[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Mouse mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase gene exon 9 and 3' flank.

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/22/91)

LOCUS       MUSMTMMD7     452 bp ds-DNA             ORG       22-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Mouse mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase gene exon 9 and 3' flank.
KEYWORDS    mMDH gene; malate dehydrogenase; mitochondrial DNA.
SEGMENT     7 of 7
SOURCE      mouse (Mitochondrion Mus musculus).
  ORGANISM  Mitochondrion Mus musculus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Muridae; Murinae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 452)
  AUTHORS   Takeshima,H., Joh,T., Tsuzuki,T., Shimada,K. and Matsukado,Y.
  TITLE     Structural organization of the mouse mitochondrial malate
            dehydrogenase gene
  JOURNAL   J. Mol. Biol. 200, 1-11 (1988)
  STANDARD  simple automatic
            [1]  no enum..
            *source: library, pHC79
            Data kindly reviewed (23-Dec-1988) by Matsukado Y.
               EMBL features not translated to GenBank features:
               key        from     to       description
               IVS          <1     61       intron VIII
               MSG          62    190       exon 9
               RPT         209    211       direct repeat 4
               RPT         212    214       direct repeat 4
               RPT         215    217       direct repeat 4
               RPT         218    220       direct repeat 4
               RPT         221    223       direct repeat 4
               RPT         223    229       direct repeat 5
               RPT         224    226       direct repeat 4
               RPT         240    246       direct repeat 5
               RPT         247    252       direct repeat 6
               RPT         300    306       direct repeat 5
               RPT         306    312       direct repeat 5
               RPT         324    329       direct repeat 6
               SITE        347    352       poly A signal
               RPT         364    368       direct repeat 7
               RPT         370    374       direct repeat 7
               RPT         394    398       direct repeat 7
               RPT         433    439       direct repeat 8
               RPT         441    447       direct repeat 8
               RPT         446    452       direct repeat 8
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     intron          <1..61
                     /note="mMDH protein, intron F"
     CDS             join(X07295:610..675,X07296:234..402,X07297:100..183,
                     /note="mMDH protein"
     exon            62..193
                     /note="mMDH protein, exon 9 (AA 296-338)"
     repeat_region   209..211
                     /note="direct repeat 4"
     repeat_region   212..214
                     /note="direct repeat 4"
     repeat_region   215..217
                     /note="direct repeat 4"
     repeat_region   218..220
                     /note="direct repeat 4"
     repeat_region   221..223
                     /note="direct repeat 4"
     repeat_region   223..229
                     /note="direct repeat 5"
     repeat_region   224..226
                     /note="direct repeat 4"
     repeat_region   240..246
                     /note="direct repeat 5"
     repeat_region   247..252
                     /note="direct repeat 6"
     repeat_region   300..306
                     /note="direct repeat 5"
     repeat_region   306..312
                     /note="direct repeat 5"
     repeat_region   324..329
                     /note="direct repeat 6"
     repeat_region   364..368
                     /note="direct repeat 7"
     repeat_region   370..374
                     /note="direct repeat 7"
     repeat_region   394..398
                     /note="direct repeat 7"
     repeat_region   433..439
                     /note="direct repeat 8"
     repeat_region   441..447
                     /note="direct repeat 8"
     repeat_region   446..452
                     /note="direct repeat 8"
BASE COUNT      118 a     87 c    113 g    134 t
        1 ttttgtagtt gccaagctag aatgtggttt taacatgtta accgtttccc tttccattca
       61 gaaaaagggc ctggagaaga acctgggcat tggcaagatc actccttttg aggaaaaaat
      121 gattgccgag gctatccctg agctgaaagc ctccatcaag aaaggcgagg actttgtcaa
      181 gaacatgaag tgagaggtgt gagcctcgag cagcagcagc agcagcatcc taacttattc
      241 agcatcatgt ctttggaacc acttgagaat ctagtttgcg ttgatggagg gtgttgagtc
      301 agcatcagca tctcttccaa attatgtctg gtctgttgat aatgacagta aagcaggctc
      361 tgattttctt tttcaaggtc tctgtagatt tccttttcca tcagctcact aatcaggaaa
      421 tagaagtctt atggttgggt ggttgggttg gg