[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Human alpha-2 pseudogene of alpha-globin gene cluster

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/22/91)

LOCUS       HUMAGL2P     1550 bp ds-DNA             PRI       22-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Human alpha-2 pseudogene of alpha-globin gene cluster
ACCESSION   X03583 M12605
KEYWORDS    alpha-globin; globin; insertion sequence; pseudogene.
SOURCE      Homo sapiens DNA.
  ORGANISM  Homo sapiens
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Mammalia;
            Theria; Eutheria; Primates; Haplorhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 1550)
  AUTHORS   Hardison,R.C., Sawada,I., Cheng,J.-F., Shen,C.-K.J. and Schmid,C.W.
  TITLE     A previously undetected pseudogene in the human alpha globin gene
  JOURNAL   Nucleic Acids Res. 14, 1903-1911 (1986)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL 26   entry HSAGL2P;  dated 28-MAR-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     misc_feature    68..151
                     /note="seq. homologous to alpha 2 globin (a2) gene exon 1
     repeat_region   154..159
                     /note="direct repeat 1"
     insertion_seq   160..562
                     /note="inserted sequence"
     repeat_region   563..568
                     /note="direct repeat 1"
     misc_feature    569..570
                     /note="seq. homologous to a2 exon 1 fragment"
     intron          571..996
                     /note="psi-a2 intron I"
     repeat_region   647..654
                     /note="direct repeat 2"
     insertion_seq   655..924
                     /note="inserted sequence"
     repeat_region   925..933
                     /note="direct repeat 2"
     misc_feature    997..1186
                     /note="seq. homologous to a2 exon 2"
     intron          1187..1293
                     /note="psi-a2 intron II"
     misc_feature    1294..1418
                     /note="seq. homologous to a2 exon 3"
     misc_feature    1456..1461
                     /note="pot. polyA signal"
BASE COUNT      246 a    482 c    536 g    286 t
        1 gcgatctggg ctctgtgttc tcagtattgg agggaaggag gggagaagct gagtgatggg
       61 tccgggggct tcgaggaact cggtcgtccc cactgtcgtc gcggcctggg gttcacttgg
      121 ggggcgcctt ggggaggttc tagcccctga gcaccggagc tgcggccccg ggtggagcgg
      181 aagtcccggg ccggcccgcg cgtctcctgg ggtccttgag tcggacgggc gtttgtgcgt
      241 ctcccggctt cccatatcgc acaaagattg tcacttcact aagcgtattg gaagcgtgtc
      301 ggggctcagg gaacttttcc acaaagcctg acgtccgaat cccgggactc tggcagctac
      361 gggggtccct gaggccggtc cctccccgac tcctaagaga gtagggggtt tcctgcccgg
      421 tgttctctct ccggttcctc ccatgtgctc cctcctggca gagcagtaac tttacccgag
      481 gggagtaaac agatgcccct aaagtctgca gtaaaggttg ccacgcgcaa cggcgtgggt
      541 caatgccaga aaccctggga tcccggaggt cggaggcctc cacacagacg ggaacccggg
      601 ctggttacgt tccccggcgc aggcaggtcc ccgcgcttcc cgccgcgctc gggccgataa
      661 ggacgggcgg ggtgccaggc tctataagga ggccagggcg gcgggcgcgg cccagagcac
      721 gtcagcgcgc catgctcagc gcccaggacg cgcccaaatc gcgcagtctg gacctattcg
      781 cccggacgag gcgcaattcg gggcggagct gctgctcagg tcggtagagg cggggtctcc
      841 gggagctcag ggaggtggag atgagggttt tgggcgcgtg ggccgccaac gccatccaag
      901 gtccttcggg tgcggatccc cggggctctg ggcggtgtgg gcgtagtgaa gccccacgca
      961 gccgccctcc tccccggtca ctgactggtc ctgcaggctc ttcacggtgt accccagcac
     1021 caaggtctac ttcccgcacc tgagcgcctg ccaggacgac gcagctgctg agccacggga
     1081 gcgcatctgc ggctgtggcg cggcggtgca gcacgtggac aacctgcgcg cctgagcccg
     1141 ctggcggacc tgacgctcgt tgcgcgtgga cccagccaac tttccggtga ggcctttccg
     1201 gccggggcaa tggtgcatcg cctagccggg atgggggggc tctgggggtc cctagcgggg
     1261 cagaccccgt ctcaccggcc ccttctcctg cagctgctaa tccagtgttt ccacgtcgtg
     1321 ctggcctccc acctgcagga cgagttcacc gtgcaaatgc aagcggcgtg ggacaagttc
     1381 ctgactggtg tggccgtggt gctgaccgaa aaatacgctg agccctgtgc tgcgaggcct
     1441 tggtctgtgc atgtcaataa acagaggccc gaaccatctg cccctgcctg tgtggtcttt
     1501 ggggagctag caaagcgagg tcactattgt tggccagtaa gctcagggac