LOCUS DJARRN5S 120 bp ss-mRNA INV 18-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Dugesia japonica (Furuyu) 5S ribosomal RNA ACCESSION X01551 KEYWORDS 5S ribosomal RNA; ribosomal RNA. SOURCE Dugesia japonica RNA. ORGANISM Dugesia japonica Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Arthropoda; Chelicerata; Arachnida; Araneae; Orthognatha; Theraphosidae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 120) AUTHORS Ohama,T., Kumazaki,T., Hori,H., Osawa,S. and Takai,M. TITLE Fresh-water planarias and a marine planaria are relatively dissimilar in the 5S rRNA sequences JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 473-476 (1983) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT From EMBL 26 entry DJRRN5S; dated 07-NOV-1985. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers rRNA 1..120 /note="5S rRNA" variation 25..25 /note="C is A in D. japonica (Sanage)" variation 49..49 /note="C is A in D. japonica (Sanage)" variation 50..51 /note="U is inserted in D. japonica (Sanage)" variation 56..56 /note="A is G in D. japonica (Sanage)" variation 59..59 /note="A is G in D. japonica (Sanage)" variation 63..63 /note="U is G in D. japonica (Sanage)" BASE COUNT 24 a 29 c 34 g 33 t ORIGIN 1 gtcgacgctc atactaggtt gggtccaccc gatctcgttc gatctcggca gttaaacaac 61 cttaggcctc gttagtactt gaatgcgtga gcgtctggga atacgaggtg gtgtcgactt //