon; monspecific rheumatoid factor. SOURCE Human synovial tissue Epstein-Barr transformed B cell, cDNA to mRNA, clone RF-KL1. ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 426) AUTHORS Pascual,V., Randen,I., Thompson,K., Sioud,M., Forre,O., Natvig,J. and Capra,J.D. TITLE The complete nucleotide sequences of the heavy chain variable regions of six monospecific rheumatoid factors derived from Epstein-Barr virus -transformed B cells isolated from the synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis JOURNAL J. Clin. Invest. 86, 1320-1328 (1990) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..426 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 /partial sig_peptide 1..60 /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 mat_peptide 61..426 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=61 /partial BASE COUNT 91 a 100 c 130 g 105 t ORIGIN Chromosome 14. 1 atggagtttg ggctgagctg gctttttctt gtggctattt taaaaggtgg tgtccagtgt 61 gaggtgcagc tgttggagtc tgggggaggc ttggtacagc cgggggggtc cctgagactc 121 tcctgtgcag cctctggatt cacctttagt tcatatgcca tgagttgggt ccgccaggct 181 ccagggaagg ggctggagtg ggtctcagca attagtgata acggtggaat aacatactac 241 acagactacg tgaagggccg gttcaccatc tccagagaca attccaagaa ccccctgtat 301 ctgcaaatga acagcctgag agccgaggac acggccgtat attactgtgc gaaaaaattg 361 aggtccgggc tcgtcccgta ctactttgac ttctggggca ggggaaccct ggtcaccgtc 421 tcctca // (03/27/91)
LOCUS HUMIGHRFG 351 bp ss-mRNA PRI 27-MAR-1991 DEFINITION Human IgH chain (monospecific rheumatoid factor) mRNA V-region. ACCESSION M62737 KEYWORDS V-region; immunoglobulin heavy chain; monspecific rheumatoid factor. SOURCE Human synovial tissue Epstein-Barr transformed B cell, cDNA to mRNA, clone GL-SJ2. ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 351) AUTHORS Pascual,V., Randen,I., Thompson,K., Sioud,M., Forre,O., Natvig,J. and Capra,J.D. TITLE The complete nucleotide sequences of the heavy chain variable regions of six monospecific rheumatoid factors derived from Epstein-Barr virus -transformed B cells isolated from the synovial tissue of patients with rheumatoid arthritis JOURNAL J. Clin. Invest. 86, 1320-1328 (1990) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 1..351 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 /partial sig_peptide 1..57 /gene="IgH" /codon_start=1 mat_peptide 58..351 /product="immunoglobulin heavy chain" /gene="IgH" /codon_start=58 /partial BASE COUNT 77 a 81 c 107 g 86 t ORIGIN Chromosome 14. 1 atggagtttg ggctgagctg ggttttcctc gttgctcttt taagaggtgt ccagtgtcag 61 gtgcagctgg tggactctgg gggaggcgtg gtccagcctg ggaggtccct gagactctcc 121 tgtgcagcct ctgcattcac cttcagtagc tatgctatgc actgggtccg ccaggctcca 181 ggcaaggggc tagagtgggt ggcagttata tcatatgatg gaagtaataa atactacgca 241 gactccgtga agggccgatt caccatctcc agagacaatt ccaagaacac gctgtatctg 301 caaatgaaca gcctgagagc tgaggacacg gctgtgtatt actgtgcgag a //