[net.space] lunar eclipses

OTA@S1-A@sri-unix (05/27/82)

From: Ted Anderson <OTA at S1-A>
 26-May-82  1053	KING at KESTREL 	lunar eclipses    
Date: Wednesday, 26 May 1982  10:55-PDT
Subject: lunar eclipses
To: space-request at mit-mc
cc: King at KESTREL

	Does anyone know when the Lunar eclipses will take place this


WILKINS@SRI-AI@sri-unix (05/28/82)

From: WILKINS at SRI-AI (Wilkins )

According to an article in The Mother Earth News Magazine (and probably
other publications as well, but TMEN is the one I read) there will be 
not one, but TWO total lunar eclipses during 1982.  The first will occur
on July 6th, the second on December 30th; both will be visible through-
out most of the United States.  

With volcanic dust from Mt. St. Helen's still in Earth's atmosphere, the 
color displays across the face of the Moon should be spectacular.  And, 
if you miss both of these eclipses, you probably won't get another chance 
to see one (unless you travel a lot, and unless your travel coincides 
with an eclipse elsewhere in the world) until close to the end of this 

So "...don't miss that rare and beautiful hour when the fair face of the 
Moon is shadowed and rose-tinted...you'll be glad you gave up your warm
and comfortable bed for it."

Here's the timetable: 
                           July 6


12:22a.m.  moon enters penumbra
 1:33a.m.  moon enters umbra; partial phase begins
 2:38a.m.  moon completely in umbra; total eclipse begins
 3:31a.m.  mid-eclipse 
 4:24a.m.  moon begins to leave umbra; total eclipse ends
 5:29a.m.  moon leaves umbra; partial phase ends 
*5:35a.m.  sunrise
*5:50a.m.  moonset 
 6:40a.m.  moon leaves penumbra

                         December 30


 3:52a.m.  moon enters penumbra 
 4:50a.m.  moon enters umbra; partial phase begins
 5:58a.m.  moon completely in umbra; total eclipse begins 
 6:29a.m.  mid-eclipse
 6:59a.m.  moon begins to leave umbra; total eclipse ends
*7:20a.m.  sunrise 
*7:35a.m.  moonset  
 8:07a.m.  moon leaves umbra; partial phase ends  
 9:06a.m.  moon leaves penumbra

               *Approximate times for latitude 40 degrees north  in
		the middle of the eastern time zone.   If you're
		better at math than I am (and 'most  anybody is) you
		can figure exact times for  "here".

Happy viewing! 

