LOCUS MYCRRN5S 107 bp ss-mRNA BCT 22-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Mycoplasma mycoides 5S rRNA ACCESSION X06099 KEYWORDS 5S ribosomal RNA; ribosomal RNA. SOURCE Mycoplasma mycoides RNA. ORGANISM Mycoplasma mycoides Prokaryota; Bacteria; Tenericutes; Mollicutes; Mycoplasmas; Mycoplasmatales; Mycoplasmataceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 107) AUTHORS Walker,R.T., Chelton,E.T., Kilpatrick,M.W., Rogers,M.J. and Simmons,J. TITLE The nucleotide sequence of the 5S rRNA fom Spiroplasma species BC3 and Mycoplasma mycoides SP. capri PG3 JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 10, 6363-6367 (1982) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT *source: strain=sp. capri PE-3; Data kindly reviewed (11-DEC-1988) From EMBL 26 entry MMRRN5S; dated 18-MAR-1991. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers rRNA 1..107 /note="5S rRNA" BASE COUNT 33 a 20 c 25 g 29 t ORIGIN 1 ttggtggtat agcatagagg tcacacctgt tcccatgccg aacacagaag ttaagctcta 61 ttacggtgaa aatattactt atgtgagaag atagcaagct gccagtt //