[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Hepatitis C virus Env1 protein gene, partial cds.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (04/10/91)

LOCUS       HPCENV1A      434 bp ss-RNA             VRL       10-APR-1991
DEFINITION  Hepatitis C virus Env1 protein gene, partial cds.
KEYWORDS    envelope protein; polyprotein.
SOURCE      Hepatitis C virus, cDNA to mRNA.
  ORGANISM  Hepatitis C virus
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus;
            Togaviridae incertae sedis.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 434)
  AUTHORS   Fuchs,K., Motz,M., Scheier,E., Zachoval,R., Deinhardt,F. and
  TITLE     Characterization of 5' ends and part of the structural genes of
            european HCV
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             1..434
BASE COUNT       77 a    130 c    122 g    105 t
        1 ctccacgggg ctttaccatg tcaccaacga ttgccccaac tcgagtattg tgtacgagac
       61 agctgatgcc atcctacacg ctccggggtg cgtcccttgc gttcgtgagg ataacgtctc
      121 gaggtgttgg gtggcgatga cccccacggt ggccactagg gatggcaaac tccccgcaac
      181 ggagcttcga cgtcacatcg atctgcttgt cgggagcgcc accctctgct cggcccttta
      241 cgtgggggac ttgtgcgggt ctgtctttct tgtcggtcag ctgtttacct tctctcccag
      301 gcgccactgg acgacgcaag attgcaactg ttctatctat cccggccata taacgggtca
      361 ccgcatggca tgggatatga tgatgaactg gtcccctacg acggcattgg tagtagctca
      421 gctggtccgg atcc

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/14/91)

LOCUS       HPCENV1A      434 bp ss-RNA             VRL       14-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Hepatitis C virus Env1 protein gene, partial cds.
KEYWORDS    envelope protein; polyprotein.
SOURCE      Hepatitis C virus, cDNA to mRNA.
  ORGANISM  Hepatitis C virus
            Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus;
            Togaviridae incertae sedis.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 434)
  AUTHORS   Fuchs,K., Motz,M., Scheier,E., Zachoval,R., Deinhardt,F. and
  TITLE     Characterization of 5' ends and part of the structural genes of
            european HCV
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  simple staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             1..434
BASE COUNT       77 a    130 c    122 g    105 t
        1 ctccacgggg ctttaccatg tcaccaacga ttgccccaac tcgagtattg tgtacgagac
       61 agctgatgcc atcctacacg ctccggggtg cgtcccttgc gttcgtgagg ataacgtctc
      121 gaggtgttgg gtggcgatga cccccacggt ggccactagg gatggcaaac tccccgcaac
      181 ggagcttcga cgtcacatcg atctgcttgt cgggagcgcc accctctgct cggcccttta
      241 cgtgggggac ttgtgcgggt ctgtctttct tgtcggtcag ctgtttacct tctctcccag
      301 gcgccactgg acgacgcaag attgcaactg ttctatctat cccggccata taacgggtca
      361 ccgcatggca tgggatatga tgatgaactg gtcccctacg acggcattgg tagtagctca
      421 gctggtccgg atcc