[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Chinese hamster metallothionein II gene

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/22/91)

LOCUS       HAMMTIIG     1126 bp ds-DNA             ROD       22-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Chinese hamster metallothionein II gene
KEYWORDS    metal-binding protein; metallothionein.
SOURCE      Cricetulus griseus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Cricetulus griseus
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Rodentia; Myomorpha; Cricetidae; Cricetinae;
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1126)
  AUTHORS   Grady,D.L.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Grady,D.L., Hildebrand,C.E., Jackson,P.J., Walters,R.A. and
  TITLE     Splicing patterns of the chinese hamster metallothionein II gene
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     *source: strain=chinese hamster ovary cell line; cell type=ovary;
            *source: cell line=200T1; **map: chromosome=3
            From EMBL    entry CGMTIIG;  dated 08-FEB-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     mRNA            join(248..352,592..657,791..>882)
                     /note="metallothionein II"
     CDS             join(325..352,592..657,791..882)
                     /product="metallothionein II"
     misc_feature    15..25
                     /note="putative metal regulatory element"
     misc_feature    40..51
                     /note="putative metal regulatory element"
     misc_signal     66..80
                     /note="putative transcriptional activator"
     misc_signal     83..97
                     /note="putative transcriptional activator"
     misc_feature    122..133
                     /note="putative metal regulatory element"
     misc_signal     138..151
                     /note="putative transcriptional activator"
     misc_signal     156..170
                     /note="putative transcriptional activator"
     misc_feature    177..192
                     /note="putative metal regulatory element"
     misc_feature    198..207
                     /note="putative metal regulatory element"
     misc_feature    224..231
                     /note="putative metal regulatory element"
     prim_transcript 248..>882
                     /note="metallothionein II"
     exon            248..352
     exon            248..352
                     /note="metallothionein II"
     intron          353..591
                     /note="metallothionein II"
     exon            592..657
     exon            592..657
     exon            592..657
                     /note="metallothionein II"
     intron          658..790
                     /note="metallothionein II"
     exon            791..1010
                     /note="metallothionein II"
     polyA_signal    991..996
BASE COUNT      207 a    320 c    309 g    290 t
        1 aagcttccgg gaactgtccc ggtccgagcg cagatccttt gcgctcagtc cgtgggccgt
       61 gcggagaggg gcgtgactca gagcggaggc gtgtgcaggc ggtatcccac gtgcaggaag
      121 agggacgctt gcagtctgcg ggacgtgtgc agtctgcggg ggcgtatgca ggtggtgggc
      181 aacctgggcg gaccttttgc gctgcccaaa tcttcctcta taaggcagcg ctctgcagct
      241 tctctccatc acgccttctc ctagcgctcg gtttctgtgt ttcatcgctc ctcagccggt
      301 ctccaaccgt cgtcttcact cgccatggac cccaactgct cctgtgctac aggtaagggg
      361 gactgctgac gggcctccgc agcctaagtt tctccgagag ctaggcaagg tgtttggggt
      421 cccttctcta gtcactttca gggtactacc tgctgccctt tcccaacgaa ttctggagaa
      481 ccccttttaa ccagtcttca cccaagctgg gtcggggatt tgcacttgag ttcctatggg
      541 aactcctgcg tccaggtgcg tcaggtcgcg ctaactgcct tgtccctgca gatggatcct
      601 gctcctgcgc tgggtcttgc aaatgcaaag agtgcaaatg caccacctgc aagaaaagta
      661 agttggatcc tctctatccc tttacccttc gctctgcatc agcccctagt ccgccctacc
      721 atcccgggag catccaggtg tggtgcctct gactcagttt ttccgctcac ggtcaactct
      781 tctcctctag gctgctgctc ctgctgcccg gtgggctgtg cgaagtgctc ccagggctgc
      841 gtctgcaaag aggcttcgga caagtgcagc tgctgcgcct gaagtgggat tcccctcagc
      901 tgcctgtaaa tagagcaatg tgtagaaacg tatttttttt tacaaccccg gcctattcgc
      961 cacacccctt tctataaagc atgtaattga taataaaagc gttgacttga ttaactcagc
     1021 ttgtctttgt gtgcattgga aataagggac tgggcggagt ttgaaatgga actgcagagg
     1081 cttgagttct ggactcaaat actagtttgt ggcttgggct gtcagg