[net.cse] Pascal Dynamic Strings

jbs@mit-eddie.UUCP (Jeff Siegal) (09/26/85)

>In Pascal the length of an array is part of it's type. Strings are
>generally stored in 'packed array of char' (or array of char, no
>difference for this point.) Now, consider the strlen function in
>	maxstring = 256 ;
>	string: packed array [1..maxstring] of char ;
>	buf : string ;
>	function strlen(str : string) : integer ;
>		begin
>			strlen = maxstring
>		end ; { strlen }
>Kinda stupid, huh!? But you just can't pass different length arrays
>to a Pascal routine, pointers don't help (as a C programmer might have
>guessed) as they are typed according to the object they point to and
>you just end up back to where you started. There are no casts or some
>such to help.
Not exactly.  The ISO Pascal standard allows for "conformant parameters
in which a procedure (or function) can be declared as such:

function strlen(str:packed array[1..n] of char):integer;
strlen := n;
writeln(strlen("Hello There"):1);

Perhaps your compiler doesn't supprot this... But that's a different
story :-)

>	2. You could use some other representation of string, when I
>	brought this up with a faculty member her solution was
>	'you should just represent strings as linked lists of chars'
>	[no comment]
A better (i.e. usable :-)) solution is to represent strings a linked lists 
of character "chunks" perhaps 16 characters.  This allows both dynamic length
strings, and some measure of efficiency.  I would perfer though to combine this
meathod with another:

  blocks: record
    chars: packed array[1..blocksize] of char;
    rest: ^blocks
  string: record

>	3. Some Pascals have strings built in as a 'natural' data type:
No, all Pascals do this:  "Hello" is defined to be a packed array[1..5] 
of char.  But I suppose this doesn't help the problem of dynamic strings.
>		b) More importantly, this is just an example, solving the
>		special case of strings still doesn't let me write
>		C's qsort() routine (try it, it *cannot* be written in
>		Pascal in any useful way...sad, huh, ya gotta write a
>		different sort routine for every data type, array size
>		you use!)
see "conformant arrays" above.
>The result: Everything ends up to be ad hoc one-shots, forget building
>generic libraries, write your own everything. And completely forget
>portability, it doesn't exist in the pascal world.

	Jeff Siegal - MIT EECS