LOCUS CELCEH12 125 bp ds-DNA INV 18-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Caenorhabditis elegans ceh-12 homeobox gene ACCESSION X17076 KEYWORDS ceh-12 gene; homeobox. SOURCE Caenorhabditis elegans DNA. ORGANISM Caenorhabditis elegans Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Nemata; Secernentea; Spiruria; Spirurida; Spirurina; Filarioidea; Filariidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 125) AUTHORS Schaller,D.R. JOURNAL Unpublished (1989) STANDARD full automatic REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 125) AUTHORS Schaller,D., Wittmann,C., Spicher,A., Mueller,F. and Tobler,H. TITLE Cloning and analysis of three new homeobox genes from the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 18, 2033-2036 (1990) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT SWISS-PROT; P17487; HM12$CAEEL. *source: library=lambda EMBL4; clone=lambda gceh-12; **map: chromosome=1; From EMBL 26 entry CECEH12; dated 28-MAY-1990. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers intron <1..6 /note="intron" misc_feature 1..6 /note="splice acceptor" mRNA 7..>125 /note="exon" misc_feature 7..54 /note="homeobox" CDS 7..87 /note="open reading frame (27 AA)" /codon_start=7 misc_feature 120..125 /note="polyA signal" BASE COUNT 42 a 28 c 10 g 45 t ORIGIN 1 tttcagatca aaatctggtt ccaaaatcgt cgaatgaaaa acaaacgttg cccatcttca 61 actccaattc aatcaacttc ctcttcttga taatcttttt atatttgatc actttactta 121 ataaa //