[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Human U1 snRNP-specific protein A gene, exon 2.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/04/91)

LOCUS       HUMU1RNP2     589 bp ds-DNA             PRI       04-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Human U1 snRNP-specific protein A gene, exon 2.
KEYWORDS    U1 snRNP-specific protein A.
SEGMENT     2 of 6
SOURCE      Human DNA.
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 589)
  AUTHORS   Nelissen,R.L., Sillekens,P.T., Beijer,R.P., Geurts van
            Kessel,H.M.Ad.. and van Venrooij,W.J.
  TITLE     Structure and chromosomal localization of the human U1
            snRNP-specific A protein gene
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     exon            171..343
                     /product="U1 snRNP-specific protein A"
BASE COUNT      116 a    141 c    172 g    160 t
ORIGIN      Chromosome 19.
        1 gtgtacttgg ccacttgagt ggttcctggc tgcttctgtg attgttaggt cttgagagat
       61 tatggacccg aggcattctg ggtaccccat caattggctg atggtcttct atttgggctg
      121 cgcttcttct aaaaagggga gctcaaaggt ctttttttcc cccactgcag agctaaaaaa
      181 gtccctgtac gccatcttct cccagtttgg ccagatcctg gatatcctgg tatcacggag
      241 cctgaagatg aggggccagg cctttgtcat cttcaaggag gtcagcagcg ccaccaacgc
      301 cctgcgctcc atgcagggtt tccctttcta tgacaaacct atggtgagca ttgcgggtac
      361 ggaggctgtg tgggtgtgta aaatgttata ggagactggg cgggcctgga ttagaggagg
      421 ggatattacg gttcatttgc caaggtgagg ctggaccagg ctcccactgc accttgcctc
      481 atttaaaaat cttttctttg gccgagggcg gtggctcacg tctgtaatcc tggcactttg
      541 ggaggccgag gcaggtggat tacctgagct caggagtttg cagccagcc