[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Bovine PrP gene for a prion-protein.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/17/91)

LOCUS       BOVPRP        795 bp ds-DNA             MAM       17-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Bovine PrP gene for a prion-protein.
KEYWORDS    prion protein.
SOURCE      Bos taurus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Bos taurus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Artiodactyla; Ruminantia; Pecora; Bovidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 795)
  AUTHORS   Goldmann,W.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Goldmann,W., Hunter,N., Martin,T.E., Dawson,M. and Hope,J.
  TITLE     Different forms of the bovine PrP gene have five or six copies of a
            short, G-C-rich element within the protein-coding exon
  JOURNAL   J. Gen. Virol. 72, 201-204 (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     *source: strain=Holstein-Friesian; tissue=peripheral lymphocytes;
            *source: developmental stage=adult,germline; PrP protein aggregates
            are found in BSE which is a member of the scrapie-like diseases. A
            second bovine PrP allele shows deletion of nucleotides 211 to 234.
            Nucleotide 576 exhibits C to T transition, creating a HindII
            From EMBL 23   entry BTPRP;  dated 25-FEB-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     mat_peptide     1..792
                     /product="prion protein"
                     /gene="PrP gene"
     CDS             1..795
                     /product="prion protein"
                     /gene="PrP gene"
BASE COUNT      197 a    193 c    244 g    161 t
        1 atggtgaaaa gccacatagg cagttggatc ctggttctct ttgtggccat gtggagtgac
       61 gtgggcctct gcaagaagcg accaaaacct ggaggaggat ggaacactgg ggggagccga
      121 tacccaggac agggcagtcc tggaggcaac cgttatccac ctcagggagg gggtggctgg
      181 ggtcagcccc atggaggtgg ctggggccag cctcatggag gtggctgggg ccagcctcat
      241 ggaggtggct ggggtcagcc ccatggtggt ggctggggac agccacatgg tggtggaggc
      301 tggggtcaag gtggtaccca cggtcaatgg aacaaaccca gtaagccaaa aaccaacatg
      361 aagcatgtgg caggagctgc tgcagctgga gcagtggtag ggggccttgg tggctacatg
      421 ctgggaagtg ccatgagcag gcctcttata cattttggca gtgactatga ggaccgttac
      481 tatcgtgaaa acatgcaccg ttaccccaac caagtgtact acaggccagt ggatcagtat
      541 agtaaccaga acaactttgt gcatgactgt gtcaacatca cagtcaagga acacacagtc
      601 accaccacca ccaaggggga gaacttcacc gaaactgaca tcaagatgat ggagcgagtg
      661 gtggagcaaa tgtgcattac ccagtaccag agagaatccc aggcttatta ccaacgaggg
      721 gcaagtgtga tcctcttctc ttcccctcct gtgatcctcc tcatctcttt cctcattttt
      781 ctcatagtag gatag