[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] Barley yellow dwarf virus coat protein mRNA isolate P-PAV

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/25/91)

LOCUS       BYDBYDVC      603 bp ss-mRNA            VRL       25-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  Barley yellow dwarf virus coat protein mRNA isolate P-PAV
KEYWORDS    coat protein.
SOURCE      Barley yellow dwarf virus RNA.
  ORGANISM  Barley yellow dwarf virus
            Viridae; ss-RNA nonenveloped viruses; Isometric ss-RNA viruses;
REFERENCE   1  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Vincent,J.R.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1989)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 603)
  AUTHORS   Vincent,J.R., Ueng,P.P., Lister,R.M. and Larkins,B.A.
  TITLE     Nucleotide sequences of coat protein sequences for three isolates
            of barley yellow dwarf virus and their relationships to other
            luteovirus coat protein sequences.
  JOURNAL   J. Gen. Virol. 71, 2791-2799 (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL 26   entry LUBYDVC;  dated 12-APR-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     CDS             1..603
                     /product="viral coat protein"
     CDS             44..505
                     /note="internal reading frame"
BASE COUNT      179 a    156 c    150 g    118 t
        1 atgaattcag taggccgtag aggacctaga cgcgcaaatc aaaatggcac aagaaggagg
       61 cgccgtagaa cagttcggcc agtggttgtg gtccaaccca atcgagcagg acccagacga
      121 cgaaatggtc gacgcaaggg aagaggaggg gcaaatcctg tatttagacc aacaggcggg
      181 actgaggtat tcgtattctc agtcgacaac cttaaagcca actcctccgg ggcaatcaaa
      241 ttcggcccca gtctatcgca atgcccagcg ctttcagacg gaatacttaa gtcctaccac
      301 cgttacaaga tcacaagtat ccgtgttgag tttaagtcac acgcgtccgc aactacggcc
      361 ggcgctatct ttattgaact cgacaccgcg tgcaaacaat cagccctggg tagctacatt
      421 aattccttca caatcagcag gaccgccgca aaggtcttca gagccgaagc gattaacggg
      481 aaggaattcc aggaatcaac gatagaccag ttttggatgc tctacaaggc caatggaacc
      541 accactgaca cggcaggaca attcattatc acgatgagtg tcagtttgat gacggccaaa
      601 tag