[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMA68      1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/Aichi/2/68 (H3N2)) viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      292 a    214 c    270 g    251 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag ccttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgca cagagacttg aagatgtctt
      121 tgctgggaag aacacagatc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttgggatt tgtattcacg ctcacctgtc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgccctcaat gggaatgggg atccaaataa
      301 catggacaga gcagttaaac tgtatagaaa acttaagagg gagataacat tccatggggc
      361 caaagaaata gcactcagtt attctgctgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacaggatg ggggctgtga ccactgaagt ggcctttggc ctggtatgtg caacctgtga
      481 acagattgct gactcccagc ataggtctca taggcaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaatccact
      541 aataagacat gagaacagaa tggttctggc cagcactaca gctaaggcta tggagcaaat
      601 ggctggatcg agtgagcagg cagccgaggc catggaggtt gctagtcagg ccaggcaaat
      661 ggtgcaggca atgagagcca ttgggactca tcctagatcc agtgctggtc taaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctatcagaa acgaatgggg gtgcagatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgaccctct tgttgttgct gcgagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttttcaaa tgcatttatc gattctttga acacggtctg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtacct gagtctatga gggaagaata tcgaaaggaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgc tgacgatagt cattttgtca gcatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMM88      1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/Memphis/8/88 (H3N2)) viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      298 a    217 c    267 g    245 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag ccttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtatgttct
       61 ctctatcgtt ccatcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgaaatcgcg cagagacttg aagatgtctt
      121 tgctgggaaa aacacagatc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttgggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgccctcaat gggaatgggg atccaaataa
      301 catggacaga gcagttaaac tatacagaaa acttaagagg gagataacat tccatggggc
      361 caaagaaata gcactcagtt attctgctgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacaggatg ggggctgtaa ccactgaagt ggcctttggc ctggtatgtg caacatgtga
      481 acagattgct gactcccagc acaggtctca taggcaaatg gtggcaacaa ccaatccact
      541 aataagacat gagaatagaa tggttctggc cagcactaca gctaaggcta tggagcaaat
      601 ggctggatca agtgagcagg cagcggaggc catggagatt gctagtcagg ccaggcaaat
      661 ggtgcaggca atgagagcca ttgggactca tcctagctcc agtgctggtc taaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcaga cctatcagaa acgaatgggg gtgcaggtgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgacccgct tgttgttgct gcgagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttttcaaa tgcatctatc gactcttcaa acacggcctg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtacct gagtctatga gggaagaata tcgaaaggaa cagcagaatg
      961 ctgtggatgc tgacgacagt cattttgtca gcatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMSW37     1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/swine/29/37 (H1N1)) viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      299 a    223 c    262 g    243 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatgtt taaagatgag ccttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccatcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgca cagagacttg aagatgtttt
      121 tgcagggaaa aacactgatc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggaa ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgcccttaac gggaacggtg acccaaacaa
      301 catggacaaa gcagttaaac tgtacaggaa acttaagagg gagataacat tccacggggc
      361 caaagaagta gcgctcagtt attctgctgg tgcacttgcc agttgtatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacagaatg gggactgtta ccactgaagt ggcatttggc ctagtatgcg caacctgcga
      481 acagattgct gattcccagc atcgatctca tagacaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaatccact
      541 aatcagacat gagaacagaa tggtactagc cagcaccacg gctaaagcta tggagcaaat
      601 ggctggatcg agtgagcaag cagcagaggc catggaggtt gctagccagg ctaggcaaat
      661 ggtacaggcg atgagaacaa ttgggactca ccctagttcc agtgctggtc tgaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctatcagaa acgaatgggg gtgcagatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgaccctct cgttgctgcc gcaagcatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttttcaaa tgcatttatc gtcgccttga atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgccg gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcagaaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct agagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMSM52     1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/swine/March/52 (H1N1)) viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      301 a    220 c    259 g    247 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatgtt taaagatgag ccttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccatcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgca cagagacttg aagatgtttt
      121 tgcagggaaa aacaccgatc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggaa ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcacctgtc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgcccttaac gggaatggtg acccaaataa
