LOCUS HIVNEFAAB 311 bp ss-mRNA UNA 02-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Human immunodeficiency vitus type 1 nef gene (put.), partial sequence. ACCESSION M38033 KEYWORDS nef protein. SOURCE Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (strain HTLV-IIIB), cDNA to mRNA, clone pNef(3B)-10. ORGANISM Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus; Retroviridae; Lentivirinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 311) AUTHORS Robert-Guroff,M., Popovic,M., Gartner,S., Markham,P., Gallo,R.C. and Reitz,M.S. TITLE Structure and expression of tat-, rev-, and nef-specific transcripts of human ummunodeficiency virus type 1 in infected lymphocytes and macrophages JOURNAL J. Virol. 64, 3391-3398 (1990) STANDARD simple staff_entry BASE COUNT 97 a 77 c 91 g 46 t ORIGIN 1 gagctctctc gacgcaggac tcggcttgct gaagcgcgca cggcaagagg cgaggggcgg 61 cgagtgactc tgctataaga aaggccttat taggacacat agttagccct aggtgtgaat 121 atcaagcagg acataacaag gaagaagcgg agacagcgac gaagacctcc tcaaggcagt 181 cagactcatc aagtttctct atcaaagcaa cccacctccc aaccccgggg ggacccgaca 241 ggcccgaagg aatagaagaa gaaggtggag agagagacag agacagatcc attcgattag 301 tgaacggatc c // (05/23/91)
LOCUS HIVNEFAAB 311 bp ss-mRNA VRL 23-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Human immunodeficiency vitus type 1 nef gene (put.), partial sequence. ACCESSION M38033 KEYWORDS nef protein. SOURCE Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (strain HTLV-IIIB), cDNA to mRNA, clone pNef(3B)-10. ORGANISM Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Viridae; ss-RNA enveloped viruses; Positive strand RNA virus; Retroviridae; Lentivirinae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 311) AUTHORS Robert-Guroff,M., Popovic,M., Gartner,S., Markham,P., Gallo,R.C. and Reitz,M.S. TITLE Structure and expression of tat-, rev-, and nef-specific transcripts of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in infected lymphocytes and macrophages JOURNAL J. Virol. 64, 3391-3398 (1990) STANDARD simple staff_entry BASE COUNT 97 a 77 c 91 g 46 t ORIGIN 1 gagctctctc gacgcaggac tcggcttgct gaagcgcgca cggcaagagg cgaggggcgg 61 cgagtgactc tgctataaga aaggccttat taggacacat agttagccct aggtgtgaat 121 atcaagcagg acataacaag gaagaagcgg agacagcgac gaagacctcc tcaaggcagt 181 cagactcatc aagtttctct atcaaagcaa cccacctccc aaccccgggg ggacccgaca 241 ggcccgaagg aatagaagaa gaaggtggag agagagacag agacagatcc attcgattag 301 tgaacggatc c //