lss@glasgow.glasgow.UUCP (Dr. L. S. Smith) (01/29/86)
Scottish Researcher Seeking Contacts in U.S. _____________________________________________ A research project at the University of Stirling, Scotland, is hoping to find methods of assessing pupils' problem-solving activities in microelectronics projects. Microelectronics is being introduced into Scottish schools as part of a new course in technological studies. Teachers, Psychologists, Educationalists, etc., required who have experience in any of the following areas: (1) Teaching microelectronics at low level (e.g. to 12-16 year olds) (2) Assessment of pupils' project work in any subject. (3) Assessment of practical problem-solviong tasks. (4) Research into problem-solving skills, activities, abilities etc. (5) Use of computers in pupil assessment. One of the researchers will be in the U.S. in March, and hopes to make contact with others involved in related work. If you can help, please contact MELODY McKAY, Department of Education, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA, Scotland. Telephone (44) 786 73171 or (44) 786 822451 __________________________________________________