[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] E.coli firA gene, firA

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/19/91)

LOCUS       ECOFIRA      1459 bp ds-DNA             BCT       19-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  E.coli firA gene, firA(200) and firA(201) allele, and skp gene (3'
KEYWORDS    firA gene; rifampicin resistance.
SOURCE      Escherichia coli DNA.
  ORGANISM  Escherichia coli
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1459)
  AUTHORS   Dicker,I.B.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Dicker,I.B. and Seetharam,S.R.
  TITLE     Cloning and nucleotide sequence of the firA gene and the
            firA200(ts) allele from Escherichia coli
  JOURNAL   J. Bacteriol. 173, 334-344 (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     *source: strain=K12 MG1655; **map: map position=4 min on K12 map;
            See M21118 for overlapping sequences
            From EMBL 26   entry ECFIRA;  dated 25-FEB-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     allele          replace(770..770,770..770)
     allele          replace(790..790,790..790)
     allele          replace(959..959,959..959)
                     /gene="firA(200) and firA(201)"
     allele          replace(1030..1030,1030..1030)
                     /gene="firA(200) and firA(201)"
     mat_peptide     <1..270
     CDS             <1..273
                     /gene="skp (hlpA)"
     mat_peptide     277..1299
     CDS             277..1302
     repeat_region   330..355
BASE COUNT      370 a    353 c    392 g    344 t
        1 cagtccatga aagcgggcag cgatcgcact aagctggaaa aagacgtgat ggctcagcgc
       61 cagacttttg ctcagaaagc gcaggctttt gagcaggatc gcgcacgtcg ttccaacgaa
      121 gaacgcggca aactggttac tcgtatccag actgctgtga aatccgttgc caacagccag
      181 gatatcgatc tggttgttga tgcaaacgcc gttgcttaca acagcagcga tgtaaaagac
      241 atcactgccg acgtactgaa acaggttaaa taagtaatgc cttcaattcg actggctgat
      301 ttagcgcagc agttggatgc agaactacac ggtgatggcg atatcgtcat caccggcgtt
      361 gcgtccatgc aatctgcaca aacaggtcac attacgttca tggttaaccc aaaataccgt
      421 gagcatttag gcttgtgcca ggcgtccgcg gttgtcatga cccaggacga tcttcctttc
      481 gcgaaaagtg ccgcactggt agtgaagaat ccctacctga cttacgcgcg catggcgcaa
      541 attttagata ccacgccgca gcccgcgcag aacattgcac ccagtgcggt gatcgacgcg
      601 acggcgaagc tgggtaacaa cgtatcgatt ggcgctaacg cggtgattga gtccggcgtt
      661 gaactgggcg ataacgtgat tatcggtgcc ggttgcttcg taggtaaaaa cagcaaaatc
      721 ggtgcaggtt cgcgtctctg ggcgaacgta accatttacc atgagatcca gatcggtcag
      781 aattgcctga tccagtccgg aacagtggta ggcgcagacg gctttggtta tgccaacgat
      841 cgtggtaact gggtgaagat cccacagatt ggtcgcgtaa ttattggcga tcgcgtggag
      901 atcggtgcct gcacaaccat cgatcgcggc gcgctggatg acactattat tggcaatggc
      961 gtgatcattg ataaccagtg ccagattgca cataacgtcg tgattggcga caatacggcg
     1021 gttgccggtg gcgtcattat ggcgggcagc ctgaaaattg gtcgttactg catgatcggc
     1081 ggagccagcg taatcaacgg gcatatggaa atatgcgaca aagtgacggt tacgggcatg
     1141 ggtatggtga tgcgtcccat cactgaacca ggcgtctatt cctcaggcat tccgctgcaa
     1201 cccaacaaag tctggcgcaa aaccgctgca ctggtgatga acattgatga catgagcaag
     1261 cgtctgaaat cgcttgagcg caaggttaat caacaagact aacgttccat cttttgttcg
     1321 ccaaacttta cggcctgtct cattcttacg attgcggcag gccgtgttat tattgtcgtt
     1381 tcttatattt tgacaggaag agtatcttga ctactaacac tcatactctg cagattgaag
     1441 agattttaga acttctgcc