LOCUS PQBQBET 239 bp ss-mRNA PHG 25-MAY-1991 DEFINITION first half of the phage Q-beta gene for coat protein. ACCESSION V00643 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Bacteriophage Q-beta RNA. ORGANISM Bacteriophage Q-beta Viridae; ss-RNA nonenveloped viruses; Isometric ss-RNA viruses; Leviviridae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 239) AUTHORS Escarmis,C., Sastry,P.A. and Billeter,M.A. TITLE determination of the first half of the coat protein cistron of bacteriophage Q-beta as an application of a mapping procedure for RNA fragments JOURNAL J. Biol. Chem. 253, 8390-8399 (1978) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT KST QBETA From EMBL entry LEQBET; dated 09-JUN-1982. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS <1..>239 /note="reading frame (coat protein) (239 is 2nd base in codon)" /codon_start=1 BASE COUNT 62 a 61 c 59 g 57 t ORIGIN 1 gcaaaattag agactgttac tttaggtaac atcgggaaag atggaaaaca aactctggtc 61 ctcaatccgc gtggggtaaa tcccactaac ggcgttgcct cgctttcaca agcgggtgca 121 gttcctgcgc tggagaagcg tgttaccgtt tcggtatctc agccttctcg caatcgtaag 181 aactacaagg tccaggttaa gatccagaac ccgaccgctt gcactgcaaa cggttcttg //