[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Proteus vulgaris 5S ribosomal RNA

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/22/91)

LOCUS       PRMRN5S       120 bp ss-mRNA            BCT       22-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Proteus vulgaris 5S ribosomal RNA
KEYWORDS    5S ribosomal RNA; ribosomal RNA.
SOURCE      Proteus vulgaris RNA.
  ORGANISM  Proteus vulgaris
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 120)
  AUTHORS   Fischel,J.L. and Ebel,J.P.
  TITLE     Sequence studies on the 5S RNA of proteus vulgaris: comparison with
            the 5S RNA of escherichia coli.
  JOURNAL   Biochimie 57, 899-904 (1975)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL 26   entry PVRN5S;  dated 18-MAR-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     rRNA            1..120
                     /note="5S ribosomal RNA"
BASE COUNT       25 a     31 c     39 g     25 t
        1 tgtctggcgg ccatagcgca gtggtcccac ctgatcccat gccgaactca gaagtgaaac
       61 gttgtagcgc cgatgatggt gtggggtctc cccatgtgag agtagggaac tgccaggcat