[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] S.commune Sc3 protein gene, complete cds.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/08/91)

LOCUS       SCOSC4        945 bp ds-DNA             PLN       08-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  S.commune Sc3 protein gene, complete cds.
KEYWORDS    Sc3 protein.
SOURCE      S.commune (strain 439) DNA, clone lambda Sc4.
  ORGANISM  Schizophyllum commune
            Eukaryota; Plantae; Thallobionta; Basidiomycotina; Hymenomycetes;
            Agaricales; Schizophyllaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 945)
  AUTHORS   Schuren,F.H. and Wessels,J.G.
  TITLE     Two genes specifically expressed in fruiting dikaryons of
            Schizophyllum commune: Homologies with a gene not regulated by
            mating-type genes
  JOURNAL   Gene 90, 199-205 (1990)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     Draft entry and computer-readable sequence for [1 kindly submitted
            by F.H.J.Schuren, 23-FEB-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(71..166,310..387,444..539,594..656,705..749)
                     /note="Sc3 protein"
     prim_transcript 1..>945
                     /note="Sc3 mRNA and introns"
     exon            71..166
                     /note="Sc3 protein, exon 1"
     intron          167..309
                     /note="Sc3 intron A"
     exon            310..387
                     /note="Sc3 protein, exon 2"
     intron          388..443
                     /note="Sc3 intron B"
     exon            444..539
                     /note="Sc3 protein, exon 3"
     intron          540..593
                     /note="Sc3 intron C"
     exon            594..656
                     /note="Sc3 protein, exon 4"
     intron          657..704
                     /note="Sc3 intron D"
     exon            705..749
                     /note="Sc3 protein, exon 5"
     misc_signal     911..915
                     /note="poly-A signal"
BASE COUNT      168 a    312 c    227 g    238 t
        1 agtcgaacac cccagttcaa ctaccccagc ccttccttcc ttcgctatcc ttccttacaa
       61 cctgctcgcc atgttcgccc gtctccccgt cgtgttcctc tacgccttcg tcgcgttcgg
      121 cgccctcgtc gctgccctcc caggtggcca cccgggcacg acgtacgtcg acctctcacc
      181 gtcctctaat gtcttgctga tgaagccccg tatagcacgc cgccggttac gacgacggtg
      241 acggtgacca cggtgagtag ctttctcgcc gtcgacgact cgaacgcatt ggctaatttt
      301 tgctcatagc cgccctcgac gacgaccatc gccgccggtg gcacgtgtac tacggggtcg
      361 ctctcttgct gcaaccaggt tcaatcggta cgtacatcaa agcggcacga ccaggcatct
      421 cagctgacgg ccacatcgta caggcgagca gcagccctgt taccgccctc ctcggcctgc
      481 tcggcattgt cctcagcgac ctcaacgttc tcgttggcat cagctgctct cccctcactg
      541 tgagatcttt ttgttcactg tcccaattac tgcgcactga cagactttgc caggtcatcg
      601 gtgtcggagg cagcggctgt tcggcgcaga ccgtctgctg cgaaaacacc caattcgtat
      661 gtatactttc catgcgtgtc cctttctccg ctaatcatct gtagaacggg ctgatcaaca
      721 tcggttgcac ccccatcaac atcctctgag caggtgaacg cgcctgtcgg tgggatattc
      781 gggcgacggg agcctcgggc aatctgagcc tcgttactgc ctagcaaatt cggaatccct
      841 tcgatgtcat agggtcgcgg acaagtgatc gtcttgctac atactccaag gtgttgactc
      901 attccctcag ataatgaaca ttgttgttgt tgttgtttgt tctct