[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Human pancreatic alpha-amylase

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/08/91)

LOCUS       HUMAMY201     920 bp ds-DNA             PRI       08-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human pancreatic alpha-amylase (amy2) DNA, exon 1.
ACCESSION   M18714 K02213
KEYWORDS    alpha-amylase; amylase.
SEGMENT     1 of 10
SOURCE      Human pancreas, cDNA to mRNA, clones pHPA76 and pHPA86 [Gene 28,
            263-270 (1984)],[Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)]
            and Human cosmid library DNA, clone cosP2 [Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)].
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 543 to 910)
  AUTHORS   Nakamura,Y., Ogawa,M., Nishide,T., Emi,M., Kosaki,G., Himeno,S. and
  TITLE     Sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic alpha-
  JOURNAL   Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 920)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Nakamura,Y., Emi,M., Yamamoto,T., Ogawa,M., Takesada,M.
            and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Primary structure of human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   3  (bases 543 to 910)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Emi,M., Nakamura,Y. and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Corrected sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic
  JOURNAL   Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 920)
  AUTHORS   Horii,A., Emi,M., Tomita,N., Nishide,T., Ogawa,M., Mori,T. and
  TITLE     Primary structure of human pancreatic alpha-amylase gene: Its
            comparison with human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
            [Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)].
            [Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene
            41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)].
            Draft entry and computer readable copy of sequence [Gene 28,
            263-270 (1984)] kindly
            provided by A.Horii (14-MAR-1988).
            [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)] also sequenced the salivary alpha-amylase
            mRNA. Comparison of
            the two alpha-amylase nucleotide sequences reveals 96% homology in
            the coding region. Comparison of the sequences of human
            alpha-amylase cDNAs with those for mouse suggest the possibility of
            gene conversion between the two genes of alpha-amylase.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     exon            743..910
                     /note="alpha-amylase, exon 1 /nomgen='AMY2' /map='1p21'"
     intron          911..>920
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron A"
BASE COUNT      238 a    161 c    206 g    315 t
ORIGIN      194 bp upstream of XbaI site; chromosome 1p21.
        1 gtattcaagg ttaactgtgc ccgttggtat ctgtacatat ctttgatttc agtctttact
       61 acacgtggct tggtcacttc atggctaaaa acatgcttgt ggaagaccag tctggctcgg
      121 tgagtctgtg cggccagcag tctctgatct gtacagggta ttaatgtgtc agggctgagt
      181 gttctgggat ttgtctagag gctggtaagg gcttctggac cacttgtttc tgtcctgtca
      241 gtctgtcagg gttggaaagt ccaagccata ggacccagtt tcctttctta gcttacgtta
      301 tctaccagag caccgtgggc tgttacttac cttgagttgg aaggggttcg catttatacc
      361 tgtaaaagta ttcatccttt taatttatgt aaagtttttt tgtatgccat tctggatctt
      421 taaagagatg acaacaaatt ttggttttct actgttatgt gagaacatta ggccccagca
      481 acaggtcact gtttaaggaa aaataaaagt gctgccagaa cctaagaaaa acattaatat
      541 ctaaaaggtc atttagatga tttccatgag agactttttg atgttcttta cctgttagga
      601 ttattattga taatcctttt cagattatga ataaacagtt tgccctcaag tatttattca
      661 tgctaatatt tactttgtaa aatgtgcttc ttacaggaat ataaatagtt tctggaaagg
      721 acactgacaa cttcaaagca aaatgaagtt ctttctgttg cttttcacca ttgggttctg
      781 ctgggctcag tattccccaa atacacaaca aggacggaca tctattgttc atctgtttga
      841 atggcgatgg gttgatattg ctcttgaatg tgagcgatat ttagctccga agggatttgg
      901 aggggttcag gtgggtatga

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/08/91)