      301 catggacaaa gcagttaaac tgtatagaaa acttaagagg gagataacat tccatggggc
      361 caaagaagta gcgctcagtt attctgctgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacagaatg ggaactgtga ccactgaagt ggcatttggc ctagtatgcg caacctgtga
      481 acagattgct gattcccagc atcgatctca cagacaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaacccact
      541 aatcagacat gagaacagaa tggtattagc cagcactacg gctaaagcta tggagcaaat
      601 ggctggatca agtgaacaag cggcagaggc tatggaggtt gctagccagg ccaggcaaat
      661 ggtacaggca atgagaacaa ttgggactca ccctagttcc agtgctggtt tgaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctatcagaa gcgaatgggg gtgcagatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgaccctct cgttgctgcc gcaagcatca tcgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttttcaaa tgcatttatc gtcgccttga atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggattgccg gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcagaaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMSW61     1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/swine/Wisconsin/1/61 (H1N1)) viral
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      301 a    223 c    262 g    241 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatgtt taaagatgag ccttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctattgtt ccatcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatagcg cagagacttg aagatgtctt
      121 tgcagggaag aacaccgatc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggaa ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcacctgtc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccagaa tgccctcaac gggaacggtg acccaaacaa
      301 catggacaaa gcggtcaaac tgtacagaaa acttaagagg gaaataacat tccatggggc
      361 caaagaagta gcactcagtt attctgctgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacagaatg gggactgtta ccactgaagt ggcatttggt ctagtatgcg caacctgtga
      481 acagattgct gactcccagc atcgatctca tagacaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaatccact
      541 gatcaggcat gagaacagaa tggtattagc cagcacaacg gctaaagcca tggaacaaat
      601 ggctggatcg agtgaacaag cagcagaggc catggaggtt gccagccagg ctaggcaaat
      661 ggtacaggca atgagaacaa ttgggactca ccctagttcc agcgctggtc tgaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctaccagaa gcgaatgggg gtgcagatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgaccctct cgttgctgcc gcaagcatta ttgggatttt gcacctgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttttcaaa tgcatttatc gacgctttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgccg gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcagaaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMSO       1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/swine/Ontario/2/81 (H1N1)) viral
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      307 a    222 c    256 g    242 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatgtt taaagatgag ccttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtatgttct
       61 ctctatcgtt ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatagcg cagagacttg aagatgtttt
      121 tgcagggaaa aacaccgatc ttgaggcact catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttaggatt tgtattcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccagaa tgccctcaat gggaatggtg acccgaacaa
      301 catggacaaa gcggtcaaac tgtacagaaa acttaaaagg gaaataacat tccacggggc
      361 caaagaagta gcgctcagtt actctactgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacagaatg gggactgtca ccactgaggt ggcatttggt ctagtatgcg caacctgtga
      481 acaaattgct gattcccagc atcgatctca tagacaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaatccact
      541 aatcaggcat gagaacagaa tggtattagc cagcacaaca gctaaagcca tggaacaaat
      601 ggctggatca agtgaacaag cagcagaggc tatggaggtt gccagccagg ctaggcaaat
      661 ggtacaggca atgaggacaa ttggaactca ccctagttcc agcgctggtc taaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttacagg cctatcagaa acgaatgggg gtgcagatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttgctgcc gcaagcatca ttgggattct gcacctgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttttcaaa tgcatttacc gtcgctttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgccg gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcagaaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagtgct agagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMWI       1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/Wisconsin/3523/88 (H1N1)) viral
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      306 a    224 c    256 g    241 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatgtt taaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtatgttct
       61 ctctatcgtt ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatagcg cagagacttg aagatgtttt
      121 tgcagggaaa aacaccgatc ttgaggcact catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccagaa tgccctcaat gggaatggtg acccgaacaa
      301 catggacaaa gcggtcaaac tgtacagaaa acttaaaagg gaaataacat tccacggggc
      361 caaagaagta gcgctcagtt actctgctgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacagaatg gggactgtca ccactgaggt ggcctttggt ctagtatgcg caacctgtga
      481 acagattgct gattcccagc atcgatctca tagacaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaatccact
