LOCUS HUMA5CL14 273 bp ds-DNA PRI 28-MAR-1991 DEFINITION Human alpha-5 collagen type IV gene, exon 5. ACCESSION M63468 KEYWORDS alpha-5 type IV collagen. SEGMENT 14 of 18 SOURCE Human DNA. ORGANISM Homo sapiens Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 273) AUTHORS Zhou,J., Hostikka,S.L., Chow,L.T. and Tryggvason,K. TITLE Characterization of the 3' half of the human type IV collagen alpha-5 gene that is affected in the Alport syndrome JOURNAL Genomics 9, 1-9 (1991) STANDARD simple staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers exon 31..243 /number=5 /product="alpha-5 collagen type IV" BASE COUNT 70 a 70 c 60 g 73 t ORIGIN About 1.4 kb after segment 13. 1 tcttgtatac tgattatttc gtggaaatag gtacccgtgg tttggatggt ccccctggtc 61 cagatggatt gcaaggtccc ccaggtcccc ctggaacctc ctctgttgca catggatttc 121 ttattacacg ccacagccag acaacggatg caccacaatg cccacaggga acacttcagg 181 tctatgaagg cttttctctc ctgtatgtac aaggaaataa aagagcccac ggtcaagact 241 tgggtgagat aatcaatatc taatttccta ctg //