LOCUS       HUMAMY202     167 bp ds-DNA             PRI       08-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human pancreatic alpha-amylase (amy2) DNA, exon 2.
ACCESSION   M18716 K02213
KEYWORDS    alpha-amylase; amylase.
SEGMENT     2 of 10
SOURCE      Human pancreas, cDNA to mRNA, clones pHPA76 and pHPA86 [Gene 28,
            263-270 (1984)],[Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)]
            and Human cosmid library DNA, clone cosP2 [Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)].
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 11 to 157)
  AUTHORS   Nakamura,Y., Ogawa,M., Nishide,T., Emi,M., Kosaki,G., Himeno,S. and
  TITLE     Sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic alpha-
  JOURNAL   Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 167)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Nakamura,Y., Emi,M., Yamamoto,T., Ogawa,M., Takesada,M.
            and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Primary structure of human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   3  (bases 11 to 157)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Emi,M., Nakamura,Y. and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Corrected sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic
  JOURNAL   Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 167)
  AUTHORS   Horii,A., Emi,M., Tomita,N., Nishide,T., Ogawa,M., Mori,T. and
  TITLE     Primary structure of human pancreatic alpha-amylase gene: Its
            comparison with human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
            [Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)].
            [Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene
            41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)].
            Draft entry and computer readable copy of sequence [Gene 28,
            263-270 (1984)] kindly
            provided by A.Horii (14-MAR-1988).
            [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)] also sequenced the salivary alpha-amylase
            mRNA. Comparison of
            the two alpha-amylase nucleotide sequences reveals 96% homology in
            the coding region. Comparison of the sequences of human
            alpha-amylase cDNAs with those for mouse suggest the possibility of
            gene conversion between the two genes of alpha-amylase.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     intron          <1..10
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron A"
     exon            11..157
                     /note="alpha-amylase, exon 2 /nomgen='AMY2' /map='1p21'"
     intron          158..>167
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron B"
BASE COUNT       60 a     25 c     35 g     47 t
ORIGIN      About 400 bp downstream of segment 1; chromosome 1p21.
        1 taatttgtag gtctctccac caaatgaaaa tgttgcaatt tacaaccctt tcagaccttg
       61 gtgggaaaga taccaaccag ttagctataa attatgcaca agatctggaa atgaagatga
      121 atttagaaac atggtgacta gatgtaacaa tgttggggta agtgaat

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/08/91)

LOCUS       HUMAMY203     218 bp ds-DNA             PRI       08-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human pancreatic alpha-amylase (amy2) DNA, exon 3.
ACCESSION   M18718 K02213
KEYWORDS    alpha-amylase; amylase.
SEGMENT     3 of 10
SOURCE      Human pancreas, cDNA to mRNA, clones pHPA76 and pHPA86 and [Gene
            28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372
            (1986)] and Human cosmid library DNA, clone cosP2 [Gene 60, 57-64
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 11 to 208)
  AUTHORS   Nakamura,Y., Ogawa,M., Nishide,T., Emi,M., Kosaki,G., Himeno,S. and
  TITLE     Sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic alpha-
  JOURNAL   Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 218)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Nakamura,Y., Emi,M., Yamamoto,T., Ogawa,M., Takesada,M.
            and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Primary structure of human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   3  (bases 11 to 208)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Emi,M., Nakamura,Y. and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Corrected sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic
  JOURNAL   Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 218)
  AUTHORS   Horii,A., Emi,M., Tomita,N., Nishide,T., Ogawa,M., Mori,T. and
  TITLE     Primary structure of human pancreatic alpha-amylase gene: Its
            comparison with human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
            [Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)].
            [Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene
            41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)].
            Draft entry and computer readable copy of sequence [Gene 28,
            263-270 (1984)] kindly
            provided by A.Horii (14-MAR-1988).
            [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)] also sequenced the salivary alpha-amylase
            mRNA. Comparison of
            the two alpha-amylase nucleotide sequences reveals 96% homology in
            the coding region. Comparison of the sequences of human
            alpha-amylase cDNAs with those for mouse suggest the possibility of
            gene conversion between the two genes of alpha-amylase.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     intron          <1..10
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron B"
     exon            11..208
                     /note="alpha-amylase, exon 3 /nomgen='AMY2' /map='1p21'"
     intron          209..>218
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron C"
BASE COUNT       61 a     32 c     55 g     70 t
ORIGIN      About 800 bp downstream of segment 2; chromosome 1p21.
        1 tgttttctag gttcgtattt atgtggatgc tgtaattaat catatgtgtg gtaacgctgt
       61 gagtgcagga acaagcagta cctgtggaag ttacttcaac cctggaagta gggactttcc
      121 agcagtccca tattctggat gggatttcaa tgatggtaaa tgtaaaactg gaagtggaga
      181 tatcgagaac tacaatgatg ctactcaggt aatttttt

