[bionet.molbio.genbank.updates] S.typhimurium tonB gene and P14 gene, partial cds

GenBank-Updates@genbank.bio.net (05/25/91)

LOCUS       STYTONB       944 bp ds-DNA             BCT       25-MAY-1991
DEFINITION  S.typhimurium tonB gene and P14 gene, partial cds
KEYWORDS    P14 gene; membrane transport protein; tonB gene.
SOURCE      Salmonella typhimurium DNA.
  ORGANISM  Salmonella typhimurium
            Prokaryota; Bacteria; Gracilicutes; Scotobacteria;
            Facultatively anaerobic rods; Enterobacteriaceae.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 1 to 944)
  AUTHORS   Hannavy,K., Barr,G.C., Dorman,C.J., Adamson,J.W., Mazengera,L.R.,
            Gallagher,M.P., Evans,J.S., Levine,B.A., Trayer,I.P. and
  TITLE     TonB protein of Salmonella typhimurium
  JOURNAL   J. Mol. Biol. 216, 897-910 (1990)
  STANDARD  full automatic
COMMENT     From EMBL 26   entry STTONB;  dated 24-APR-1991.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     -35_signal      53..58
     -10_signal      77..82
     prim_transcript 86..>944
     CDS             121..843
                     /product="tonB protein"
     repeat_unit     850..864
     repeat_unit     877..889
     CDS             complement(903..>944)
                     /product="P14 protein"
BASE COUNT      229 a    265 c    253 g    197 t
        1 caatgtaaag ataccgcact ttgttaaatg ccgctatcac aggattgcct tattgaatat
       61 gattgctatt tgcatttaaa attcagctct ggtttttcaa ctgaaacgat tatgacttca
      121 atgacccttg atttacctcg tcgctttccc tggccgacac tcctttccgt aggcattcat
      181 ggtgctgtag tggcaggttt gctctatacc tcggtacatc aggttattga attgcctgcg
      241 ccaccgcagc ctatcacggt gacaatggtt tcacccgctg acctggagcc cacggttcag
      301 ccgccgccgg agccggtggt tgaacccgaa cccgaaccgg agccagagcc gatccctgaa
      361 ccgcctaaag aagcgcccgt ggtgattgag aaacccaaac ctaagccaaa acccaagcca
      421 aaaccgaaac cggtgaaaaa ggttgaagag cagccgaagc gcgaagtcaa accagccgcg
      481 ccgcgtcctg cctcaccgtt tgaaaatagc gccccggtgc ggccaacaag cagcaccgca
      541 tcggcgacca gcaagcccgc ggtgagcgtg cccactggac ctcgcgctct gagccgtaac
      601 cagccgcagt atccggcgcg acgacaggcg ttacgtattg aaggccgcgt aaaggtgaag
      661 tttgacgtga cctctgctgg gcgagtggaa aatgtacaga ttctatccgc gcagccagcc
      721 aatatgtttg agcgtgaagt taagaatgcg atgcgaaaat ggcgctatga agcaggcaag
      781 ccgggttccg ggctggtggt caatattatc ttccgtctga acggtacggc gcagattgag
      841 taatctctgg cgccgccagc caggaatata ccatcacctg ctggcggcgt aagcgggtat
      901 acttaaccct gaaccgggag cgggcgaggt ttaccgtcgg atcc