[net.cse] Modula-2 in academic courses/programs

mazlack@ernie.BERKELEY.EDU (Lawrence J. &) (11/02/85)

A little while ago, I asked for information about where and how Modula-2
was or was about to be used in academic courses.  I didn't get very many 
responses.  However, they are summarized below.

I suspect that there are more.  If you are currently using Modula-2 in
a class, or about to do so, I would appreciate hearing from you.  I'll
update this summary and repost it if I get ANY additional information.

Please send it to me in the following format:
(a) institution,
(b) course number, name
(c) level of course (freshman, soph, junior, senior, grad, etc.),
(d) text used,
(e) compiler used,
(f) hardware configuration,
(g) contact person.

institution   | course #, name  | text    |compiler | configuration | contact 
U. California |CS162: Operating |Wirth    |Powell   | UNIX/VAX750   |     
at Berkeley   |         Systems |         |         |               |  
Indianapolis U|CSCI 445,446:    |Wirth    |Hamburger| VMS/VAX-780   |Chingman
at Bloomingon |   Infor Systems |         |         |               | Jim Lo
Indiana U -   |CSCI 450: Softwar|Wirth    |Hamburger| VMS/VAX-780   |Chingmin
 Purdue U at  |CSCI 461: Pg Lan3|         |         |               | Jim Lo
Indianapolis  |CSCI 502,503:    |         |         |               |
              |       Compilers |         |         |               |
              |CSCI 503 Op Sys  |         |         |               |
Pennsylvania  |CS153 Data Struct|Wirth--> |Powell   |UNIX4.2/VAX-780|Parker 
State         |                 | Ford,   |         |               |
              |                 |  Wiener |         |               |  
Rockefeller U |prog skills for  |Christian|Logitech |IBM PC         |Kaare 
              |  lab computers  |         |         |               |Christian
SUNY Buffalo  |Programming Lang |Gleaves  |Powell   |UNIX???        |Deepak 
              |Intro Comp (soon)|         |         |               | Kumar 
U. Utah       |simulation       |Gleaves  |Powell   |???VAX-780     |Richard M.
              |                 |         |         |               |Fujimoto

With the exception (I think) of the soon to be intro course at SUNY Buffalo,
these courses are at the junior/senior/early grad level. Next time I do this table, I'll put down the specific level that people tell me.

The information that I have on the compilers is:

(a) Hamburger: packaged with the Wirth book.  Available from: ???
(b) Logitech: runs on IBM PC's.  Available from: ???

(c) Powell: runs on VAXs, either UNIX or VMS.  Available from:
      Michaiel L. Powell
      Digital Equipment Corp.
      Western Research Laboratory
      100 Hamilton Ave
      Palo Alto, CA 94301

I'll cheerfully update the compiler information, as I get it.

Also, next time around, I'll provide fuller bibliographic data on the texts.