      541 aatcaggcat gagaacagaa tggtattagc cagcacaaca gctaaagcca tggaacaaat
      601 ggctggatca agtgaacaag cagcagaggc tatggaggtt gccagccagg ctagacaaat
      661 ggtacaggca atgagaacaa ttgggactca ccctagttcc agcgctggtc taaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttacagg cctatcagaa acgaatgggg gtgcaaatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttgctgcc gcaagcatca ttgggatttt gcacctgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttctcaaa tgcatttacc gtcgctttaa atacggtctg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgccg gagtccatga gggaagaata tcgacagaaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagtgct agagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMSI88     1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/swine/Iowa/17672/88 (H1N1)) viral
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      307 a    221 c    257 g    242 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatgtt taaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtatgttct
       61 ctctatcgtt ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatagcg cagagacttg aagatgtttt
      121 tgcagggaaa aacaccgatc ttgaggcact catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccagaa tgccctcaat gggaatggtg acccgaacaa
      301 catggacaaa gcggtcaaac tgtacagaaa acttaaaagg gaaataacat tccacggggc
      361 caaagaagta gcgctcagtt actctgctgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacagaatg gggactgtga ccactgaggt ggcctttggt ctagtatgcg caacctgtga
      481 acagattgct gattcccagc atcgatctca tagacaaatg gagacaacaa ccaatccact
      541 aatcaggcat gagaacagaa tggtattagc cagcacaaca gctaaagcca tggaacaaat
      601 ggctggatca agtgaacaag cagcagaggc tatggaggtt gccagccagg ctagacaaat
      661 ggttcaggca atgagaacaa ttgggactca ccctagttcc agcgctggtc taaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttacagg cctatcagaa acgaatgggg gtgcaaatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttgctgtc gcaagcatca ttgggatttt gcacctgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttttcaaa tgcatttacc gtcgctttaa atacggtctg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgccg gagtccatga gggaagaata tcgacagaaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct agagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMCV85     1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/chicken/Victoria/1/85 (H7N7))
            viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      287 a    222 c    274 g    244 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgcg cagagacttg aagatgtttt
      121 tgcagggaaa aacaccgatc tcgaggctct catggaatgg ttaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgccctaaat gggaatggag acccaaacaa
      301 catggacagg gcagtcaaac tgtacaggaa attgaaaaga gagataacat tccatggagc
      361 caaagaagtt gcactcagct actcaactgg tgcacttgcc agttgtatgg gtctcatata
      421 caacaggatg ggaacggtga ccacagaagt ggcttttggc ctagtgtgtg ccacttgtga
      481 gcagattgct gattcacagc atcggtccca caggcagatg gtaactacca ccaatccact
      541 aatcaggcac gagaacagga tggtgctggc cagcactact gctaaagcta tggagcagat
      601 ggctggatcg agtgagcagg cagcggaagc catggaggtt gctagtcagg ctaggcatat
      661 ggtgcaagcg atgaggacta ttggaactca ccctagctcc agtgccggtc tgaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctaccagaa acggatggga gtgcaaatgc agcgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttatcgcc gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct tttcttcaaa tgtatttatc gtcgccttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgcct gagtctatga gggaagagta tcggcaggaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgcca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMSHK      1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/swine/Hong Kong/127/82 (H3N2))
            viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      291 a    219 c    275 g    242 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgcg cagagacttg aagatgtctt
      121 tgcagggaag aacacagatc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaaaggga ttttgggatt cgtgtttacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgccctaaat gggaacggag acccaaataa
      301 catggataga gcagtcaaac tgtacaggaa gttgaaaaga gagataacat tccatggagc
      361 taaagaggtg gcactcagct actcaactgg tgcactcgcc agttgcatgg gtctcatata
      421 caacaggatg ggaacagtga ccacagaagt ggcttttggc ctagtgtgtg ccacttgtga
      481 gcagattgct gattcacagc atcggtctca cagacagatg gtgaccacca ccaacccact
      541 aatcaggcat gaaaacagaa tggtgctggc cagccatacg gctaaggcta tggagcagat
      601 ggctgggtcg agtgagcagg cagcggaacg catggaggtc gctagtcagg ctaggcagat
      661 ggtgcaagca atgaggacaa ttgggactca ccctagctcc agtgctggtc tgaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctaccagaa acggatggga gtgcaaatgc agcgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttattgca gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct tttcttcaaa tgtatttatc gtctccttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtacct gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcaggaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMSN       1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/swine/Netherlands/12/85 (H1N1))
            viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      292 a    219 c    270 g    246 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatgtt taaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcatc ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgct cagagactgg aagatgtctt
