[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Locusta migratoria mRNA for 5-kDa protein precursor flanked by 2

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/18/91)

LOCUS       LMI5KDINS     686 bp ss-mRNA            INV       18-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Locusta migratoria mRNA for 5-kDa protein precursor flanked by 2
            members of insulin superfamily
KEYWORDS    insulin super family; insulin-related peptide.
SOURCE      Locusta migratoria RNA.
  ORGANISM  Locusta migratoria
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Arthropoda; Uniramia; Insecta;
            Pterygota; Neoptera; Orthopterodea; Orthoptera; Caelifera;
            Acrididea; Acridoidea; Acrididae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 686)
  AUTHORS   Lagueux,M.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1989)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 686)
  AUTHORS   Lagueux,M., Lwoff,L., Meister,M., Goltzene,F. and Hoffmann,J.A.
  TITLE     cDNA from neurosecretory cells of brains of Locusta migratoria
            (Insecta, Orthoptera) encoding a novel member of the superfamily of
  JOURNAL   Eur. J. Biochem. 187, 249-254 (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
            *source: develpomental stage=adult female; *source: tissue=brain
            neurosecretory cell region; *source: library=lambda-gt11; clone=A1,
            A4, A6;
            From EMBL 26   entry LM5KDINS;  dated 13-FEB-1990.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             24..458
                     /note="precursor polypeptide (AA -31 to 114)"
     CDS             24..116
                     /note="signal peptide (AA -31 to -1)"
     CDS             117..458
                     /note="B peptide/ 5K peptide/ A peptide (AA 1-114)"
     misc_feature    649..654
                     /note="pot. polyadenylation signal"
     misc_feature    668..673
                     /note="pot. polyadenylation signal"
BASE COUNT      138 a    225 c    194 g    127 t      2 others
        1 gccgcccgac accgcaccca gagatgtgga agctgtgcct ccgactgctc gccgtgctgg
       61 cggtctgcct gtcgacggcc acgcaggcgc agtccgacct gttcctcctg tcgcccaagc
      121 gcagcggcgc gccgcagccc gtcgcccgct actgcggcga gaagctctcc aacgcgctca
      181 agctcgtctg tcgtggcaac tacaacacca tgttcaagaa ggcttcacaa gatgtgtcag
      241 actcggagtc tgaagacaac tactggagcg ggcagtccgc ggacgaggcg gcggaggcgg
      301 cggcggcggc gctgccgccg taccccatcc tggcgcggcc gagcgcgggc gggctgctga
      361 cgggcgcggt gttccggcgg cgcacgcgcg gcgtcttcga cgagtgctgc cgcaagacct
      421 gcagcatcag cgagctgcag acctactgcg gccgccgcta gccgccgcgc cccacaccgc
      481 cgccctccta tttattgtcc ctgcacggct ctcccagctc acgggggcgc cacggcctcc
      541 catcagtatt attcttctta tttcgcattt gtttttactg aaattgtata cgttccatgt
      601 gattcgtaag acgaaagttg gtacaaaaaa ctgttcaaaa ctcgtcaaaa taaatttaca
      661 tgtgcacaat aaaaaaaaaa nnaaaa