[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Murine MHC class I mutant H-2D4

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/18/91)

LOCUS       MUSH2D4Q5    1108 bp ds-DNA             ROD       18-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Murine MHC class I mutant H-2D4(q) gene, 5' region.
ACCESSION   X52914 X52595
KEYWORDS    Major histocompatibility complex;
            major histocompatibility complex class I; transplantation antigen.
SOURCE      Mus musculus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1108)
  AUTHORS   Lee,D.R.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 1108)
  AUTHORS   Rubocki,R.J., Lee,D.R., Lie,W.R., Myers,N.B. and Hansen,T.H.
  TITLE     Molecular evidence that the H-2D and H-2L genes arose by
  JOURNAL   J. Exp. Med. 171, 2043-2061 (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL    entry MMH2D4Q5;  dated 21-FEB-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     mRNA            join(:<95..158,:374..643,:788..>972)
                     /note="gene probably non-functional; deletions in exon 3
                     produce a premature stop codon"
     exon            <95..158
     CDS             join(:95..158,:374..643,:788..882)
                     /note="gene probably non-functional; deletions in exon 3
                     produce a premature stop codon"
     5'UTR           1..94
     CAAT_signal     14..18
                     /note="atypical for most class 1 genes"
     TATA_signal     41..45
     sig_peptide     95..158
                     /note="for H-2D4(q) polypeptide"
     intron          159..373
     exon            374..643
     intron          644..787
     exon            788..1054
     misc_feature    (827.828)..(827.828)
                     /note="position of 13 bp deletion that results in a
                     premature termination of the D4 gene product."
     misc_feature    (966.973)..(966.973)
                     /note="position of 4 bp insertion that creates a potential
                     poly(A) signal"
     polyA_site      967..972
     intron          1055..>1108
BASE COUNT      210 a    342 c    362 g    194 t
        1 ggatcctggg gaaccaagga gctactccgc aggcgctggt tataaagtcc atgcaggcca
       61 agggtctcag atgtcctgta ttccagatgg ggcaatggcg ctgcaaaggc tgctcctgct
      121 gctggcagcc gccctgaccc tgaccaagac ccgagcaggt gagtgcgggg gtccgcaggg
      181 aaacagacct ttccaaacag tctgcgggga ggggcgggca cagcaccggg gaagctgcgt
      241 gcccgcgtcg cccaccgtac tctcagtctc ttctccacct gcgtcccgag ccccacgccc
      301 tgttccctcc ccgtccgcgc acccgcccag ggtcctggga ggaggtcagg ttctcacagc
      361 gcgccgcccc caggctcaca ctcgctgcgg tatttccaca ccgccatgtc ccggccgggc
      421 cttcaggagc cctggttcat ctctgtcggc tacgtggacg acacgcagtt cgtgcgcttc
      481 gacagcgacg cggagaatcc gagatacgag cctcgtgtgt cgtggatgga gcaagagggg
      541 ccggagtatt gggaggagca gatacagatc gccaagagca atgagcagag attccgaggg
      601 agcctgagga acgcgctgcg ctactacaac cagagcgagg gcggtgagtc atgactcctc
      661 atcttcccgg caccgggttg gagacgtccc ggatccgaag tttgggagca gaaccgccca
      721 gagacttgtt gccttttcag tttggaggag tccgcgggag ggcggggctg accgcggggt
      781 cccgcaggct ctcacacgtt ccagtggatg tctggctgtg acctcggctc ctccgcgggt
      841 acatgcagtt cgcttatgaa ggctgcgatt acatcgccct gaacgaagac ctgaacacgt
      901 gaactgtggc ggacatggcg gcgcagatca cccgacacaa ctgccaggag gctggtgctg
      961 cagagaaata aatacagggc ctacctggag ggcacctgct tggagaggct cctcagatac
     1021 ctgcagctcc ggaaggagat cgtgctgcgc acaggtgcag gggccgcggg cagctcctcc
     1081 ctctgccctc gggctggggc tcagtctg