      121 tgcaggaaag aacacagatc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgccctaaat gggaatggag acccgaataa
      301 catggataga gcagtcaagc tatacaggaa gcttaaaagg gaaataacat tccacggggc
      361 caaggaggta gcactcagct actcaactgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatata
      421 taacagaatg ggaacggtga ccacagaagt ggcttttggt ctagtgtgtg ccacttgtga
      481 gcaaattgct gattcacagc atcggtctca cagacaaatg gtgactacca ccaacccact
      541 aatcaggcat gaaaacagaa tggtgctggc tagcactaca gctaaggcta tggaacagat
      601 ggctggatcg agcgaacagg cagcggaggc catggaggtt gccagtcagg ctaggcagat
      661 ggtgcatgcg atgagaacaa ttgggactca tcctagctcc agtgctggtc tgaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctaccagaa acggatgggg gtgcagattc agcgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttattgca gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacctgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttttcaaa tgcatttatc gtctccttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgcct gagtccatga gggaagaata tcgacaggaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMFPV      1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/FPV/Dobson/27 (H7N7)) viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      287 a    219 c    278 g    243 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcatc ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgcg cagagacttg aagatgtctt
      121 tgcagggaag aacacagacc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccgatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttagggtt tgtgtttacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgccctaaat gggaacgggg atccgaataa
      301 catggataga gccgtcaagc tatacaagaa gctaaagaga gagataacat tccatggagc
      361 caaggaagtg gcactcagtt actctactgg tgcacttgca agttgcatgg gtctcatata
      421 caacagaatg ggaactgtga ccacagaggt ggcattaggc ctagtgtgtg ccacttgtga
      481 gcaaattgct gactcacagc atcggtctca cagacagatg gtgaccacca ccaatccact
      541 aatcaggcat gaaaacagaa tggtgctggc cagcactacg gctaaggcta tggagcaaat
      601 ggctgggtca agtgaacagg cagcggaacg catggaggtt gctagtcagg ctaggcagat
      661 ggtgcaggcg atgaggacag ttgggactca tcctagctcc agtgctggtc tgaaagatga
      721 tctccttgaa aatttgcagg cctaccagaa acggatggga gtgcagctgc agcgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttattgcc gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct tttcttcaaa tgtatttatc gtcgccttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgcct gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcaggaa cagcagaatg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMTM833    1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/turkey/Minnesota/833/80 (H1N1))
            viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      292 a    220 c    274 g    241 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccgtcgggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgcg cagagacttg aagatgtctt
      121 tgcagggaag aacaccgatc ttgaggcact catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttaggatt tgtgtttacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgctcttaat gggaatgggg atccaaacaa
      301 catggacaga gcggtcaaac tgtacaggaa gctcaaaagg gaaataacat tccatggggc
      361 aaaagaagtg gcactcagtt attcaactgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacaggatg gggactgtga ccaccgaagt ggcattcggc ctggtgtgcg ccacatgtga
      481 gcagattgct gattcccagc atcggtctca cagacaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaacccact
      541 gatcagacat gagaacagaa tggtactagc cagtactacg gccaaagcca tggagcaaat
      601 ggcagggtca agtgagcagg cagcagaggc tatggaagtt gctagtcagg ctaggcagat
      661 ggtgcaggca atgagaacta ttgggactca tcctagctcc agtgctggtc tgaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctaccagaa acggatggga gtgcaaatgc agcgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttattgcc gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct tttcttcaaa tgcatttatc gtcgccttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgcct gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcaggaa cagcagaatg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMTM81     1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/turkey/Minnesota/166/81 (H1N1))
            viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      292 a    225 c    269 g    241 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccatcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgcg cagagacttg aggatgtctt
      121 tgcagggaaa aacaccgatc ttgaggcact catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccagaa tgcccttaat gggaatggag atccaaacaa
      301 catggacagg gcagtcaaac tgtacaggaa gctcaaaagg gaaattacat tccatggggc
      361 caaagaggta gcactcagtt attccactgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gccttatata
      421 caacagaatg ggaactgtga ccaccgaagt ggcatttggc ctggtatgcg ccacatgtga
      481 gcagattgct gactcccagc atcggtctca cagacagatg gtaacaacaa ccaaccccct
      541 gatcagacat gagaacagga tggtactggc cagtactaca gctaaagcca tggagcagat
      601 ggcagggtcg agtgaacaag cagcagaggc tatggaggtt gccagtcagc gtaggcagat
