[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] E.coli RF-2 gene encoding peptide chain release factor 2, complete

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/10/91)

LOCUS       ECORF2X      1441 bp ds-DNA             BCT       10-APR-1991
DEFINITION  E.coli RF-2 gene encoding peptide chain release factor 2, complete
ACCESSION   M11520 M22625
KEYWORDS    RF2 gene; peptide chain release factor 2.
SOURCE      E.coli (strain RR1) DNA, clone pRF2-1.
  ORGANISM  Escherichia coli
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1441)
  AUTHORS   Craigen,W.J., Cook,R.G., Tate,W.P. and Caskey,C.T.
  TITLE     Bacterial peptide chain release factors: Conserved primary
            structure and possible frameshift regulation of release factor 2
  JOURNAL   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 3616-3620 (1985)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1441)
  AUTHORS   Lee,C.C., Kohara,Y., Akiyama,K., Smith,C.L., Craigen,W.J. and
  TITLE     Rapid and Precise Mapping of the Escherichia coli Release Factor
            Genes by Two Physical Approaches
  JOURNAL   J. Bacteriol. 170, 4537-4541 (1988)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     An in-frame premature termination codon is located within the RF-2
            coding region at positions 377-379.  [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
            82, 3616-3620 (1985)] confirms that the sequence
            presented is correct by sequencing a second independent isolate of
            of the RF-2 gene and that the reading frame is correct by
            sequencing the first 44 amino acids of the protein by automated
            Edman degradation.  These results imply a frameshift prior to the
            termination codon.  The sequence 'ctttga,' positions 374-379,
            should be the site of the frameshift because peptide sequencing
            confirms the presence of Leu as AA 25 [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
            U.S.A. 82, 3616-3620 (1985)].  For this entry, the
            frameshift is shown by including a 1 bp intron at position 377.
            The initiation site of transcription was not identified.  However,
            a potential -10 box is present at positions 247-252.
            Draft entry and printed copy of the sequence for [Proc. Natl. Acad.
            Sci. U.S.A. 82, 3616-3620 (1985)] was kindly
            provided by W.J.Craigen, 14-OCT-1985.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(302..376,378..1400)
                     /note="peptide chain release factor 2"
     exon            302..376
                     /note="peptide chain release factor 2, exon 1
     exon            378..1400
                     /note="peptide chain release factor 2, exon 2"
BASE COUNT      389 a    353 c    397 g    302 t
ORIGIN      56 bp upstream of AvaII site.
        1 acagcggctg gtgggcgaac gtcatttgaa ggtgatggtc gaaccggtcg gcggcggtcc
       61 actgctggat ggtattgctt ttaatgtcga taccgccctc tggccggata acggcgtgcg
      121 cgaagtgcaa ctggcttata agctcgatat caacgagttt cgcggcaacc gcagcctgca
      181 aattatcatc gacaatatct ggccaattta gcgtcatctt ctctataaaa aagagcgtgg
      241 attgggtaca atcccgctct tatcaccgca ttttgactag ctcaataaaa gaaatcagac
      301 catgtttgaa attaatccgg taaataatcg cattcaggac ctcacggaac gctccgacgt
      361 tcttaggggg tatctttgac tacgacgcca agaaagagcg tctggaagaa gtaaacgccg
      421 agctggaaca gccggatgtc tggaacgaac ccgaacgcgc acaggcgctg ggtaaagagc
      481 gttcctccct cgaagccgtt gtcgacaccc tcgaccaaat gaaacagggg ctggaagatg
      541 tttctggtct gctggaactg gctgtagaag ctgacgacga agaaaccttt aacgaagccg
      601 ttgctgaact cgacgccctg gaagaaaaac tggcgcagct tgagttccgc cgtatgttct
      661 ctggcgaata tgacagcgcc gactgctacc tcgatattca ggcggggtct ggcggtacgg
      721 aagcacagga ctgggcgagc atgcttgagc gtatgtatct gcgctgggca gaatcgcgtg
      781 gtttcaaaac tgaaatcatc gaagagtcgg aaggtgaagt ggcgggtatt aaatccgtga
      841 cgatcaaaat ctccggcgat tacgcttacg gctggctgcg tacagaaacc ggcgttcacc
      901 gcgtggtgcg taaaagcccg tttgactccg gcggtcgtcg ccacacgtcg ttcagctccg
      961 cgtttgttta tccggaagtt gatgatgata ttgatatcga aatcaacccg gcggatctgc
     1021 gcattgacgt ttatcgcacg tccggcgcgg gcggtcagca cgttaaccgt accgaatctg
     1081 cggtgcgtat tacccacatc ccgaccggga tcgtgaccca gtgccagaac gaccgttccc
     1141 agcacaagaa caaagatcag gccatgaagc agatgaaagc gaagctttat gaactggaga
     1201 tgcagaagaa aaatgccgag aaacaggcga tggaagataa caaatccgac atcggctggg
     1261 gcagccagat tcgttcttat gtccttgatg actcccgcat taaagatctg cgcaccgggg
     1321 tagaaacccg caacacgcag gccgtgctgg acggcagcct ggatcaattt atcgaagcaa
     1381 gtttgaaagc agggttatga ggaaccaata tgtctgaaca acacgaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa
     1441 a