LOCUS PKLMERRA 198 bp ds-DNA BCT 26-SEP-19928-NOV-1990 DEFINITION Plasmid pKLH102 and Plasmid pKLH103 (from Acinetobacter) mercury resistance (merR) gene, 3' end. ACCESSION M54944 M38473 KEYWORDS mercury resistance protein. SOURCE Plasmid pKLH102 and Plasmid pKLH103 (from Acinetobacter) DNA. ORGANISM Acinetobacter sp. Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria; Neisseriaceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 198) AUTHORS Lomovskaya,O.L. and Nikiforov,V.G. TITLE Nucleotide sequences of mercury resistance determinants in bacteria from mercury deposits. Detecion of a family of recombinant mercury transposons in plasmids of bacteria in the genus Acinetobacter JOURNAL Genetika 24, 1064-1071 (1988) STANDARD simple staff_review FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS complement(34..>198) /product="mercury resistance protein" /codon_start=34 BASE COUNT 39 a 65 c 54 g 40 t ORIGIN 1 ggggtcgtct cagaattcgg aatataaagc acgctaaggc gtagtcaccc cgtgactccc 61 ccgcgccgat gcagcgagct tcgttccgtc ttgcagtgac gcaatcagcg ggcaggaacc 121 gttccctttc cgcgcatggc aggcgcacat cagttcagac agcacggcct ccatgcgtgc 181 caagtcggtc atcttctc // (04/16/91)
LOCUS PKLMERRA 198 bp ds-DNA BCT 16-APR-1991 DEFINITION Plasmid pKLH102 and Plasmid pKLH103 (from Acinetobacter) mercury resistance (merR) gene, 3' end. ACCESSION M54944 M38473 KEYWORDS mercury resistance protein. SOURCE Plasmid pKLH102 and Plasmid pKLH103 (from Acinetobacter) DNA. ORGANISM Plasmid pKLH102 Prokaryota; Bacteria. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 198) AUTHORS Lomovskaya,O.L. and Nikiforov,V.G. TITLE Nucleotide sequences of mercury resistance determinants in bacteria from mercury deposits. Detecion of a family of recombinant mercury transposons in plasmids of bacteria in the genus Acinetobacter JOURNAL Genetika 24, 1064-1071 (1988) STANDARD simple staff_review FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS complement(34..>198) /product="mercury resistance protein" /gene="merR" /codon_start=198 BASE COUNT 39 a 65 c 54 g 40 t ORIGIN 1 ggggtcgtct cagaattcgg aatataaagc acgctaaggc gtagtcaccc cgtgactccc 61 ccgcgccgat gcagcgagct tcgttccgtc ttgcagtgac gcaatcagcg ggcaggaacc 121 gttccctttc cgcgcatggc aggcgcacat cagttcagac agcacggcct ccatgcgtgc 181 caagtcggtc atcttctc //