      661 ggtgcaggca atgagaacca ttggaactca tcctagctcc agtgctggtc taaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctaccagaa acggatggga gtgcaaatgc agcgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttattgcc gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct tttcttcaaa tgcatttatc gtctccttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgcct gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcaggaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMETN      1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/equine/Tennessee/5/86 (H3N8))
            viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      304 a    224 c    267 g    232 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt taaagatgag tcttctgacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgta ccatcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgcg cagagacttg aagatgtctt
      121 tgcagggaag aacaccgatc ttgaggcact catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaaaggga ttttaggatt cgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgcccttagt ggaaacggag atccaaacaa
      301 catggacaga gcagtaaaac tgtacaggaa gcttaaaaga gaaataacat tccatggggc
      361 aaaagaggtg gcactcagct attccactgg tgcactagcc agctgcatgg gactcatata
      421 caacagaatg gggactgtga caaccgaagt ggcatttggc ctggtatgcg ccacatgtga
      481 acagattgct gattcccagc atcgatctca caggcagatg gtaacaacaa ccaacccatt
      541 aatcagacat gaaaacagaa tggtattagc cagtaccacg gctaaagcca tggagcagat
      601 ggcagggtcg agtgagcagg cagcagaggc catggaggtt gctagtaagg ccagacagat
      661 ggtacaggca atgaggacca ttgggaccca ccctagctcc agtgccggtt tgaaagatga
      721 tctccttgaa aatttgcagg cctaccagaa acggatggga gtgcaaatgc agcggttcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttattgca gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgcct tttcttcaaa ttcatttatc gtcgccttaa atacgggttg aaaggagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtacct gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcaggaa cagcagaatg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMGM79     1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/gull/Maryland/1815/79 (H13N6))
            viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      303 a    222 c    263 g    239 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgcg cagagacttg aagatgtctt
      121 tgcagggaaa aacaccgacc ttgaggcact catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccgatctt
      181 gtcacctctg actaaaggaa ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgat ttgtccagaa tgcccttaat gggaatgggg accccaacaa
      301 catggacaga gcagttaaac tgtacagaaa gctcaaaagg gagataacat tccatggggc
      361 aaaggaggta gcactcagtt attcaacagg tgcgcttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatcta
      421 caacaggatg gggactgtga ccacagaagt agcatttggt ctggtatgcg ccacctgcga
      481 acaaattgct gattcccaac accgatctca taggcaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaacccact
      541 aatcagacac gagaacagaa tggtactggc cagcactacg gctaaagcca tggagcaaat
      601 ggctggatca agtgaacagg cagctgaagc tatggaggtt gctagtcaag ctaggcagat
      661 ggtgcaagca atgagaacca ttggaactca tccaagttcc agtgctggtt tgaaagatga
      721 cctccttgaa aatttgcagg cataccagaa gcggatggga gtgcagatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttattgct gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct tttcttcaaa tgcatttatc gtcgccttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgcct gagtctatga gggaagagta ccaacaggaa aagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct tgagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMK68      1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/Korea/426/68 (H2N2)) viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      290 a    217 c    271 g    249 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag ccttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgca cagagacttg aagatgtctt
      121 tgctgggaag aacacagatc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttgggatt tgtattcacg ctcaccgtgc caagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgccctcaat gggaatgggg atccaaataa
      301 catggacaga gcagttaaac tgtatagaaa gcttaagagg gagataacat tccatggggc
      361 caaagaagta gcgctcagtt attctgctgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacaggatg ggggctgtga ccactgaagt ggcctttgcc gtggtatgtg caacctgtga
      481 acagattgct gactcccagc ataggtctca caggcaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaatccact
      541 aataagacat gagaacagaa tggttctggc cagcactaca gctaaggcta tggagcaaat
      601 ggctggatcg agtgagcaag cagcagaggc catggaggtt gctagtcagg ccaggcaaat
      661 ggtgcaggca atgagagcca ttgggactcc tcctagctcc agtgctggtc taaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctatcagaa acgaatgggg gtgcagatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgaccccct tgttgttgct gcgagtatca ttgggatctt gcactttata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttttcaaa tgcatttatc gcttctttaa acacggtctg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtacct gagtctatga gggaagaata tcgaaaggaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgc tgacgatagt cattttgtca gcatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMSTN      1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/swine/Tennessee/24/77 (H1N1))
            viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      302 a    221 c    264 g    240 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatgtt taaagatgag ccttctgacc gaggtcgaaa cgtatgttct