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/08/91)

LOCUS       HUMAMY205     154 bp ds-DNA             PRI       08-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human pancreatic alpha-amylase (amy2) DNA, exon 5.
ACCESSION   M18722 K02213
KEYWORDS    alpha-amylase; amylase.
SEGMENT     5 of 10
SOURCE      Human pancreas, cDNA to mRNA, clones pHPA76 and pHPA86 and [Gene
            28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372
            (1986)] and Human cosmid library DNA, clone cosP2 [Gene 60, 57-64
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 11 to 144)
  AUTHORS   Nakamura,Y., Ogawa,M., Nishide,T., Emi,M., Kosaki,G., Himeno,S. and
  TITLE     Sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic alpha-
  JOURNAL   Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 154)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Nakamura,Y., Emi,M., Yamamoto,T., Ogawa,M., Takesada,M.
            and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Primary structure of human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   3  (bases 11 to 144)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Emi,M., Nakamura,Y. and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Corrected sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic
  JOURNAL   Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 154)
  AUTHORS   Horii,A., Emi,M., Tomita,N., Nishide,T., Ogawa,M., Mori,T. and
  TITLE     Primary structure of human pancreatic alpha-amylase gene: Its
            comparison with human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
            [Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)].
            [Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene
            41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)].
            Draft entry and computer readable copy of sequence [Gene 28,
            263-270 (1984)] kindly
            provided by A.Horii (14-MAR-1988).
            [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)] also sequenced the salivary alpha-amylase
            mRNA. Comparison of
            the two alpha-amylase nucleotide sequences reveals 96% homology in
            the coding region. Comparison of the sequences of human
            alpha-amylase cDNAs with those for mouse suggest the possibility of
            gene conversion between the two genes of alpha-amylase.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     intron          <1..10
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron D"
     exon            11..144
                     /note="alpha-amylase, exon 5 /nomgen='AMY2' /map='1p21'"
     intron          145..>154
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron E"
BASE COUNT       50 a     21 c     40 g     43 t
ORIGIN      About 800 bp downstream of segment 4; chromosome 1p21.
        1 tttctactag gtaattgatc tgggtggtga gccaattaaa agcagtgact actttggtaa
       61 tggccgggtg acagaattca agtatggtgc aaaactcggc acagttattc gcaagtggaa
      121 tggagagaag atgtcttact taaagtaaat aaat

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/08/91)

LOCUS       HUMAMY206     143 bp ds-DNA             PRI       08-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human pancreatic alpha-amylase (amy2) DNA, exon 6.
ACCESSION   M18724 K02213
KEYWORDS    alpha-amylase; amylase.
SEGMENT     6 of 10
SOURCE      Human pancreas, cDNA to mRNA, clones pHPA76 and pHPA86 and [Gene
            28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372
            (1986)] and Human cosmid library DNA, clone cosP2 [Gene 60, 57-64
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 11 to 133)
  AUTHORS   Nakamura,Y., Ogawa,M., Nishide,T., Emi,M., Kosaki,G., Himeno,S. and
  TITLE     Sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic alpha-
  JOURNAL   Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 143)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Nakamura,Y., Emi,M., Yamamoto,T., Ogawa,M., Takesada,M.
            and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Primary structure of human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   3  (bases 11 to 133)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Emi,M., Nakamura,Y. and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Corrected sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic
  JOURNAL   Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 143)
  AUTHORS   Horii,A., Emi,M., Tomita,N., Nishide,T., Ogawa,M., Mori,T. and
  TITLE     Primary structure of human pancreatic alpha-amylase gene: Its
            comparison with human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
            [Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)].
            [Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene
            41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)].
            Draft entry and computer readable copy of sequence [Gene 28,
            263-270 (1984)] kindly
            provided by A.Horii (14-MAR-1988).
            [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)] also sequenced the salivary alpha-amylase
            mRNA. Comparison of
            the two alpha-amylase nucleotide sequences reveals 96% homology in
            the coding region. Comparison of the sequences of human
            alpha-amylase cDNAs with those for mouse suggest the possibility of
            gene conversion between the two genes of alpha-amylase.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     intron          <1..10
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron E"
     exon            11..133
                     /note="alpha-amylase, exon 6 /nomgen='AMY2' /map='1p21'"
     intron          134..>143
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron F"
BASE COUNT       38 a     27 c     42 g     36 t
ORIGIN      About 800 bp downstream of segment 5; chromosome 1p21.
        1 tcaaaaatag gaactgggga gaaggttggg gtttcgtacc ttctgacaga gcgcttgtct
       61 ttgtggataa ccatgacaat caacgaggac atggggctgg aggagcctct attcttacct
      121 tctgggatgc taggtagaaa acc

