[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] T. cruzi mRNA for cysteine proteinase

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/25/91)

LOCUS       TRCCRUZIP     767 bp ss-mRNA            INV       25-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  T. cruzi mRNA for cysteine proteinase (cruzipain)
KEYWORDS    cysteine proteinase.
SOURCE      Trypanosoma cruzi RNA.
  ORGANISM  Trypanosoma cruzi
            Eukaryota; Animalia; Protozoa; Sarcomastigophora; Mastigophora;
            Kinetoplastida; Trypanosomatina; Trypanosomatidae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 767)
  AUTHORS   Aaslund,L.
  JOURNAL   Unpublished (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
REFERENCE   2  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Aslund,L., Henriksson,J., Campetella,O., Frasch,A.C.C.,
            Pettersson,U. and Cazzulo,J.
  TITLE     The C-terminal extension of the major cysteine proteinase
            (cruzipain) from Trypanosoma cruzi
  JOURNAL   Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 45, 345-348 (1991)
  STANDARD  full staff_review
COMMENT     From EMBL 26   entry TCCRUZIP;  dated 19-APR-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     mRNA            <1..767
                     /note="cysteine proteinase"
     CDS             <1..522
                     /product="cysteine proteinase"
     polyA_signal    611..617
BASE COUNT      150 a    219 c    203 g    195 t
        1 gccgcagtgc cgtactggat catcaagaac tcgtggaccg cgcagtgggg cgaggatggc
       61 tacatccgca ttgcaaaggg ctcgaaccag tgccttgtca aggaggaggc gagctccgcg
      121 gtggtcggtg gccccggacc cactcccgag ccaaccacca cgacgaccac aagtgcccca
      181 ggaccgtccc catcgtactt tgtgcagatg tcctgcactg acgccgcgtg cattgtcggg
      241 tgcgagaacg tgacgttacc gaccggtcag tgtctcctga ccaccagcgg cgtctctgcc
      301 attgtcacgt gcggtgctga gactctcaca gaggaagtct tctttacgag tacgcactgc
      361 agcggcccat cggtgaggtc ctctgttcct ctcaaccaat gcaaccggct tttaagaggc
      421 tccgttgagt tcttctgcgg ctccagctcc agtggccgac tggccgacgt ggacaggcag
      481 cgtcgctatc agccatacca cagccgtcat cgccgcctct gagggcactc tttgtttctg
      541 atgctgcctt ttttctcatt ttactttttt attattattg agcgagcgtc ggtgctgcgg
      601 cacactgggc aaataagtcc cagtggagtg gattgtttat tgatttgctc catgtattta
      661 ttttcttttt tgagcacaac tgcaaatatg tgtccgcgat cgacgtctca gccacgcgtg
      721 tgttttttct attatatgct tctgttgagc gcccgaaaaa aaaaaaa