       61 ctctattgtt ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatagcg cagagacttg aagatgtttt
      121 tgcagggaaa aacaccgatc ttgaggcgct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccagaa tgccctcaat gggaacggtg acccgaacaa
      301 catggacaaa gcggtcaaac tgtacagaaa acttaaaagg gaaataacat tccacggggc
      361 caaagaagta gcgctcagtt attctgctgg tgcacttgcc agttgtatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacagaatg gggactgtca ccacagaggt ggcatttggt ctagtatgcg caacctgtga
      481 acagattgct gattcccagc atcgatccca tagacaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaatccact
      541 aatcagacat gagaacagaa tggtattagc cagcacaacg gctaaagcaa tggaacaaat
      601 ggctggatca agtgaacaag cagcagaggc catggaggtt gccagccagg ctaggcaaat
      661 ggtacaggca atgagaacaa ttgggacaca ccctagttcc agcgctggtc taaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctatcagaa gcgaatgggg gtgcagatgc aacgattcag
      781 gtgatcctct cgttgctgcc gcaagcatca ttgggatttt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttttcaaa tgcattcacc gtcgctttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgccg gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcagaaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagcgct agagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMEP       1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/equine/Praque/1/56 (H7N7)) viral
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      320 a    214 c    245 g    248 t
        1 agcgaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag ccttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtatgttct
       61 ctctatcatc ccatcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgaaatcgcg cagagacttg agaatgtttt
      121 tgcagggaaa aatacagatc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatttt
      181 gtcacctctg actaaaggga ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 gggactgcag cgtagacgat ttgtccaaaa tgccctcaat ggaaatggag acccaaacaa
      301 catggataag gcaattaaac tgtataaaaa actaaaaaga gacgtaacat ttcacggggc
      361 caaagaagtt gcacttggct attccactgg tgctcttgcc agctgtatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacagaatg ggaactgtca ctactgaagt ggcatttggt ttggtatgtg ccacttgtga
      481 acaaattgct gattcacagc atcgctcata caggcaaatg gcaacaacaa ccaatccgct
      541 aatcagacat gagaaccgaa tggtgttagc atgcaccaca gccaaagcta tggagcaaat
      601 ggctggatca aatgagcaag cagcggaagc tatggaaatt gcaaatcagg ccaggcaaat
      661 ggtacaggca atgagaacag ttgggactca ccctaattcc agcactggtc tgaaagatga
      721 ccttctcgaa aatttacagg cctatcaaaa gcggatggga gtgcagatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgatcttct cgttgccatt gcaagtatca ctgggatatt gcacttgata ttgtggattt
      841 ttgatcgtct tttcttcaaa tgtgcctacc gccgattcag acatgggttg aaaagaggac
      901 cttctacagg ggggatacct gaatctatga gggaagaata tcggcaggaa cagcaaagcg
      961 atgttaatgt tgacaatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLASI30      1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/swine/Iowa/15/30 (H1N1)) viral
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      299 a    226 c    263 g    239 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatgtt gaaagatgag ccttctaacc gaagtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccatcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgca cagagacttg aagatgtttt
      121 tgcagggaag aacactgatc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggaa ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgcccttaac gggaacggtg acccaaataa
      301 catggacaaa gcagttaaac tgtacaggaa acttaagagg gagataacat tccacggggc
      361 caaagaagta gcgctcagtt attctgctgg tgcacttgcc agttgtatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacagaatg gggactgtta ccactgaagt ggcatttggc ctagtatgcg caacctgcga
      481 acagattgct gattcccagc atcggtctca caggcaaatg gtaacaacaa ccaatccact
      541 aatcagacat gagaacagaa tggtactagc cagcactacg gctaaagcta tggagcaaat
      601 ggctggatcg agtgagcaag cagcagaggc catggagatt gctagccagg ctaggcaaat
      661 ggtacaagcg atgagaacag ttgggaccca ccctagctcc agtgctggtc tgaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctaccagaa acgaatgggg gtgcagatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgaccctct cgttgctgcc gcaagcatca ttgggatcct gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttttcaaa tgcatttatc gtcgccttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgccg gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcagaaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMSM54     1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/swine/May/54 (H1N1)) viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      301 a    225 c    259 g    242 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatgtt taaagatgag ccttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccatcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgca cagagacttg aagatgtttt
      121 tgcagggaaa aacaccgatc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggaa ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcacctgtc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgcccttaac gggaacggtg acccaaacaa
      301 catggacaaa gcagttaaac tgtacagaaa acttaagagg gagataacat tccacggggc
      361 caaagaagta gcgctcagtt attctgctgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatata
      421 caacagaatg ggaactgtga ccactgaagt ggcatttggc ctagtatgcg caacctgtga
