LOCUS RSPRN5S 120 bp ss-mRNA BCT 22-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Rhodospirillum rubrum 5s rRNA ACCESSION X02044 KEYWORDS 5S ribosomal RNA; ribosomal RNA. SOURCE Rhodospirillum rubrum RNA. ORGANISM Rhodospirillum rubrum Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Anoxyphotobacteria; Purple nonsulfur bacteria. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 120) AUTHORS Newhouse,N., Nicoghosian,K. and Cedergren,R.J. TITLE The nucleotide sequence of phenylalanine tRNA and 5S RNA from Rhodospirillum rubrum JOURNAL Can. J. Biochem. 59, 921-932 (1981) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT From EMBL 26 entry RRRN5S; dated 18-MAR-1991. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers rRNA 1..120 /note="5S rRNA" BASE COUNT 22 a 37 c 39 g 22 t ORIGIN 1 tggcctggtg gtcattgcgg gctcgaaaca cccgatccca tcccgaactc ggccgtgaaa 61 gagccctgcg ccaatggtac tgcgtcttaa ggcgtgggag agtaggtcgc cgccaggcct //