[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Xenopus laevis caerulein type I gene, exon 4.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/08/91)

LOCUS       XELCRLGI4     342 bp ds-DNA             VRT       08-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Xenopus laevis caerulein type I gene, exon 4.
KEYWORDS    caerulein.
SEGMENT     4 of 6
SOURCE      Xenopus laevis skin, cDNA to mRNA, and DNA.
  ORGANISM  Xenopus laevis
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Amphibia;
            Lissamphibia; Anura; Archeobatrachia; Pipoidea; Pipidae.
REFERENCE   1  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Richter,K., Egger,R. and Kreil,G.
  TITLE     Sequence of preprocaerulein cDNAs cloned from the skin of Xenopus
            laevis: A small family of precursors containing one, three, or four
            copies of the final product
  JOURNAL   J. Biol. Chem. 261, 3676-3680 (1986)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 342)
  AUTHORS   Vlasak,R., Wiborg,O., Richter,K., Burgschwaiger,S., Vuust,J. and
  TITLE     Conserved exon-intron organization in two different caerulein genes
            of Xenopus laevis: Additional detection of an exon potentially
            coding for a new peptide
  JOURNAL   Eur. J. Biochem. 169, 53-58 (1987)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     intron          order(M27981:87..105,1..256)
     exon            257..331
BASE COUNT      110 a     39 c     57 g    136 t
        1 cgtcgcaatg gtgaatttga ttaatattct tcttgaaaac atcaaatgta taaaactgca
       61 tctgtttcta tatagaggaa ataaagcatt tactatctga agaaatcact gtttgaatct
      121 gtatttatgt ctctggtgtt tgtaatccac tttatgtttg cagaatatgt aaaacgtgaa
      181 agattagaaa atatgttaca gttttattta tttattattt tataattttt tttttttatt
      241 atttacatct ttgcagatga tgatgtaaac gaacgagatg tccgaggatt tgcatctttc
      301 ctaggtaaag ctttaaaggc tgctttaaaa agtaagttgg aa