      481 acagattgct gattcccagc atcagtctca cagacaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaacccact
      541 aatcagacat gagaacagaa tggtattagc cagcactacg gctaaagcta tggagcaaat
      601 ggctggatca agtgaacaag cggccgaggc tatggaggtt gctagccagg ctaggcaaat
      661 ggtacaggca atgagaacaa ttgggactca ccctagttcc agtgctggtt tgaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctatcagaa gcgaatgggg gtgcagatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgaccctct cgttgctgcc gcaagcatca tcgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggatcc
      841 ttgatcgtct ttttttcaaa tgcatttatc gacgccttga atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggattgccg gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcagaaa cagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMBH       1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/Budgerigar/Hokkaido/1/77 (H4N6))
            viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      292 a    218 c    272 g    245 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgcg cagagacttg aagatgtttt
      121 tgctggaaag aatactgacc tcgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccgatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgccctaaat gggaatggag acccaaacaa
      301 catggacagg gcagtcaaac tatacaggaa actgaaaaga gagataacat tccatggagc
      361 taaagaggtt gcactcagct actcaactgg tgcacttgcc agttgcatgg gtctcatata
      421 caacaggatg ggaacggtaa ccacagaggt ggcttttggc ctagtgtgtg ccacttgtga
      481 gcagattgct gactcacagc atcgatctca cagacagatg gtaactacta ccaacccact
      541 aataaggcat gaaaacagaa tggtgctggc cagccatacg gctaaggcta tggagcagat
      601 ggctggatcg agtgaacagg cagcggaacg catggaggtt gctggtcagg ctaggcagat
      661 ggtgcaggcg atgaggacta ttgggactca ccctagctcc agtgccggtc taaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctaccaaaa acggatggga gtgcaaatgc agcgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cattattgcc gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct tttcttcaaa tgtatttatc gtcgccttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgcct gagtctatga gggaagagta tcggcaggaa caacagagtg
      961 tagtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMDC       1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/duck/Czechoslovakia/56 (H4N6))
            viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      292 a    218 c    273 g    244 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgcg cagagacttg aagatgtctt
      121 tgcagggaag aacacagatc ttgaggctct catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaagggga ttttgggatt tgtgtttacg ctcaccgtga ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgccctaaat ggaaacggag acccaaacaa
      301 catggataga gcagtcaaac tatacaggaa gctgaaaaga gagataacat tccatggagc
      361 taaggaagtg gcactcagct actcaactgg tgcactcgcc agttgcatgg gtctcattta
      421 taaccggatg ggaacagtga ccacagaggt ggcttttggc ctagtatgtg ccacttgtga
      481 gcagattgct gattcacagc accggtctca cagacaaata gtaactacca ccaacccact
      541 aatcaggcat gaaaacagaa tggtgctggc tagcactacg gctaaagcta tggagcagat
      601 ggctggatcg agtgagcagg cagcggaacg catggaggtt gctagtcagg ctaggcagat
      661 ggtgcaggcg atgaggacaa ttgggactca ccctagctcc agtgctggtc tgaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctaccagaa acggatggga gtgcagatac agcggttcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttattgcc gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct tttcttcaaa tgtatttatc gttgccttaa acacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgcct gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcaggaa cagcagaatg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMGM       1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/gull/Massachusetts/26/80 (H13N6))
            viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      302 a    224 c    265 g    236 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctatcgtc ccgtcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgcg cagagacttg aagatgtctt
      121 tgcagggaaa aacaccgacc ttgaagcact catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccgatctt
      181 gtcacctctg accaaaggaa ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgat ttgtccagaa tgcccttaat gggaatgggg accccaataa
      301 catggacaga gcagttaaac tgtacagaaa gctcaaaagg gagataacat tccatggggc
      361 aaaggaggta gcactcagtt attcaacagg tgcgcttgcc agttgcatgg gcctcatcta
      421 caacaggatg gggactgtga ccacagaagt ggcatttggt ctggtatgcg ccacctgcga
      481 acaaattgcc gattcccaac accgatctca caggcaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaacccact
      541 aatcagacac gagaacagaa tggtattggc cagcactacg gctaaagcca tggagcaaat
      601 ggctgggtca agtgaacagg cagctgaagc tatggaggtt gctagtcaag ctaggcagat
      661 ggtgcaggca atgagaacca ttggaactca tccaagttcc agtgccggtt tgaaagatga
      721 cctccttgaa aatttgcagg cataccagaa gcggatggga gtgcagatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttattgca gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgtct tttcttcaaa tgcatttatc gtcgccttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgcct gagtctatga gggaagagta ccaacaggaa aagcagagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct tgagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMGM78     1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/gull/Maryland/1824/78 (H13N6))
            viral RNA.
