[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] E. coli str operon fragment including the end of the gene

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/18/91)

LOCUS       ECOSTR5       405 bp ds-DNA             BCT       18-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  E. coli str operon fragment including the end of the gene (rpsG)
            for ribosomal protein S7 and the beginning of the gene (EF-G) for
            the elongation factor G.
ACCESSION   V00356 J01689
KEYWORDS    elongation factor; ribosomal protein; ribosomal protein S7.
SOURCE      Escherichia coli DNA.
  ORGANISM  Escherichia coli
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 405)
  AUTHORS   Post,L.E. and Nomura,M.
  TITLE     DNA sequences from the str operon of Escherichia coli
  JOURNAL   J. Biol. Chem. 255, 4660-4666 (1980)
  STANDARD  full automatic
            see <ECSTR1> for beginning of S7 (rpsG).
            From EMBL 26   entry ECSTR2;  dated 22-FEB-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             <1..96
                     /product="ribosomal protein S7"
     CDS             127..>405
                     /product="elongation factor G"
BASE COUNT      109 a    112 c     97 g     87 t
        1 aacaaggcgt tcgcacacta ccgttggtta tcccttcgga gttttagtca ccaggcgggc
       61 gcttccagta agcagcccgc tttgggctac ttaaattgaa cgcctaaaag ataaacgagg
      121 aaacaaatgg ctcgtacaac acccatcgca cgctaccgta acatcggtat cagtgcgcac
      181 atcgacgccg gtaaaaccac tactaccgaa cgtattctgt tctacaccgg tgtaaaccat
      241 aaaatcggtg aagttcatga cggcgctgca accatggact ggatggagca ggagcaggaa
      301 cgtggtatta ccatcacttc cgctgcgact actgcattct ggtctggtat ggctaagcag
      361 tatgagccgc atcgcatcaa catcatcgac accccggggc acgtt