LOCUS XELCRLG37 264 bp ds-DNA VRT 08-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Xenopus laevis caerulein type III gene, exon 8. ACCESSION M64803 KEYWORDS caerulein. SEGMENT 7 of 7 SOURCE Xenopus laevis skin, cDNA to mRNA, and DNA. ORGANISM Xenopus laevis Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Amphibia; Lissamphibia; Anura; Archeobatrachia; Pipoidea; Pipidae. REFERENCE 1 (sites) AUTHORS Richter,K., Egger,R. and Kreil,G. TITLE Sequence of preprocaerulein cDNAs cloned from the skin of Xenopus laevis: A small family of precursors containing one, three, or four copies of the final product JOURNAL J. Biol. Chem. 261, 3676-3680 (1986) STANDARD full staff_review REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 264) AUTHORS Vlasak,R., Wiborg,O., Richter,K., Burgschwaiger,S., Vuust,J. and Kreil,G. TITLE Conserved exon-intron organization in two different caerulein genes of Xenopus laevis: Additional detection of an exon potentially coding for a new peptide JOURNAL Eur. J. Biochem. 169, 53-58 (1987) STANDARD full staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers intron order(M64802:88..108,1..15) /number=7 /note="1.1 kb gap." /gene="cae3" CDS join(M27986:13..157,M27987:19..87,M27978:11..55, M64800:11..55,M64800:303..380,M64802:19..87,16..74) /product="caerulein type III" /gene="cae3" /codon_start=13 mRNA join(M27985:211..268,M27986:12..157,M27987:19..87, M27978:11..55,M64800:11..55,M64800:303..380,M64802:19..87, 16..148) /product="caerulein type III" /gene="cae3" exon 16..148 /number=8 /gene="cae3" mat_peptide 18..47 /note="18" /product="carulein type III" /gene="cae3" /codon_start=18 polyA_site 148..148 /gene="cae3" BASE COUNT 92 a 40 c 39 g 93 t ORIGIN 1 caacttaatt tctaggacaa caagactaca caggttggat ggattttggc cgccgcaatg 61 gtgaagatga ttaatattct tcttgaaaac ctcaaatgta taaaactaca tctgtttctg 121 tacagaggaa ataaagcatt tactgaagaa atccctgttt taatctgcat tatgtatctg 181 gtctttgcaa atcactttac atttacagaa tatgtaaaac ataaaagatt agaaaatatt 241 gtactctttt atttattata tttt //