LOCUS TCSHPGR 619 bp ds-DNA INV 11-APR-1991 DEFINITION Trichostrongylus colubriformis globin-like host-protective antigen mRNA, complete cds. ACCESSION M63263 KEYWORDS globin-related; host-protective antigen. SOURCE Trichostrongylus colubriformis, cDNA to mRNA. ORGANISM Trichostrongylus colubriformis Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Nemata; Secernentea; Strongylida; Strongylina; Trichostrongyloidea; Trichostrongylidae. REFERENCE 1 (sites) AUTHORS Frenkel,M.J., Dopheide,T.A., Wagland,B.M. and Ward,C.W. TITLE The isolation, characterization and cloning of a globin-like, host-protective antigen from the excretory-secretory products of Trichostrongylus colubriformis JOURNAL Unpublished (1991) STANDARD full staff_review FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 15..536 /note="globin-like, host-protective antigen." /codon_start=15 sig_peptide 15..59 /note="globin-like, host-protective antigen." /codon_start=15 mat_peptide 60..533 /note="globin-like, host-protective antigen." /codon_start=60 BASE COUNT 185 a 140 c 142 g 152 t ORIGIN 1 cccaagtttg agagatgcgg ttccttcttc tagcagcgtt cgtcgcctat gcgtatgcaa 61 agtcagatga agaaatccga aaagatgcac tatctgctct ggatgtagtt ccactgggtt 121 cgactcctga aaaactggaa aatggcaggg aattctacaa atacttcttc accaaccatc 181 aagatttgcg caaatacttc aagggtgccg aaactttcac tgccgatgat atcgctaaga 241 gcgacagatt caagaaactg ggcaatcagc tgcttctgtc agtgcatctt gccgctgaca 301 cctacgacaa cgagatgatc ttccgtgcat tcgtccgtga taccatcgac cgacatgtcg 361 atcgtggact tgaccccaag ctgtggaagg aattctggag catctaccag aaattcttgg 421 agagcaaggg aaagacactg agcgctgatc agaaggctgc atttgatgca attggcacgc 481 gattcaacga tgaggctcag aaacagcttg ctcaccatgg actgccacac acataagaag 541 tttttatagc tgaaaactgt gcgaagtttt gtgcatcttt ttgctcaaat aaaggtcgtt 601 taggtaaaaa aaaaaaaaa //