[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Streptococcus pyogenes sspS gene, complete cds.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (03/28/91)

LOCUS       STRSSPSA      386 bp ds-DNA             BCT       28-MAR-1991
DEFINITION  Streptococcus pyogenes sspS gene, complete cds.
ACCESSION   M57780 J04781
KEYWORDS    C protein.
SOURCE      Streptococcus pyogenes DNA.
  ORGANISM  Streptococcus pyogenes
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Gram-positive cocci;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 386)
  AUTHORS   Vocero-Villeta,A.M., Schilling,D.M. and Fliss,E.R.
  TITLE     Nonsporulating bacterial species contain DNA sequences homologous
            to the bacillus spore-specific C-protein gene
  JOURNAL   Genomics 9, 290-297 (1991)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
BASE COUNT      133 a     72 c     80 g    101 t
        1 cccagtgaat tcccggggat ctaatcgatg catctgctcg gctggttcaa ctccagctaa
       61 ctcaaccatt acaatctatt ttatctaacg aggagatgaa tacacatggc aaattatcaa
      121 aacgcatcaa acagaaattc atcaaacagt tagtagcgcc tggtgctcaa gctgctatcg
      181 atcaaatgaa gttcgaaatc gctagtgagt ttggtgtaaa cttaggacca gatacaacag
      241 cgtgtgcgaa cggattcttt ggtgcggaaa tcacaaaatg tttagtacaa ttacgggaga
      301 aactaggcag cagatactaa taactaattt catattatgc gtttagcttt atagaattta
      361 gtggagaaga atagaaaagt aacgaa

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/03/91)

LOCUS       STRSSPSA      386 bp ds-DNA             BCT       03-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Streptococcus pyogenes sspS gene, complete cds.
ACCESSION   M57780 J04781
KEYWORDS    C protein.
SOURCE      Streptococcus pyogenes DNA.
  ORGANISM  Streptococcus pyogenes
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Gram-positive cocci;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 386)
  AUTHORS   Vocero-Villeta,A.M., Schilling,D.M. and Fliss,E.R.
  TITLE     Nonsporulating bacterial species contain DNA sequences homologous
            to the bacillus spore-specific C-protein gene
  JOURNAL   Genomics 9, 290-297 (1991)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
BASE COUNT      133 a     72 c     80 g    101 t
        1 cccagtgaat tcccggggat ctaatcgatg catctgctcg gctggttcaa ctccagctaa
       61 ctcaaccatt acaatctatt ttatctaacg aggagatgaa tacacatggc aaattatcaa
      121 aacgcatcaa acagaaattc atcaaacagt tagtagcgcc tggtgctcaa gctgctatcg
      181 atcaaatgaa gttcgaaatc gctagtgagt ttggtgtaaa cttaggacca gatacaacag
      241 cgtgtgcgaa cggattcttt ggtgcggaaa tcacaaaatg tttagtacaa ttacgggaga
      301 aactaggcag cagatactaa taactaattt catattatgc gtttagcttt atagaattta
      361 gtggagaaga atagaaaagt aacgaa

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/19/91)

LOCUS       STRSSPSA      387 bp ds-DNA             BCT       19-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Streptococcus pyogenes sspS gene, complete cds.
ACCESSION   M57780 J04781
KEYWORDS    C protein.
SOURCE      Streptococcus pyogenes DNA.
  ORGANISM  Streptococcus pyogenes
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Gram-positive cocci;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 387)
  AUTHORS   Vocero-Villeta,A.M., Schilling,D.M. and Fliss,E.R.
  TITLE     Nonsporulating bacterial species contain DNA sequences homologous
            to the bacillus spore-specific C-protein gene
  JOURNAL   Genomics 9, 290-297 (1991)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
BASE COUNT      134 a     73 c     79 g    101 t
        1 cccagtgaat tcccggggat ctaatcgatg catctgctcg gctggttcaa ctccagctaa
       61 ctcaaccatt acaatctatt ttatctaacg aggagatgaa tacacatggc aaattatcaa
      121 aacgcatcaa acagaaattc atcaaacaag ttagtagcgc ctggtgctca agctgctatc
      181 gatcaaatga agttcgaaat cgctagtgag tttggtgtaa acttaggacc agatacaaca
      241 gctcgtgcga acggattctt tggtgcggaa atcacaaaat gtttagtaca attacgggag
      301 aaactaggca gcagatacta ataactaatt tcatattatg gctttagctt tatagaattt
      361 agtggagaag aatagaaaag taacgaa