LOCUS HAMAPRTA 480 bp ds-DNA ROD 30-APR-1991 DEFINITION Chinese hamster aprt gene encoding adenine phosphoribosyltransferase, 5' end. ACCESSION M20907 KEYWORDS adenine phosphoribosyltransferase; transferase. SOURCE Chinese hamster (wild-type) ovary cell DNA, clone pHAPRT-1. ORGANISM Cricetus cricetus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia; Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Cricetidae; Cricetinae; Cricetini. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 480) AUTHORS Park,J.-H. and Taylor,M.W. TITLE Analysis of signals controlling expression of the chinese hamster ovary aprt gene JOURNAL Mol. Cell. Biol. 8, 2536-2544 (1988) STANDARD simple staff_review COMMENT The total length of the APRT transcript is about 0.9 to 1.5 kb. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers prim_transcript 321..>480 /note="APRT mRNA and introns (alt.)" prim_transcript 326..>480 /note="APRT mRNA and introns (alt.)" prim_transcript 329..>480 /note="APRT mRNA and introns (alt.)" prim_transcript 330..>480 /note="APRT mRNA and introns (alt.)" BASE COUNT 95 a 183 c 113 g 89 t ORIGIN 1 bp upstream of BamHI site. 1 ggatccggac aacacccaca ccggcccctc caggtccaga aagctggccc tgcgagaagc 61 gggactgaaa aggcgtgcgg gagccagaaa tccaaaaggg tgccaaggca tgcgtccttt 121 ttccacccag aaataacccc aggctttcaa tttgaggtta tttcaatatc cagcaaatgc 181 gttacttcct gccaaaagcc agcctccccg caacccactc tcccagaggc cccgccccgt 241 cccgccccct cccggcctct cctcgtgctg gatcgctccc taaggacgcc ccgctccaga 301 agccccacct accaaggacg ccccaccctt gttcccggac tggtatgacc ccagcctgct 361 gacatccctc cgccctttct cgtgcacgcg gctatggcgg aatctgagtt gcagctggtg 421 gcgcagcgca tccgcacttt ccccgacttc cccatccccg gcgtgctgtt taggtgagat //