LOCUS AL33DMOR5 421 bp ds-DNA PHG 25-MAY-1991 DEFINITION Bacteriophage alpha3 deletion mutatnt DNA for origin region (-ori) of replication. ACCESSION X15717 KEYWORDS origin of replication. SOURCE Bacteriophage alpha3 DNA. ORGANISM Bacteriophage alpha3 Viridae; ds-DNA nonenveloped viruses; Siphoviridae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 421) AUTHORS Kodaira,K.I. JOURNAL Unpublished (1989) STANDARD full automatic REFERENCE 2 (sites) AUTHORS Nakano,K., Kodaira,K.I. and Taketo,A. TITLE Properties of the bacteriophage alpha3 mutants with deletion and/or insertion in the complementary strand origin JOURNAL Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1048, 43-49 (1990) STANDARD full staff_review COMMENT *source: clone=delo 2006; See <J02444>,<M25640>,<X13332>,<X15713> to <X15716>, and <X15718> to <X15721> for other -ori sequences. Data kindly reviewed (06-JAN-1990) by Kodaiva K.-I. From EMBL entry BA3DMOR5; dated 16-JAN-1991. BASE COUNT 90 a 105 c 116 g 110 t ORIGIN 1 agtccttcag ccgcttaaat aaaaggctgc cgcactcccg gttagatgcc tgcccagtgt 61 agggcagacc gagccgaccc gataaactag ataaactagg aacgtggaag gcgttagccg 121 ccttccctcc tgctaagccc aaaaaggagt tacagcgatg ttaggtgccg ttgttggtgg 181 cattgcctca gccttagcta gtggtgccgc ttcgaaatta tttggaggct ctcagcgtgg 241 agtttctgtt atgcagcaag gtgccgagtc tgccggattg actaacggcg gcggcgccat 301 ttctatggat aatgaccaag gtattcagtc tgctattcaa ggctcgaatg ttcctcctgc 361 tggtcagctt cctgagtctc agaactctgg tgttatggct gatgctggta acatgcttcg 421 t //