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/08/91)

LOCUS       HUMAMY207     120 bp ds-DNA             PRI       08-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human pancreatic alpha-amylase (amy2) DNA, exon 7.
ACCESSION   M18726 K02213
KEYWORDS    alpha-amylase; amylase.
SEGMENT     7 of 10
SOURCE      Human pancreas, cDNA to mRNA, clones pHPA76 and pHPA86 and [Gene
            28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372
            (1986)] and Human cosmid library DNA, clone cosP2 [Gene 60, 57-64
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 11 to 110)
  AUTHORS   Nakamura,Y., Ogawa,M., Nishide,T., Emi,M., Kosaki,G., Himeno,S. and
  TITLE     Sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic alpha-
  JOURNAL   Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 120)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Nakamura,Y., Emi,M., Yamamoto,T., Ogawa,M., Takesada,M.
            and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Primary structure of human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   3  (bases 11 to 110)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Emi,M., Nakamura,Y. and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Corrected sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic
  JOURNAL   Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 120)
  AUTHORS   Horii,A., Emi,M., Tomita,N., Nishide,T., Ogawa,M., Mori,T. and
  TITLE     Primary structure of human pancreatic alpha-amylase gene: Its
            comparison with human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
            [Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)].
            [Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene
            41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)].
            Draft entry and computer readable copy of sequence [Gene 28,
            263-270 (1984)] kindly
            provided by A.Horii (14-MAR-1988).
            [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)] also sequenced the salivary alpha-amylase
            mRNA. Comparison of
            the two alpha-amylase nucleotide sequences reveals 96% homology in
            the coding region. Comparison of the sequences of human
            alpha-amylase cDNAs with those for mouse suggest the possibility of
            gene conversion between the two genes of alpha-amylase.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     intron          <1..10
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron F"
     exon            11..110
                     /note="alpha-amylase, exon 7 /nomgen='AMY2' /map='1p21'"
     intron          111..>120
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron G"
BASE COUNT       35 a     23 c     26 g     36 t
ORIGIN      About 94 bp downstream of segment 6; chromosome 1p21.
        1 taacttccag gctgtacaaa atggcagttg gatttatgct tgctcatcct tacggattta
       61 cacgagtaat gtcaagctac cgttggccaa gacagtttca aaatggaaac gtaagttttg

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/08/91)

LOCUS       HUMAMY208     139 bp ds-DNA             PRI       08-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human pancreatic alpha-amylase (amy2) DNA, exon 8.
ACCESSION   M18781 K02213
KEYWORDS    alpha-amylase; amylase.
SEGMENT     8 of 10
SOURCE      Human pancreas, cDNA to mRNA, clones pHPA76 and pHPA86 and [Gene
            28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372
            (1986)] and Human cosmid library DNA, clone cosP2 [Gene 60, 57-64
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 11 to 129)
  AUTHORS   Nakamura,Y., Ogawa,M., Nishide,T., Emi,M., Kosaki,G., Himeno,S. and
  TITLE     Sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic alpha-
  JOURNAL   Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 139)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Nakamura,Y., Emi,M., Yamamoto,T., Ogawa,M., Takesada,M.
            and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Primary structure of human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   3  (bases 11 to 129)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Emi,M., Nakamura,Y. and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Corrected sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic
  JOURNAL   Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 139)
  AUTHORS   Horii,A., Emi,M., Tomita,N., Nishide,T., Ogawa,M., Mori,T. and
  TITLE     Primary structure of human pancreatic alpha-amylase gene: Its
            comparison with human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
            [Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)].
            [Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene
            41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)].
            Draft entry and computer readable copy of sequence [Gene 28,
            263-270 (1984)] kindly
            provided by A.Horii (14-MAR-1988).
            [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)] also sequenced the salivary alpha-amylase
            mRNA. Comparison of
            the two alpha-amylase nucleotide sequences reveals 96% homology in
            the coding region. Comparison of the sequences of human
            alpha-amylase cDNAs with those for mouse suggest the possibility of
            gene conversion between the two genes of alpha-amylase.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     intron          <1..10
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron G"
     exon            11..129
                     /note="alpha-amylase, exon 8 /nomgen='AMY2' /map='1p21'"
     intron          130..>139
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron H"
BASE COUNT       47 a     21 c     33 g     38 t
ORIGIN      About 2000 bp downstream of segment 7; chromosome 1p21.
        1 cctacttaag gatgttaatg attgggttgg gccaccaaat aataatggag taattaaaga
       61 agttactatt aatccagaca ctacttgtgg caatgactgg gtctgtgaac atcgatggcg
      121 ccaaataagg tgagaatat

