[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Drosophila en-locus DNA containing homoeo box 48A

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/18/91)

LOCUS       DROHOB48A     600 bp ds-DNA             INV       18-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Drosophila en-locus DNA containing homoeo box 48A
KEYWORDS    homeo box.
SOURCE      Drosophila melanogaster DNA.
  ORGANISM  Drosophila melanogaster
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Arthropoda; Uniramia; Insecta;
            Pterygota; Neoptera; Holometabola; Diptera; Brachycera;
            Cyclorrhapha; Schizophora; Drosophiloidea; Drosophilidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 600)
  AUTHORS   Fjose,A., McGinnis,W.J. and Gehring,W.J.
  TITLE     Isolation of a homoeo box-containing gene from the engrailed region
            of Drosophila and the spatial distribution of its transcripts
  JOURNAL   Nature 313, 284-289 (1985)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     Data kindly reviewed (12-FEB-1986) by W.J. Gehring
            From EMBL 26   entry DMHOB48A;  dated 05-DEC-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             join(34..84,365..493)
                     /product="put. 48A homoeo-box"
     intron          85..364
BASE COUNT      162 a    170 c    139 g    129 t
        1 cgccccaaac agccaaagga caagaccaac gacgagaagc gtccacgcac cgcgttctcc
       61 agcgagcagt tggcccgcct taaggtgaga ttcagttctt ttttccatat atggttatat
      121 ggttatacca atatccatcc atatccatat ccaattgccc tacgcttgtt gtgtcatatt
      181 tgcaccaaaa tattgacacc gcccgctgct aatgcatcct ggcaatgtgg tgtcccgtcc
      241 gtacttaacc aattagccac gctcggccga aaccgcaaat aattgatttt ccctacctga
      301 ctatacaaca tggatatcct tgccatccga aactcatcca gcattccatt tcttccactt
      361 acagcgggag ttcaacgaga atcgatatct gaccgagcgg agacgccagg agctgagcag
      421 cgagttgggc ctgaacgagg cgcagatcaa gatctggttc cagaacaagc gggccaagat
      481 caagaagtcg acgggctcca aaaatccttg gcactgcagc tgatggccca gggattgtac
      541 aaccacacca ccgtgccgct gaccaaggag gaggaggagc tcgagatgcg cattgaacgg