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      305 a    218 c    264 g    240 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt gaaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctattgtc ccgtcgggcc ctctcaaagc cgagatcgcg cagagacttg aagatgtatt
      121 tgcagggaaa aacacagacc ttgaggcact catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatctt
      181 gtcacctctg actaaaggaa ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcag cgtagacgat ttgtccagaa tgcccttaat gggaatgggg accccaataa
      301 catggacaga gcagtcaaac tgtacagaaa gctcaaaagg gagataacat tccatggggc
      361 aaaggaggta gcactcagtt attcaacagg tgcgcttgcc agttgtatgg gcctcatcta
      421 caacaggatg gggactgtga ccacagaagt agcatttggt ctggtatgcg ccacctgcga
      481 acaaattgct gattcccaac accgatctca caggcaaatg gtgacaacaa ccaacccact
      541 aatcagacac gagaacagaa tggtactggc cagcactacg gctaaagcca tggagcaagt
      601 ggctggatcg agtgaacagg cagctgaagc tatggaggtc gctagtcaag ctagacagat
      661 ggtgcaagca atgagaacca ttggaactca tccaagttcc agtgctggtt tgaaagatga
      721 cctccttgaa aatttgcagg cataccagaa gcggatggga gtgcagatgc aacgattcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttattgcg gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattt
      841 ttgatcgtct tttcttcaaa tgcatttatc gtcgccttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtgcct gagtctatga gggaagagta ccaacaggaa aagcaaagtg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct tgagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/16/91)

LOCUS       FLAMEK       1027 bp ss-RNA             VRL       16-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Influenza virus type A membrane protein M1 and M2 gene, complete
KEYWORDS    membrane protein M1; membrane protein M2.
SOURCE      Influenza virus type A (strain A/equine/Kentucky/2/86 (H3N8)) viral
  ORGANISM  Influenza virus type A
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Negative strand RNA viruses;
            Orthomyxoviridae; Influenzavirus; Influenza A viruses.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1027)
  AUTHORS   Ito,T., Kawaoka,Y., Gorman,O.T., Beren,W.J. and Webster,R.G.
  TITLE     Evolutionary analysis of the influenza A virus M gene with
            comparison of the M1 and M2 proteins
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(26..51,740..1007)
                     /product="membrane protein M2"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            26..51
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     CDS             26..784
                     /product="membrane protein M1"
                     /gene="membrane protein"
     exon            740..1007
                     /gene="membrane protein"
BASE COUNT      306 a    222 c    263 g    236 t
        1 agcaaaagca ggtagatatt taaagatgag tcttctaacc gaggtcgaaa cgtacgttct
       61 ctctattgta ccatcaggcc ccctcaaagc cgagatcgcg cagagacttg aagatgtctt
      121 tgcagggaag aacaccgatc ttgaggcact catggaatgg ctaaagacaa gaccaatcct
      181 gtcacctctg actaaaggga ttttaggatt tgtgttcacg ctcaccgtgc ccagtgagcg
      241 aggactgcaa cgtagacgct ttgtccaaaa tgcccttagt ggaaacggag atccaaataa
      301 catggacaga gcagtaaaac tgtacaagaa gcttaaaaga gaaataacat tccatggggc
      361 aaaagaggtg gcactcagct attccactgg tgcactagcc agctgcatgg gactcatata
      421 caacagaatg gggactgtga caaccgaagt ggcatttggc ctggtatgcg ccacatgtga
      481 acagattgct gattcccagc atcgatctca caggcagatg gtgacaacaa ccaacccact
      541 aatcagacat gaaaacagaa tggtactagc cagtaccaca gctaaaacca tggagcaggt
      601 ggcagggtcg agtgagcagg cagcagaggc catggaggtt gctagtaagg ccaggcagat
      661 ggtgcaggca atgaggacca ttgggaccca ccctagctcc agtgccggtt tgaaagatga
      721 tcttcttgaa aatttgcagg cctaccagaa acggatggga gtgcaaatgc agcggttcaa
      781 gtgatcctct cgttattgca gcaagtatca ttgggatctt gcacttgata ttgtggattc
      841 ttgatcgcct tttcttcaaa ttcatttatc gtctccttaa atacggtttg aaaagagggc
      901 cttctacgga aggagtacct gagtctatga gggaagaata tcggcaggaa cagcagaatg
      961 ctgtggatgt tgacgatggt cattttgtca acatagagct ggagtaaaaa actaccttgt
     1021 ttctact