LOCUS PG4G4KX 186 bp ds-DNA PHG 25-MAY-1991 DEFINITION K gene of phage G4. ACCESSION V00656 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Bacteriophage G4 DNA. ORGANISM Bacteriophage G4 Viridae; ss-DNA nonenveloped viruses; Microviridae. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 186) AUTHORS Shaw,D.C., Walker,J.E., Northrop,F.D., Barrell,B.G., Godson,G.N. and Fiddes,J.C. TITLE Gene K, a new overlapping gene in bacteriophage G4 JOURNAL Nature 272, 510-515 (1978) STANDARD full automatic COMMENT SWISS-PROT; P03654; VGK$BPG4. KST G4K From EMBL entry MIG4KX; dated 09-JUN-1982. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers CDS 16..183 /note="reading frame (K protein)" /codon_start=16 BASE COUNT 59 a 38 c 37 g 52 t ORIGIN 1 gtacggatat ttctgatgaa accaaaaact acgttgcttc tgcaggaatt gctgttgcta 61 acttacgaat taaatcgaag tggactgctg gtggaaaatg aggaaattca atctcaactt 121 aaaaaactcg aggtcgtctt actttgcaac ctttcgccat catctcaacg tgctggcaaa 181 aactga //