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/08/91)

LOCUS       HUMAMY209     146 bp ds-DNA             PRI       08-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human pancreatic alpha-amylase (amy2) DNA, exon 9.
ACCESSION   M18783 K02213
KEYWORDS    alpha-amylase; amylase.
SEGMENT     9 of 10
SOURCE      Human pancreas, cDNA to mRNA, clones pHPA76 and pHPA86 and [Gene
            28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372
            (1986)] and Human cosmid library DNA, clone cosP2 [Gene 60, 57-64
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 11 to 136)
  AUTHORS   Nakamura,Y., Ogawa,M., Nishide,T., Emi,M., Kosaki,G., Himeno,S. and
  TITLE     Sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic alpha-
  JOURNAL   Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 146)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Nakamura,Y., Emi,M., Yamamoto,T., Ogawa,M., Takesada,M.
            and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Primary structure of human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   3  (bases 11 to 136)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Emi,M., Nakamura,Y. and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Corrected sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic
  JOURNAL   Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 146)
  AUTHORS   Horii,A., Emi,M., Tomita,N., Nishide,T., Ogawa,M., Mori,T. and
  TITLE     Primary structure of human pancreatic alpha-amylase gene: Its
            comparison with human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
            [Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)].
            [Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene
            41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)].
            Draft entry and computer readable copy of sequence [Gene 28,
            263-270 (1984)] kindly
            provided by A.Horii (14-MAR-1988).
            [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)] also sequenced the salivary alpha-amylase
            mRNA. Comparison of
            the two alpha-amylase nucleotide sequences reveals 96% homology in
            the coding region. Comparison of the sequences of human
            alpha-amylase cDNAs with those for mouse suggest the possibility of
            gene conversion between the two genes of alpha-amylase.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     intron          <1..10
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron H"
     exon            11..136
                     /note="alpha-amylase, exon 9 /nomgen='AMY2' /map='1p21'"
     intron          137..>146
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron I"
BASE COUNT       43 a     18 c     39 g     46 t
ORIGIN      About 111 bp downstream of segment 8; chromosome 1p21.
        1 gtgtttttag gaacatggtt attttccgca atgtagtgga tggccagcct tttacaaatt
       61 ggtatgataa tgggagcaac caagtggctt ttgggagagg aaacagagga ttcattgttt
      121 tcaacaatga tgactggtaa gtaaat

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/08/91)

