[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Synthetic Drosophila 5S rRNA fused to a T7 promoter.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/17/91)

LOCUS       SYNDRORR5S    192 bp ds-DNA             SYN       17-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Synthetic Drosophila 5S rRNA fused to a T7 promoter.
KEYWORDS    5S ribosomal RNA.
SOURCE      Drosophila synthetic T7/5S rRNA construct DNA.
  ORGANISM  Artificial gene
            Artificial sequences; Genes.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 192)
  AUTHORS   Preiser,P.R. and Levinger,L.F.
  TITLE     In vitro processing of Drosophila melanogaster 5 S ribosomal RN. 3'
            end effects and requirement for internal domains of mature 5 S RNA
  JOURNAL   J. Biol. Chem. 266, 7509-7516 (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_entry
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_recomb     22^22
                     /note="T7 promoter DNA end/5S rRNA gene start"
     misc_recomb     164^165
                     /note="5S rRNA gene end/polylinker DNA start"
BASE COUNT       48 a     52 c     46 g     46 t
        1 aattctaata cgactcacta tagccaacga ccataccacg ctgaatacat cggttctcgt
       61 ccgatcaccg aaattaagca gcgtcgggcg cggttagtac ttagatgggg gaccgcttgg
      121 gaacaccgcg tgttgttggc ctcgtccaca actttttaaa gccggatccg tcgactgcag
      181 atctagaagc tt