[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 long terminal repeat, partial

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/03/91)

LOCUS       HIVLTRAA      726 bp ss-RNA             VRL       03-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 long terminal repeat, partial
KEYWORDS    long terminal repeat.
SOURCE      Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 viral RNA, clone pEG602.
  ORGANISM  Human immunodeficiency virus type 1
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus;
            Retroviridae; Lentivirinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 726)
  AUTHORS   Golub,E.I., Li,G. and Volsky,D.J.
  TITLE     Differences in the basal activity of the long terminal repeat
            determine different replicative capacities of two closely related
            human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolates
  JOURNAL   J. Virol. 64, 3654-3660 (1990)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     LTR             1..726
BASE COUNT      199 a    170 c    200 g    156 t      1 others
        1 ctcgagacct agaaaaacat ggagcaatca caagtagcaa tacagcagct aacaatgctg
       61 cttgtgcctg gctagaagca caagaggagg aagaggtggg ttttccagtc acacctcagg
      121 tatctttaag accaatgact tacaaggcag ctgtagatct tagccacttt ttaaaagaaa
      181 aggggggact ggaagggcta attcactccc aacgaagaca agatatcctt gatctgtgga
      241 tctaccacac acaaggctac ttccctgatt ggcagaacta cacaccaggg ccagggatca
      301 gatatccact gacctttgga tggtgctaca agctagtacc agttgagcaa gagaaggtag
      361 aagaagccaa tgaaggagag aacacccgct tgttacgccc tgtgagcctg catgggatgg
      421 atgacccgga gagagaagta ttagagtgga ggtttgacag ccgcctagca tttcatcacg
      481 tggcccgaga gctgcatccg gagtacttca agaactgctg acatcgagct tgctacaagg
      541 gactttccgc tggggacttt cvcagggagg cgtggcctgg gcgggactgg ggagtggcga
      601 gccctcagat gctgcatata agcagctgct ttttgcctgt actgggtctc tctggttaga
      661 ccagatctga gcctgggagc tctctggcta actagggaac ccactgctta agcctcaata
      721 aagctt

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/03/91)

LOCUS       HIVLTRAB      750 bp ss-RNA             VRL       03-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 long terminal repeat, partial
KEYWORDS    long terminal repeat.
SOURCE      Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 viral RNA, clone pEG601.
  ORGANISM  Human immunodeficiency virus type 1
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus;
            Retroviridae; Lentivirinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 750)
  AUTHORS   Golub,E.I., Li,G. and Volsky,D.J.
  TITLE     Differences in the basal activity of the long terminal repeat
            determine different replicative capacities of two closely related
            human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolates
  JOURNAL   J. Virol. 64, 3654-3660 (1990)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     LTR             1..750
BASE COUNT      207 a    174 c    204 g    164 t      1 others
        1 ctcgagacct agaaaaacat ggagcaatca caagtagcat tacagcagct aacaatgctg
       61 cttgtgcctg gctagaagca caagaggagg aagaggtggg ttttccagtc acacctcagg
      121 tacctttaag accaatgact tacaaggcag ctgtagatct tagccacttt ttaaaagaaa
      181 aggggggact ggaagggcta attcactccc aacgaagaca agatatcctt gatctgtgga
      241 tctaccacac acaaggctac ttccctgatt ggcagaacta cacaccaggg ccagggatca
      301 gatatccact gacctttgga tggtgctaca agctagtacc agttgagcaa gagaaggtag
      361 aagaagccaa tgaaggagag aacatccgct tgttaagccc tgtgagcctg catgggatgg
      421 ataacccgga gagagaagta ttagagtgga ggtttgacag ccgcctagca tttcatcacg
      481 tggcccgaga gctgcatccg gagtacttca agaacttgca tccggagtac ttcaagaact
      541 gctgacatcg agcttgctac aagggacttt ccgttgggga ctttcvcagg gaggcgtggc
      601 ctgggcggga ctggggagtg gcgagccctc agatgctgca tataagcagc tgctttttgc
      661 ctgtactggg tctctctggt tagaccagat ctgagcctgg gagctctctg gctaactagg
      721 gaacccactg cttaagcctc aataaagctt