[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Trichomonas vaginalis surface immunogen gene, partial cds.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/19/91)

LOCUS       TRISIMMA      339 bp ds-DNA             INV       19-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Trichomonas vaginalis surface immunogen gene, partial cds.
KEYWORDS    surface immunogen.
SOURCE      Trichomonas vaginalis (individual_isolate NYH 286) DNA, clone
  ORGANISM  Trichomonas vaginalis
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Protozoa; Sarcomastigophora; Mastigophora;
            Kinetoplastida; Trichomonadida; Trichomonadidae.
REFERENCE   1  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Dailey,D.C. and Alderete,J.F.
  TITLE     The phenotypically variable surface protein of Trichomonas
            vaginalis has a single, tandemly repeated immunodominant epitope
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             1..339
                     /product="surface immunogen"
                     /gene="surface immunogen"
     misc_feature    48..65
                     /note="immunodominant epitope"
BASE COUNT      113 a     74 c     66 g     86 t
        1 aagcttccgg ttctgcaggc agtttcaatc ttttcatcca agttgttgat agagaaggta
       61 gggataacgt tagaagtaaa ggagtcacat tacgcgcagc acaacaagga ccaccatcca
      121 ttagcgattt tacaatagaa ggtggcacag aactgacaat tggtaataca tatccaatca
      181 ctatcacact ttcgccatca tcagatttag cagattgctt ttatgctttc gacacagaaa
      241 ctcagcatac attcccaggt gatgctgcca gtaaaagcca gtgcacagaa ctattgggta
      301 actctgataa aacagagtat acagccaaat tacaagctt