LOCUS CHKMYLCZ2F 689 bp ss-mRNA VRT 10-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Chicken myosin light chain 2 (LC2f) mRNA, complete cds. ACCESSION M11030 KEYWORDS myosin. SOURCE Chicken (White Leghorn) pectoralis major muscle, cDNA to mRNA, clonelambda-gt11/L10. ORGANISM Gallus gallus Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Aves; Neornithes; Neognathae; Galliformes; Phasianidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 689) AUTHORS Reinach,F.C. and Fischman,D.A. TITLE Recombinant DNA approach for defining the primary structure of monoclonal antibody epitopes JOURNAL J. Mol. Biol. 181, 411-422 (1985) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT Draft entry and clean copy sequence for [J. Mol. Biol. 181, 411-422 (1985)] kindly provided by F.Reinach, 14-AUG-1985. Using a monoclonal antibody (MF5) that recognizes a reversible divalent metal-induced conformational change in LC2f makes it possible to establish the antibody binding site within the primary structure of the protein and thereby locate a region that undergoes conformational change upon metal-binding. Three DNA regions were located using this method, of which two produce protein that is reactive with the antibody but is not the immunogen. The sequence presented here is that coding for the immunogen. The binding sites for the monoclonal antibodies are located in the first 38 amino acids of chicken myosin light chain 2 and AAs 5 through 13 are unnecessary for antibody binding. Two poly-C regions are found at 552-568 and 646-666. A partially conserved repeat sequence (550-664) is located between these two poly-C regions. A polyadenylation signal is located at positions 677-682. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers mRNA <1..689 /note="LC2f mRNA" CDS 25..531 /note="myosin light chain type 2 (LC2f)" /codon_start=25 BASE COUNT 154 a 233 c 190 g 112 t ORIGIN 98 bp upstream of MboI site. 1 gcgaccccac tgacgagcag cgctatggcc cccaagaagg cgaagcgccg cgcagccgag 61 ggctcctcca atgtcttctc tatgttcgac cagacccaga tccaggagtt caaagaggcg 121 ttcacggtga tcgatcagaa ccgcgatggc atcattgata aggacgacct gcgggagacc 181 ttcgccgcca tggggcgcct gaacctgaag aacgaggagt tggacgccat gatcaaggag 241 gcgagcggcc ccattaactt caccgtcttc ctcaccatgt ttggggagaa gctgaagggc 301 gctgaccccg aagacgtcat catgggggcc ctcaaagtgc tcgaccccga tgggaaggga 361 tccatcaaga agagcttcct ggaggagctg ctgaccacac agtgcgaccg cttcaccccc 421 gaggagatca agaacatgtg ggccgccttc ccccccgacg tggcgggcaa cgtggactat 481 aagaacatct gctacgtcat cacccacggg gaggacaaag agggggaatg accccaaaac 541 cgggaccccc cccccccccc ccatatggga ccccccgtgg gacccctatg ggacccctta 601 tgggatcctt ctgggacccc ttatgggatc cttttgggac cccccccccc cccccccccc 661 ggctatccca attaaagcga tgcttttcc //