preece@uicsl.UUCP (11/22/83)
#R:u1100a:-38900:uicsl:5400040:000:715 uicsl!preece Nov 14 14:30:00 1983 I doubt you could establish a relationship between religious belief and education. Certainly for example one could name there is an equally educated example on the other side of the balance. I suspect that the more educated are likely to have a less literal view of religious teachings and a better defined image of their relationship with their preceived god. This probably means fewer fence sitters. Anecdotal evidence is worth very little; my own is that almost all the well-educated people whose religious positions I know do believe strongly in some kind of god. I suspect that susceptibility to religious belief is a much deeper element in the psyche than education. scott preece ihnp4!uiucdcs!uicsl!preece