[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Neurospora crassa 5.8S ribosomal RNA

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/17/91)

LOCUS       NEURRN58S     157 bp ss-mRNA            PLN       17-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Neurospora crassa 5.8S ribosomal RNA
KEYWORDS    5.8S ribosomal RNA; ribosomal RNA.
SOURCE      Neurospora crassa RNA.
  ORGANISM  Neurospora crassa
            Eukaryota; Plantae; Thallobionta; Eumycota; Ascomycotina;
            Pyrenomycetes; Sordariales; Sordariaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 157)
  AUTHORS   Kelly,J.M. and Cox,R.A.
  TITLE     The nucleotide sequence at the 3'-end of Neurospora crassa 25S-rRNA
            and the location of a 5.8S-rRNA binding site
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 9, 1111-1121 (1981)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL 26   entry NCRRN58S;  dated 07-NOV-1985.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     rRNA            1..157
                     /note="5.8S ribosomal RNA"
BASE COUNT       43 a     34 c     38 g     42 t
        1 aaactttcaa caacggatct cttggttctg gcatcgatga agaacgcagc gaaatgcgat
       61 aggtaatgtg aattgcagaa ttcagtgaat catcgaatct ttgaacgcac attgcgctcg
      121 ccagtattct ggcgagcatg cctgttcgag cgtcatt