LOCUS       HUMAMY210     250 bp ds-DNA             PRI       08-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human pancreatic alpha-amylase (amy2) DNA, exon 10.
ACCESSION   M18785 K02213
KEYWORDS    alpha-amylase; amylase.
SEGMENT     10 of 10
SOURCE      Human pancreas, cDNA to mRNA, clones pHPA76 and pHPA86 and [Gene
            28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372
            (1986)] and Human cosmid library DNA, clone cosP2 [Gene 60, 57-64
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 11 to 240)
  AUTHORS   Nakamura,Y., Ogawa,M., Nishide,T., Emi,M., Kosaki,G., Himeno,S. and
  TITLE     Sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic alpha-
  JOURNAL   Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 250)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Nakamura,Y., Emi,M., Yamamoto,T., Ogawa,M., Takesada,M.
            and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Primary structure of human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   3  (bases 11 to 240)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Emi,M., Nakamura,Y. and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Corrected sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic
  JOURNAL   Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 250)
  AUTHORS   Horii,A., Emi,M., Tomita,N., Nishide,T., Ogawa,M., Mori,T. and
  TITLE     Primary structure of human pancreatic alpha-amylase gene: Its
            comparison with human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
            [Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)].
            [Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene
            41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)].
            Draft entry and computer readable copy of sequence [Gene 28,
            263-270 (1984)] kindly
            provided by A.Horii (14-MAR-1988).
            [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)] also sequenced the salivary alpha-amylase
            mRNA. Comparison of
            the two alpha-amylase nucleotide sequences reveals 96% homology in
            the coding region. Comparison of the sequences of human
            alpha-amylase cDNAs with those for mouse suggest the possibility of
            gene conversion between the two genes of alpha-amylase.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     intron          <1..10
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron I"
     CDS             join(M18714:743..910,M18716:11..157,M18718:11..208,
     exon            11..200
                     /note="alpha-amylase, exon 10 /nomgen='AMY2' /map='1p21'"
BASE COUNT       76 a     42 c     39 g     93 t
ORIGIN      About 1300 bp downstream of segment 9; chromosome 1p21.
        1 tattttacag gtcattttct ttaactttgc aaactggtct tcctgctggc acatactgtg
       61 atgtcatttc tggagataaa attaatggca attgcacagg cattaaaatt tacgtttctg
      121 atgatggcaa agctcatttt tctattagta actctgctga agatccattt attgcaattc
      181 atgctgaatc taaattgtaa aatttaaaat taaatgcatg tcctcaaaac aatagccaag
      241 tgtgtttctt

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/08/91)

LOCUS       HUMAMY204     251 bp ds-DNA             PRI       08-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human pancreatic alpha-amylase (amy2) DNA, exon 4.
ACCESSION   M18720 K02213
KEYWORDS    alpha-amylase; amylase.
SEGMENT     4 of 10
SOURCE      Human pancreas, cDNA to mRNA, clones pHPA76 and pHPA86 and [Gene
            28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372
            (1986)] and Human cosmid library DNA, clone cosP2 [Gene 60, 57-64
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 11 to 241)
  AUTHORS   Nakamura,Y., Ogawa,M., Nishide,T., Emi,M., Kosaki,G., Himeno,S. and
  TITLE     Sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic alpha-
  JOURNAL   Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 251)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Nakamura,Y., Emi,M., Yamamoto,T., Ogawa,M., Takesada,M.
            and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Primary structure of human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 41, 299-304 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   3  (bases 11 to 241)
  AUTHORS   Nishide,T., Emi,M., Nakamura,Y. and Matsubara,K.
  TITLE     Corrected sequences of cDNAs for human salivary and pancreatic
  JOURNAL   Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   4  (bases 1 to 251)
  AUTHORS   Horii,A., Emi,M., Tomita,N., Nishide,T., Ogawa,M., Mori,T. and
  TITLE     Primary structure of human pancreatic alpha-amylase gene: Its
            comparison with human salivary alpha-amylase gene
  JOURNAL   Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
            [Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)].
            [Gene 60, 57-64 (1987)]  revises [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)],[Gene
            41, 299-304 (1986)],[Gene 50, 371-372 (1986)].
            Draft entry and computer readable copy of sequence [Gene 28,
            263-270 (1984)] kindly
            provided by A.Horii (14-MAR-1988).
            [Gene 28, 263-270 (1984)] also sequenced the salivary alpha-amylase
            mRNA. Comparison of
            the two alpha-amylase nucleotide sequences reveals 96% homology in
            the coding region. Comparison of the sequences of human
            alpha-amylase cDNAs with those for mouse suggest the possibility of
            gene conversion between the two genes of alpha-amylase.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     intron          <1..10
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron C"
     exon            11..241
                     /note="alpha-amylase, exon 4 /nomgen='AMY2' /map='1p21'"
     intron          242..>251
                     /note="alpha-amylase, intron D"
BASE COUNT       71 a     52 c     57 g     71 t
ORIGIN      About 600 bp downstream of segment 3; chromosome 1p21.
        1 acctcaacag gtcagagatt gtcgtctgac tggtcttctt gatcttgcac tggagaagga
       61 ttacgtgcgt tctaagattg ccgaatatat gaaccatctc attgacattg gtgttgcagg
      121 gttcagactt gatgcttcca agcacatgtg gcctggagac ataaaggcaa ttttggacaa
      181 actgcataat ctaaacagta actggttccc tgcaggaagt aaacctttca tttaccagga
      241 ggtacatcaa t