LOCUS SYNLEAQ 66 bp ss-mRNA SYN 22-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Synthetic mRNA leader sequence K. ACCESSION M65241 KEYWORDS promoter region; synthetic DNA. SOURCE Synthetic DNA. ORGANISM Artificial gene Artificial sequences; Genes. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 66) AUTHORS Falcone,D. and Andrews,D.W. TITLE Both the 5' untranslated region and the sequences surrounding the start site contribute to efficient inititation of translation in vitro JOURNAL Mol. Cell. Biol. 11, 2656-2664 (1991) STANDARD simple staff_entry FEATURES Location/Qualifiers misc_feature 1..66 /note="leader sequence K" BASE COUNT 19 a 14 c 16 g 17 t ORIGIN 1 atttaggtga cactatagaa tacaagcttg catgcctgca ggtcgactct agaggatcta 61 ccatgg //