LOCUS BACAMYM 537 bp ds-DNA BCT 22-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Bacillus amyloliquefaciens gene fragment encoding alpha-amylase. (EC ACCESSION V00092 KEYWORDS amylase; amylase-alpha; signal peptide. SOURCE Bacillus amyloliquefaciens DNA. ORGANISM Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Prokaryota; Bacteria; Firmicutes; Endospore-forming rods and cocci; Bacillaceae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 537) AUTHORS Palva,I., Pettersson,R.F., Kalkkinen,N., Lehtovaara,P., Sarvas,M., Soederlund,H., Takkinen,K. and Kaeaeriaeinen,L. TITLE Nucleotide sequence of the promoter and NH2-terminal signal peptide region of the alpha-amylase gene from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens JOURNAL Gene 15, 43-51 (1981) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT SWISS-PROT; P00692; AMY$BACAM. From EMBL 26 entry BAAMYL; dated 19-MAR-1991. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 250..>537 /note="amylase" /codon_start=250 CDS 250..342 /note="signal peptide" /codon_start=250 BASE COUNT 171 a 90 c 129 g 147 t ORIGIN 1 gccccgcaca tacgaaaaga ctggctgaaa acattgagcc tttgatgact gatgatttgg 61 ctgaagaagt ggatcgattg tttgagaaaa gaagaagacc ataaaaatac cttgtctgtc 121 atcagacagg gtatttttta tgctgtccag actgtccgct gtgtaaaaat aaggaataaa 181 ggggggttgt tattatttta ctgatatgta aaatataatt tgtataagaa aatgagaggg 241 agaggaaaca tgattcaaaa acgaaagcgg acagtttcgt tcagacttgt gcttatgtgc 301 acgctgttat ttgtcagttt gccgattaca aaaacatcag ccgtaaatgg cacgctgatg 361 cagtattttg aatggtatac gccgaacgac ggccagcatt ggaaacgatt gcagaatgat 421 gcggaacatt tatcggatat cggaatcact gccgtctgga ttcctcccgc atacaaagga 481 ttgagccaat ccgataacgg atacggacct tatgatttgt atgatttagg agaattc //